• 締切済み


仕事の都合で海外滞在中なのですが、子供の学校の文書の日本語訳ができず頭を抱えています。翻訳ソフトで試みたのですが、肝心のところは意味不明になってしまいます。どなたか助けていただけないでしょうか。 Values: To be encouraged, modelled and explored Over the past eighteen months, the task of defining the key values to be promoted at Queens School has been undertaken. During this time some ideas have changed and the release of the revised National Curriculum has provided further information for consideration. The Board of Trustees is committed to 'getting it right'. To ensure that this is the case, and to make certain that all stakeholders (community, staff and students) 'have their say', you are asked to select from the list below, the four most important values that you consider shoud be promoted at Queens. Please place a tick in the box next to the values you choose. All values are important and will be actively encouraged. We want to be able to decide on those which are most important. If you wish to include values other than the examples given, please record them in the spare places in the list. respect cooperation integrity honesty ecological sustainability self belief community and participation perseverance equity citizenship diversity innovation and inquiry excellence Please complete this survey and return it to the school office. Thank you for taking part in this important survey.



Queens School のような学校は,日本よりも厳しい評価対象にされています.今後のあるべき姿は常に追求されています.すべてのstakeholders からのフィードバックが必須なのですね. さて,18ヶ月に渡って検討タスクが走ってきたが,その中でいろんな考え方が変化したし,国のカリキュラムが改定されたことで,あらためて検討したい.そこで,あらためてstakeholders の意見を集約したいので,その学校で推進すべきと考える「価値(values)」の例を挙げるが,これらは全て重要であると考えているが,さらにあなたがこれらの中で最も重要と考えるものを4個選んで,その隣にある箱マークの中にチェックマーク(tick)を入れてくださいと言っています.また,このリストには無いけれどもあなたが最も重要と考えるものが他にあれば,空白部分に記入してくださいと追加しています.書き終えたものは学校に届けてくださいと. 以上,要旨です.

  • ベストアンサー率20% (2/10)

あなたにとっての重点教育項目は何かということです。 4つ選べとありますね。(余白に別項目を付けたし可)



  • 英語を日本語に訳して頂けますか??

    自分では所々理解できず困っています...。 よろしくお願いします。 i will go to japan this summer always want to .... i will try to go there in my birthday so you can say happy birthday to me in person ... i be so happy really happy for you to be the first one to say it ...... :) and i be so glad for you to show me around..... and remember this,your emails and you are special to me ..... so please dont ever think that you are bother me ... I love you emails and love you! i am glad that you are special for me and hoping to see you soon .... You are so beautiful and sweet.

  • 英文の日本語訳をお願いします

    意味はだいたいわかるのですが、訳すとなるのと上手に訳せません。 どなたか分かりやすい日本語に訳していただけないでしょうか。 1)1)They say that men have more responsiblities than women : a make the important family decisions, and therefore it is right for men to be paid more. 2)If women are encouraged by equal pay to take full-time jobs, they will be unable to do the things they are best at doing : making a comfortable home and bringing up children.They will have to give up their traditional position in society. 3)This is exactly what they want to give up, the women who disagree say. They want to escape from the limited place which society expects them to fill, and to have freedom to choose between a career or home life, or a mixture of the two. それから、下の文の最後のほうの being are のようなbe動詞が続いている文は初めて見た気がするのですが、どういう風に訳せばよいのでしょうか? They point out that the meaning of this sentence was "all human beings are created equal." 質問が多くてすみません。 1つでも教えていただけたら助かります。

  • 英文を日本語に訳してください

    In email you don`t have the benefit of body language. All you have are words, so it`s important to learn how to use only your words very carefully to create your own email body language. When you learn this, you will be making a real connection - and that`s what good customer care is all about.

  • 日本語に訳してください

    please i sent you an email did you see it please go trough it and get back to me ok i am waiting to hear from you, and you know this is something concerning relationship we have to be streghtford to each other please i don,t need dissapointment or somthing that will break my heart, you know i love you from my inner heart and i am gooing to live with you forever as a wife and my spirit is telling me strongly that you are going to be my house wife and i believe that, please hoping to hear from you ok my love,

  • 英文を日本語にしてください。

    USPSで荷物を送ってもらってたのですが、 その荷物を検索したら以下のような文章が出てきました。 どなたか日本語にしていただけないでしょうか? We have received notice that the originating post is preparing to dispatch this mail piece. Additional information for this item is stored in files offline. Additional Information for this item is stored in files offline. You may request that the additional information be retrieved from the archives, and that we send you an e-mail when this retrieval is complete. Requests to retrieve additional information are generally processed within four hours. This information will remain online for 30 days. よろしくお願いいたします

  • 日本語に訳してください!

    日本語に訳してください! 宜しくお願いします。意訳も歓迎です! His Ascendant falls in conjunction with your fourth house cusp. This is interesting. The fourth house is the home, also ones roots and origins, ones past, since you did not grow up in the same place with similar roots, we know this cusp conjunction is for the future. Not the past. And yet its being there suggests there may be some similarities in your early life, or early upbringing. The fourth house is the home, and this cusp shows that given the right circumstance you will very likely come to live together. The fourth house is quite important in love and intimate relationships The connection between the two chart shows that while living together you’d feel secure. Then creative elements of relationship would develop. Your talents. His talents, both would be brought out more by this aspect. This also means that the relationships strengths and all its new directions and plans, would be nurtured in your domestic or home and family life It also tends to be found in relationship that begin at a time in your life when you feel insecure and unhappy in your own home life, or feel that you are on the way down either materially or emotionally in the place you are living life. Feeling of needed a new direction, a new future, that when he comes along he can provide that, or can show you the way towards your destiny. That a life that is more in keeping with your inner soul and it is more you, can emerge from this union.. He too will have found this., that you can give him the basis and emotional support he needs to be himself. He will meet you at a time when he feels he is less secure, even though he knows where his direction lies. You will both feel that love lifts you up to a better level. This aspect also means that he has a promising career. His career and position in life, and where it can lead to as he rises will count, and may be one of the things that will attracted you to him

  • この英文日本語訳してください

    I gotta give it to the Japanese! The American comedians have to study and learn from these dudes because they are the veterans in this business and are very different than the other younger comedians, even the musicians become big whenever they get back-slapped by Hamada. They must have a  lot of respect for them as comedians and doing music shows, plus other things. I said that you obviously know what kind of shows I was referring to, because I already mentioned which ones I disliked, dumbshit. The ones with drunk, low IQ teenagers making out in  bathtubs. And I didn't say reality tv had to be shitty, just the ones we get in tv in the western world. except that i dont watch shows like that? what a stupid assumption that was to make. and then you act like IM the stupid one. lol. the fact is if you watch shows like this, you are much closer to watching reality tv than  i am. so think before you speak. This is Batsu game. It means punishment game for loosing some match or game. He doesn't get anything from this. Prior this there  was swimming match between him and the other four guys and he lost. 宜しくお願いします

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    Time travel poses, however, all sorts of problems, logical, social, and technical. The most difficult one is the so-called“grandfather paradox”:what happens if we travel back in time and kill our own grandparents or parents before we are born? This is a logical impossibility because it implies that we would not have been born and thus could not have gone back in time to commit the murder. Difficult as it may sound, there are, however, ways to resolve this paradox. First, perhaps, you simply repeat past history when you go back in time, therefore fulfilling the past. In this case, you have absolutely no free will and are forced to complete the past as you know it. Second, you have free will, so you can change the past but within limits. Your free will is not allowed to create a time paradox. Whenever you try to kill your parents before you are born, a mysterious force prevents you from actually doing this. Third, the universe splits into two universes. On one time line, the people whom you killed look just like your parents, but they are different because you are now in a parallel universe. This latter possibility, which is also explored in the famous Hollywood movie Back to the Future, seems to be consistent with the quantum theory.

  • この英語を日本語へ翻訳お願いします。

    なんとなくは分かるのですが、知らない単語があり的確に訳せません...。 お力添えお願いします。 don't think that way .... i understand your situation . i know how it feet to be in that type of situation . here is something to make you feel better . don't worry i still think that you are a wonderful person and thank you! for be in honest .... i respect you ... now think about this " ( That me think that you are the best person in the world and is happy for the way you are! ) " and only think about it all day so you feel better

  • 日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします。

    どなたか翻訳していただければ助かります。 宜しくお願いします。 All the stars and planets are named after mythic gods and goddesses. Venus was the goddess of love and so her place in the heavens at birth is important. At the time when you were born Venus was in Aries, a fiery sign. This shows that the relationship will have a burning intensity. When you love someone you throw yourself totally into the relationship and allow yourself to be consumed by it all. Insecure and afraid that you’ll loose the other person, it seems as though for a time you will totally under his power, lost to love, and will do anything for him, until the fire burns out. For often people with Venus in Aries have powerful passionate relationships that don't always last, or stand the test of time. Relationships that take so much of you, that you are left lonely and rather desperate to recapture the delicious intense magical feel of it all, feeling that nothing can replace the love you felt. You sometimes have secret or mental love attachments. You are idealistic, and changeable, but are frequently unhappy with the realities and rejections faced in love. You are attractive to the opposite sex but while you will have loads of chances, only the odd one will appeal and really stir your desire. Thus relationships and establishing a important one are essential in your life.

  • 質問回答メールが頻繁に届く時の対処法とは?
  • 頻繁な質問回答メールに困っていませんか?対策はこれだ!
  • 質問回答メールへの対処法5選