The Hard Reality: 95,000 Homes in Foreclosure in California

  • In California, the foreclosure crisis has left 95,000 homes in despair.
  • Families in California are struggling to keep their American dream homes amidst the foreclosure crisis.
  • The hardest working people in California are losing their American dream homes due to the foreclosure crisis.
  • ベストアンサー

"In California alone, 95,000 homes are in foreclosure and

"In California alone, 95,000 homes are in foreclosure and many families are struggling and many of those American dream homes are being lost are the hardest working people in California," she said. >many of those American dream homes are being lost are the hardest working people in Californiaの are being lost areのあたりですが文法的にはどのように説明できるでしょうか。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • tjhiroko
  • ベストアンサー率52% (2281/4352)

難しいですね。これはスピーチを書き起こしたものですので、話した時点で文法的につじつまが合わなくなっているのかもしれません。日本の政治家のスピーチでも、あれれ?と思うときがありますから、いくら立派な人でも会話の時に常に完璧な文をしゃべるわけではありませんので。 こちらのニュースでは,com_contentwire/task,view/id,8284/Itemid,53/ この部分はこのようになってますね。 >In California alone, 95,000 homes are in foreclosure and many families are struggling. And many of those American dream homes being lost (belong to) the hardest-working people in California. 質問者さんがお書きになったのにはbeingの前とlostの後にareがありますがこちらにはなく、belong to を括弧を付けて補っていますね。 こちらの文だとbelong to を補ってくれたおかげでまともな形になっています。



ありがとうございました。 私も探してみましたが見つからずじまいだったので。。 感謝しております。


  • is/areどちらが入りますか?

    is/areどちらが入るのか教えてください 1. Some of the people is/are friendly. 2. One of the girls is/are absent. 3. Italian is/are a Romance language. 4. Two-thirds of the food is/are gone. 5. The clothes in that store is/are expensive. 6. The clothing in those stores is/are inexpensive. 7. Most of the stores in tourist towns is/are overpriced.

  • In Northern Ireland people are kill

    In Northern Ireland people are killed for the way they pronounce their ABC. In Quebec people have gone around painting ARRET over STOP on road signs. And there are many social complications, too. 続いている3文ですが、最後の文のcomplicationsは何と訳すべきでしょうか?

  • in Ireland are visiting, are visiting in Irelandの順序

    My best memories in Ireland are visiting its many excellent museums, Dublin castel, tyinity college and its wonderful library and guinness hops store. 初めの行のin Irelandとare visitingは、何故逆にしてはいけないんですか?

  • 至急訳してください(>_<)!

    Japan has many social problems,and one of the greatest is the rapid increase in the number of old people. We know that more than one io four Japanese will be 65 years of age or older by 2025 and almost one in three by 2050. In 1996,fewer than one person in seven was a senior citizen. In the past,sons or the wives of sons,and daughters usually cared for their old parents. However,not many young people do this nowadays. It is difficult for young couples to manage even their nuclear families. So taking care of their old parents is too much for them,especially if their parents are physically weak and need constant care and help. Unfortunately,there are not enough nursing homes for old people and not enough home care workers to provide services for them. Although robots are now being developed to help ole people,those robots are not able to give as good care and attention as home care workers can. On the other hand,many ole people are able to work,and they want to have some kind of role in society,using their talents,skills,knowledge and experience. As the number of old people is quickly increasing,the Japanese government must take steps to help them lead a safe and comfortable life. とっても急いでいます!至急訳していただけませんか?(>_<)

  • that in one ....

    以下の英文で、that in one .... のところが文法的によくわかりません。 解説していただけますでしょうか。 The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a stealthy policy being pressed by corporate America, a dream of the 1 percent, that in one blow could offshore millions of American jobs. よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英語の訳

    英語を訳してもらいたいです。 Do you know how many languages are spoken in the would? About 6,000! Butexperts say about half of them will probably die out during this century because the would is getting smaller in terms of communication. There is a clear need for languages that many people can understand. As a result, minor languages are being forgotten. When a language dies out, what happens? Its culture is lost. Culture is the whole body of human activies and language plays an important part in them. What can we do about this? In many parts of the would, people are trying to save their native tongues. よろしくお願いします!

  • there is, there areについて

    こんにちは。 英語で、there areの後には複数名詞が来ると習いましたよね。そして、there isは単数名詞ですよね。私もずっとそう思っていました。 例)There are so many people in Tokyo. しかし、ネイティブの方が、 There's so many people in Tokyo. のような使い方をするのを本当によく聞くのです。 これはなぜなのでしょうか?そして、もしこのような言い方をすることがあるのであれば、それはどのような時に起こるのでしょうか。 ご存知でしたら教えてください、よろしくお願いします。

  • andつなぎ方

    andのつなぎ方がよく分かりません (1)Many people are recently unemployed and coming for help. (2)Where somebody took time with personally and understood what your dream was. (3)I want to start from a simplistic place and then I want to complexify a little bit. (4)Lower salaries mean that for Japanses car automakers, it's not about bailouts but rollouts, and having cash on hand. (1)のようにMany people areが共通で受け身unemployedと動名詞comingの品詞が違う単語をつなぐ場合と (2)のようにsomedodyだけが共通で同じ品詞のtookとunderstoodをつなぐ場合と (3)のようにandの前で一度区切りがあり、andの後を改めて主語、述語とつなぐ場合と (4)のようにmeanの目的語としてit's not about bailouts but rolloutsとhaving cash on handをつなぐ場合 があると自分の中でまとめたのですが、あっていますでしょうか? また、andの使い方の決まりやコツなどがありましたら教えて頂けないでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 、 、 、 and

    「To skeptics 、to lovers of order and hierarchy in human affairs、to those who disttust ordinary human beings when they are not held on tight reins,democracy in America has been a paradox.」 で 名詞 カンマ名詞は 同格という印象があるのですが この場合は同格にはみえません ただ 同格でない場合に並べるときは To skeptics 、to lovers of order and hierarchy in human affairs 「and 」to those who disttust ordinary human beings when they are not held on tight reins とカンマ カンマ and が原則だと思うのですが ここで andでなく最後までカンマを用いているのは なにか意味があることなのでしょうか? あと文法的に(大学受験レベル)正しいのでしょうか? もしよくみかけるとしたらどのくらいの頻度ででてくるのでしょうか? たびたびですが ご教示よろしくお願いいたしますm(..;))m ペコペコ・・・

  • 英語の得意な方、和訳お願いします!3

    The lives of these refugees areh ard,but some people are trying to help them. Some doctors are helping refugees who are sick. Some teachers are working in schools for refugee children who cannot go to school. Some people are working to bring these refugees food and safe water. And some people are helping these refugees when they return to their homes. One person who worked to help refugee was Ogata Sadako.