• ベストアンサー


英語の参考書の例文について教えてください。 Though they're always too busy for leisure activities during the week, my parents take time together on weekends to indulge in a round of golf or a movie. 質問は、文の最初に出てくるtheyは後で出てくるmy parentsを 意味していると思うのですが、なぜ最初が代名詞で後で具体的なmy parentsなのでしょうか? 最初にmy parents で、後でtheyのほうが自分にとってはわかりやすい のですが、ネイティブはそういう言い方はしないのでしょうか?


  • ベストアンサー
  • Parismadam
  • ベストアンサー率65% (2756/4211)

はじめまして。 ご質問1: <なぜ最初が代名詞で後で具体的なmy parentsなのでしょうか?> 最初の節が従属節だからです。 1.英語では、大切な情報は主節にあります。そのため、初めて出てくる主語となる名詞は、大事な情報として主節に置かれる傾向があるのです。 これは他の従属節を作る接続詞でも同様です。 例: When、As、Ifなど、、、。 2.ご質問文は、従属節+主節になっており、Thoughは従属節を「~だけれども」と譲歩的にまとめる接続詞になります。従属節は主節を修飾する副詞の働きをするため、副詞節と呼ばれます。 3.この従属節+主節の働きは、日本語では複文にあたります。日本語の複文では、おっしゃるように、従属節の中で先に話題となる名詞が登場します。 例: 「うちの両親は週日は~で忙しいけれど、週末は一緒に…する」 これを英語にすると、ご質問文のように、my parentsは主節で初めて登場します。 4.一方英語には、代名詞を先に持ってくることで、「その人」についての話題がこれから始まるな、と心の準備をさせる効果があります。 このtheyは一種の「話題の喚起」となり、この後、このtheyが誰か明確になり、theyについての話が展開するな、という予測をさせることができるのです。 5.これは、thisなどの示形容詞などにもその働きがあり、指示代名詞を先にもってきて、指示する具体的内容を後に持ってくることで、話題の展開を予想させるのです。 例: As this is the case,~ 「これは周知の事実だが、~」 このthisは後の主節の「~」以降の内容を指しています。Thisを先に持ってくることで、その具体的な話が始まるな、「これ」って何だろう、という心の準備を聞き手にさせているのです。 6.以上のように、英語では「従属節より主節に重点があること」「代名詞に次の話題を予測させる効果があること」などから、代名詞を主節の普通名詞より先に持ってきても、ネイティブにはあまり違和感なく通じるのです。 以上ご参考までに。


その他の回答 (2)

  • ベストアンサー率19% (658/3306)

>ネイティブはそういう言い方はしないのでしょうか? 英語での書き方ということです。 これが自然なので、無理に自分の考えにあわせると ネイティブから見て不自然な英語になってしまいます。 もちろん、意味は通りますが不自然ということです。


このパターンは小説などの書き出しでたまに出てきますね。 この文はとても自然に感じますね。 接続詞や文の長さなどを考慮して臨機応変に使い分ければよいと思います。従属節は後に持ってくるケースが多いでしょう。また、相手に誤解を与える可能性がある状況では代名詞を後ろに持ってくる必要があるときもあります。つまり、表現方法は多様であるということです。



  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    My fiance and I are getting married in my family's hometown and my parents are hosting (and paying for) the wedding. My family are minimal drinkers though not opposed to some drinking. My fiance's large extended family is accustomed to weddings with full open bars. My parents' initial desire was to serve beer and wine during cocktail hour and dinner, and they have increased that to supplying beer and wine for a full reception and adding one cocktail option. they have increased that to supplying beer and wine for a full reception and adding one cocktail optionの和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • actually とは?

    I am actually writing this email at work.という文が解かりません。そして この文の後にI work on the weekends and go to school during the week. My job is very simple though and doesn't require much attention, so I can write emails.です。学生が書いた文に何故work があるのですか?教えて下さい>0<

  • made gestures

    My husband and I are in our 30s and live on the East Coast. My entire extended family (15 people) lives in the Midwest. We see my aunts and uncles when we visit my parents twice a year. I talk to my parents, brother and grandmother on the phone regularly, but I would like to develop a closer relationship with one aunt and uncle, in particular. They don't have kids of their own. They're great role models and they've always made gestures toward me. They taught me how to cook and bake from scratch. made gesturesはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    My parents were raised dirt-poor. They popped out baby after baby even though they couldn't afford to feed or properly house us. My folks had numerous opportunities to improve our lot in life and passed them all over. 最後の文の和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    My octogenarian parents recently visited my family for two weeks. They stayed in our house for the duration of their stay. My three sons are all preteens and were very excited to spend time with their grandparents. My husband and I are always a bit more anxious to have them stay. My parents were present and financially supportive throughout my childhood but were emotionally disengaged. Over the past few years, I've noticed that their speed has been slowing and their health has been declining. With this slowing, their presence has also become more disengaged. In fact, they generally spent the trip sitting in our family room watching the news. They would only occasionally leave the house, and even then, it was often just for a quick trip to the supermarket or to get lunch. They didn't join me for school drop-off, pickup, activities or sports games. I am concerned about the physical and mental stability of my parents. Both of them worked as I was growing up in California. My father was a sales executive, and my mother was a teacher. They don't appear to have many friends where they live in Arizona and seem to be hyper-fixated on 24-hour news channels. I think they both miss the interactions from an office job. 1 They stayed in our house for the duration of their stay.の和訳を教えてください 2 emotionally disengagedは「気持ち的に離れていた」でしょうか? 3 speed とは何のspeed のことでしょうか? 4 miss the interactions from an office jobの意味を教えてください。 以上、よろしくお願いします

  • 名詞の冠詞・単複で迷います。

    名詞の冠詞・単複で迷います。 以下の文はどれが適切でしょうか?意味の違いや理由もあれば、教えてくれると助かります (1)It is common for newly graduating students to go for [an interview/interviews] (2)We have to be aware of [our hair style/our hair styles/hair style] (3)Japanese enterprises are in favor of [outlooks/an outlook/the outlook/the outlooks] which [is/are] fresh and clean (4)Japanese enterprises are in favor of [a/the/無冠詞] fresh and clean [outlook/outlooks] (5)During hunting activities they show [conservative outlooks/a conservative outlook/the conservative outlook]

  • 代名詞が何を指すか

    ポッドキャストのスクリプトから質問です。 “Blah-blah-blah”という言葉を説明した箇所が以下のようにあります。 “Blah-blah-blah”is an informal expression we use when we don’t want to provide all of the details, we don’t want to give a full description of something because you understand it or it’s boring and complex and we don’t really need to repeat it. Often it’s used sort of to dismiss or to say that these things aren’t very important. Your children may say, for example, to their friends, “Oh, my parents want me to clean my room and do my homework, blah-blah-blah.” You see, they don’t think it’s very important. It’s also suggesting that there are other things that you have told your children to do that they’re not saying because it’s sort of understood.The other person will know what they’re talking about, and also know that your children don’t find those things very important. Maybe you should talk to your children! 2パラグラフ目の It’s also suggesting that there are other things that you have told your children to do that they’re not saying because it’s sort of understood.  の Itは blah-blah-blahを指すのでしょうか。それとも子供が言ったセリフを指すのでしょうか。 そして、It's also suggest(示唆もしている)とありますが、何を示唆しているのかよくわかりません。 The other person will know what they’re talking about, and also know that your children don’t find those things very important. の最初のthey はchildrenでしょうか。 何度読んでもしっくり来ないので、質問をさせていただきました。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 日本語訳してください

    I love to help out when we have to get ready for school activities. My French Teacher told me that I passed the test. My Algebra test went well too. I also had a test in Housing Class. Even though they were tests. I still had fun today How was your day? この英文を訳してください! よろしくお願いします!!

  • drift

    I have an acquaintance with a child my son’s age. They played together in preschool and kindergarten and she and I were friendly. But her son was not always a good playmate for mine, so we started drifting a bit. we started drifting a bit.はどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • こういう時どうすれば

    仲良くしだしたEpalからこのようなメールがきましたが親は死んでいるということですか? もししんでいたのなら、全体的に長いメールでしたがあえてこのことに(親のこと)ふれるべきなのでしょうか?どういえばいいのでしょうか? 教えて下さいお願いします。 My hometown is Florida that is where I was born and raised. I miss it very much. I have a house there as well because after my parents died, they gave me the house there. I haven't been there in a few years though. I also have one sister as well.

  • MFC-L3770CDWで印刷時に黒い斑点や汚れがつくトラブルについて相談します。
  • Windows10で無線LAN接続している際に、印刷時に黒い斑点や汚れが発生します。
  • このトラブルの原因や解決策についての情報を教えてください。