• ベストアンサー


今、英文の物語を読んでいて、和訳、文法がわからない部分がある野で、教えてください。 1:This story is about fateful meeting, at a ball held at the palace, between a young prince and a beautiful maiden called Cinderella. "at a ball held"の部分ですが、"held a ball"ですと、「舞踏会を開いた。」だと思うのですが、"at"があるので、場所を表しているのでしょうか? 2:She emerged wearing the most beautiful gown ever. "emerged" は「現れた」だと思うのですが、"appeared"でもいいのでしょうか? 3:The magic wand turned pumpkins and potatoes in a golden carriage. の”in"は「金の馬車になる」という意味で使われているのでしょうか?"in"というと「中へ」という印象が強いので、ピンときません。 4:The two stepsisters tried on the slepper, but it would not fit on either. "would"ですが、”did"ではいけないのでしょうか? 前回の質問で、wouldは習慣を表す。仮定法の時に使う、過去時制の一致、意思を表す。丁寧な用法。などありますが、よくわかりませんでした。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数5
  • ありがとう数5


  • ベストアンサー
  • Parismadam
  • ベストアンサー率65% (2756/4211)

こんにちは。10/27のご質問ではお返事を有難うございました。 ご質問1: <This story is about fateful meeting, at a ball held at the palace> 1.ご質問を拝読すると、前置詞句の修飾の仕方に勘違いがあるようです。 2.at a ball「舞踏会で」という場所を表す前置詞句は、すぐ前のmeeting「出会い」という名詞にかかっています。名詞に修飾するので、この前置詞句は形容詞句になります。 3.at the palace「宮廷で」という場所を表す前置詞句は、すぐ前のheld 「開かれた」という過去分詞にかかっています。過去分詞を修飾するので、この前置詞句は副詞句になります。 4.従って、fateful meeting, at a ball held at the palaceの部分は、以下のような訳出になります。 「宮廷で開かれた、舞踏会での、運命的な出会い」 ご質問2: <"emerged" は「現れた」だと思うのですが、"appeared"でもいいのでしょうか?> 1.可能ですが、適切な動詞ではありません。 2.emerge fromは暗闇、水中、煙など、視界を閉ざされた状態から、ぱっと現れるような場面で使われます。 例: The sun emerged from behind the cloud. 「太陽が雲の影から現れた」 3.この英文は、シンデレラが魔法でお姫さまの姿に変身する場面です。貧しい娘の姿から、お姫様姿に変身したシンデレラが、魔法で煙の中からぱっと現れる場面ですので、emerge fromが効果的に使われているのです。 4.appearは「出現する」「姿を見せる」という意味で、「なかったものが見えてくる」というニュアンスを持つ動詞です。存在を示すことにポイントがありますが、この場面、煙の中から変身した姫が現れる、ではやはりemerge fromが最もピンとくる動詞でしょう。 ご質問3: <”in"は「金の馬車になる」という意味で使われているのでしょうか?> 1.はい、その解釈で結構です。 2.turn A into B「AをBに変える」という熟語がありますが、intoを使うとAをBに変化させ、Bの元がAだとはわからないものに(元の形を留めないものに)、すっかり形を変える場合に使われます。 例: Heat turns water into vapor. 「熱は水を蒸気に変える」 3.turn A in Bは本来は「AをBに変える」という意味ではなく、「Bの中に入れる」という意味があります。ここでは「AをBの中に入れる」「AをBの中に組み込む」という原義で使われている用法です。 4.その理由は、かぼちゃやジャガイモを、「その形を留めつつ」馬車に変身させているからです。intoを使うと、その形は留めていない馬車になってしまいます。ここでは、かぼちゃやジャガイモを「馬車の中に組み込む」ニュアンスの「変身」となっているため、intoでなくinが適切なのです。 ご質問4: <"would"ですが、”did"ではいけないのでしょうか?> 1.文法上は間違いありませんが、文のニュアンスが異なってきます。 2.このwouldの用法は、「強い意志」を表すwillの過去形になります。 例: The door will not open. The door would not open. (直訳)「その戸はどうしても開こうとしない(しなかった)」 →(意訳)「その戸はどうしても開かない(なかった)」 3.このdoorや、ご質問のit=くつといった「物」に、まるで「意志」があるかのような手法で、靴の方から自分を拒む強い意志のニュアンスを出して、「くつがどうしても合わない(合おうとしてくれない)」と言っているのです。 4.この用法のwillは肯定で使われることもありますが、この例文やご質問文ように、物を主語にした否定文で「どうしても~ない」という意味でよく使われる用法です。 以上ご参考までに。



いつも回答ありがとうございます。 皆さんの回答で、良く理解できました。 1の質問ですが、Parismadamのご指摘のとおり、勘違いしていたようです。meeting の後に(,)があったので、at a ball heldと切って考えてしまっていました。 ここでのwouldは「強い意志」を表すのですね。 直訳にすると面白い日本語ですね。でもニュアンスで考えると「くつが合わない」事を強調して言いたいときにwouldを使うと効果的で、単にdidntを使うより、wouldの使い方がわかると、言葉に幅ができますよね。表現が豊かになりますね。 現在も読み進めていく中、疑問が溢れています。 また、質問させていただきますので、これからもよろしくお願いします。



今過去分詞について、考えていたのですが、教えていただけますか? 過去分詞「~された されている」=be動詞+過去分詞に捕らわれていました。 名詞を修飾する。でいいのでしょうか?混乱してきています。(考えすぎでしょうか?) at the palace「宮廷で」という場所を表す前置詞句は、すぐ前のheld 「開かれた」という過去分詞にかかっています。 held←at the palace. では、This story is about a fateful meeting at a ball . It was held at hte palace.でもいいのでしょうか? また、次のような文章は正しいでしょうか? I met her at a track and field held in Tokyo. I met him at a Hallowen party held by my company. 物語の中に次のような文がありました。 こちらも過去分詞を使った受身の文と思います。 She was always surounded by birds and squirrels who liked being with her. 彼女はいつも鳥たちやリスたちに囲まれていて、誰もが彼女といることが好きでした。 この文をShe surronunds by birds and squirrels who liked bering with her. 鳥たちとリスたちに囲まれた彼女。とすることもできるのでしょうか? 参考書にOur house is surrounded by tree. 「家」を主語にして「私たちの家は木々に囲まれている」 「私たちの家」←「木々に囲まれた」とすると Our house surrounded by tree. とあったので、上記のような文も可能なのかと思いました。 よろしくお願いします。

その他の回答 (4)

  • googoo1956
  • ベストアンサー率47% (623/1316)

>1:This story is about fateful meeting, at a ball held at the palace, between a young prince and a beautiful maiden called Cinderella.  No.1の方の説明の通りです。補足すると、(which was) held at the palace が a ball にかかる修飾語の働きをしています。訳は「宮殿で開かれた舞踏会」となります。 >2:She emerged wearing the most beautiful gown ever.  「appeared」でも良いでしょうが、「emerged」を用いると「隠れていたものが表にでる」という意味を含みますので、「みすぼらかったシンデレラが美しく登場した」という感じが伝ってきます。 >3:The magic wand turned pumpkins and potatoes in a golden carriage.  「~を・・・に変える」という英語は「turn ~ into ・・・」です。「into」の代わりに「in」を使うことはないでしょう。  ただ、次のような場合には「into」と「in」の置き換えが可能です。   例(1): He jumped into the river. (移動の経過を重視)   例(2): He jumped in the river. (移動の結果を重視)  どちらも日本語訳は「彼は川の中に飛び込んだ。」となります。もっとも例(2)は「川(水)の中でジャンプした。」という意味で理解することも可能ですが・・・。  ひょっとしたら、著者の気持ちの中に例(2)のような感覚があったのかもしれませんが、おそらくそれは間違った使い方ではないかと思われます。 >4:The two stepsisters tried on the slepper, but it would not fit on either.  文法的には「did」でも通じるでしょう。しかし「would」には「強い意志」、すなわち「強情」の意味が含まれています。「would not」となると「強い拒絶」の意味が出てきます。「slepper(=slipper)?」がまるで「強い意志」を持って、義姉妹たちが無理やり履こうとしている行為を「拒絶」しているかのようだという状況を示すのは「would not」でなければならないでしょう。訳は「その履物は、どうやっても二人の義姉妹たちには合わなかった。」となります。二人も必死さ(あわれさ)が伝わってくるようです。



回答ありがとうございます。trun.... intoは少しニュワンスが違うのですね。 でも、このような違いをネイティブの人から英語で説明されてもわらかないので、助かりました。 これからもよろしくおねがいします。


1 at the palace の部分も「宮殿で開かれた舞踏会」となりますが, at a ball も「(宮殿で開かれた)舞踏会での出会い」という意味になります。 ball は一種の event(催し)になりますが, be present at the event「催しに出席している」 のように,at を用います。 広い意味で場所の at と考えていいと思います。 (時とか,「~の最中」の意味と取ることもできます) 2 emerge は「水中・暗闇・部屋・車中・物陰から出てくる」という意味合いがあります。 appear は広く「現れる」ですので,置き換えてもいいです。 3 turn A into B で「A を B に変える」という意味ですが, in にすると,「変化の過程」よりも,「変化した結果」 に重点が置かれます。 4 「どうしても~しようとしなかった」という過去の固執・拒絶を表します。 日本語でもそうですが,本来「人」について用いるのですが,一種,擬人的に「もの」でも用いられます。 単に過去形だと,客観的に,サイズから合わないものだった, という感じですが,would を置くことで, 「履こう,履こうとしても合わなかった」という意味合いになります。



回答ありがとうございます。 同じ意味でもニュワンスの違いで使い分けるのですね。 それには単語の意味もより深くまで、知ることで、使い分けが出来るようになるのですね。 私は初心者ですが、他言語の勉強は果てしなく感じます。 でも、楽しみながら、上達を信じて、こつこつ学んでいきたいです。 これからもよろしくおねがいします。

  • ベストアンサー率19% (658/3306)

失礼。タイプミスです。 1: at a ball held at the palace ×= at a ball whic was held at the palace ○= at a ball which was held at the palace

  • ベストアンサー率19% (658/3306)

1: at a ball held at the palace = at a ball whic was held at the palace 2: "appeared"でもほぼ同じです。 3: turned pumpkins and potatoes in a golden carriage = turned pumpkins and potatoes into a golden carriage 4: ここのwouldは意思です。びったりと履こうとする意思をとげられ なかった、というニュアンスです。





  • 和訳をお願いします。

    At 9:00 a.m. on 3 July, XV Corps advanced north from Fricourt and the 17th Division reached Railway Alley, after a delay caused by German machine-gun fire at 11:30 a.m. A company advanced into Bottom Wood and was nearly surrounded, until troops from the 21st Division captured Shelter Wood on the left; German resistance collapsed and troops from the 17th Division and 7th Division occupied Bottom Wood unopposed. Two field artillery batteries were brought up and began wire cutting around Mametz Wood, the 51st Brigade of the 7th Division, having lost about 500 casualties. In the 21st Division area on the boundary with III Corps to the north, a battalion of the 62nd Brigade advanced to Shelter Wood and Birch Tree Wood to the north-west, where many German troops emerged from dug-outs and made bombing attacks, which slowed the British occupation of Shelter Wood. German troops were seen by observers in reconnaissance aircraft, advancing from Contalmaison at 11:30 a.m. and the British infantry attempted to envelop them, by an advance covered by Stokes mortars, which quickly captured Shelter Wood. The British repulsed a counter-attack at 2:00 p.m. with Lewis-gun fire and took almost 800 prisoners from Infantry Regiment 186 of the 185th Division, Infantry Regiment 23 of the 12th Division and Reserve Infantry Regiments 109, 110 and 111 of the 28th Reserve Division. The 63rd Brigade formed a defensive flank, until touch was gained with the 34th Division at Round Wood.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    On 8 July the postponed counter-attack was cancelled and the commander of the 185th Division, with elements of four divisions under his command in the area between Mametz Wood and Ovillers, was ordered to close the gap between Contalmaison and Pozières by morning on 9 July. I Battalion, Regiment Lehr was relieved, having lost 618 casualties in Contalmaison. The troops in the area held on in mud and waterlogged ground, with many wounded and ill soldiers unable to be moved under a ceaseless British bombardment. About 100 recruits per battalion were supplied as reinforcements in the next few days and Infantry Regiment 77 arrived at Gommecourt. The 7th Division from the Sixth Army began to assemble near Bapaume and the 8th Division was expected on 13 July; from 6–13 July reinforcements of 65 heavy artillery batteries and three artillery flights, two reconnaissance flights and a bombing flight also arrived.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    An attack from Bernafay Wood intended for the same time, was delayed after the battalion lost direction in the rain and a gas bombardment and did not advance from the wood until 6:00 a.m. The move into Trônes Wood was nearly unopposed, the battalion reached the eastern fringe at 8:00 a.m. and sent patrols northwards. A German heavy artillery bombardment began at 12:30 p.m., on an arc from Maurepas to Bazentin le Grand and as a counter-attack loomed, the British withdrew at 3:00 p.m. to Bernafay Wood. The German counter-attack by the II Battalion, Infantry Regiment 182 from the fresh 123rd Division and parts of Reserve Infantry Regiment 38 and Reserve Infantry Regiment 51, was pressed from Maltz Horn Farm to the north end of the wood and reached the wood north of the Guillemont track.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The Second Battle of Oituz was a confrontation between Romanian and, to a lesser extent, Russian forces on one side and German and Austro-Hungarian forces on the other, during the Romanian Campaign of World War I. The battle took place primarily in the Oituz valley in Bacău County, Romania, between August 8 and August 20, 1917.The Austro-Hungarian First Army planned to attack Romanian positions along the Oituz valley, primarily using the Gerock Group, which recently participated in the Battle of Mărăşti. The 8th Corps would undertake the main effort; it comprised one German and two Austro-Hungarian infantry divisions deployed between Valea Dofteanei and Măgura Caṣinului, and two Austro-Hungarian cavalry divisions in reserve. In front of them, the Romanian Second Army deployed the 2nd and 4th Corps, with a total of six infantry divisions (1st, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 9th, 12th) and two reserve battalions. The attack would be carried out on a 7 km front, and the Romanians were outnumbered 4 to 1. Several kilometres behind the Romanian lines was the Trotuş River valley, which led to the rear of the Romanian and Russian front; thus, a successful Central Powers offensive at Oituz could have had potentially disastrous effects for the Allied war effort in Romania.The attack began on August 8, after a violent four-hour artillery barrage. The fortified Pravila peak, held by the Romanian 27th Dorobanṭi Regiment "Bacău", was assaulted four times by the Austro-Hungarian 70th Infantry Division, without result. The German 117th Infantry division was more successful advancing 1-2 km around Ungureanu peak and inflicting heavy losses on the 16th Dorobanti Regiment "Baia". To the south, the 10th Dorobanṭi Regiment "Putna" managed to hold its ground. During the night, the Romanian 4th Corps counterattacked in the German-held areas, taking 200 prisoners and retaking some lost ground. The following afternoon, however, the Central Powers attacked in force, taking Pravila peak and advancing near Mount Coṣna. The Romanian 7th Infantry Division retreated to a new defensive line.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Rawlinson ordered the 7th Division to capture High Wood. Horne countermanded the order because of the situation at Longueval and the XIII Corps held back the cavalry, apart from patrols. The attack of the 21st and 1st divisions also proved abortive because of the German party in the north-west corner of Bazentin le Petit Wood and increasing German artillery-fire. A German counter-attack at 3:00 p.m. reduced the infantry of the 62nd Brigade to 1,200 men and made the rest of the 21st Division incapable of attacking.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The Quadrilateral commanded the western approach to the spur and the rise northwards to the pill-boxes at Tower Hamlets. The left hand brigade of the division reached the third objective and threw back its right flank to the brigade on the right, which had advanced just beyond the second objective and then joined the left flank of 39th Division. Despite the failure to capture Tower Hamlets, parts of the two leading battalions of 124th Brigade running away before being rallied and two dead and three wounded battalion commanders, the division defeated all German counter-attacks during the day. The 23rd Division was held up for a short time by a German strong point in Dumbarton Wood, which had been missed by the barrage and caused many casualties. Despite the delay and the difficulty of navigating through clouds of dust and smoke caused by the barrage and the marshy ground north of Dumbarton Lake, the first objective was reached a few minutes after the barrage and consolidated along the source of the Bassevillebeek. The 69th Brigade on the left managed to get through Inverness Copse but German troops emerged from cover and fired on the troops behind as they moved up to attack the second objective, causing severe losses, before they were killed or captured. The troops, who had been severely reduced in numbers following on through the Copse, were still able to capture a line of German fortifications along Menin Road, north of the hamlet of Kantinje Cabaret. Of four tanks attached for the attack along Menin Road, one bogged early and the infantry advance was too swift for the other three tanks to keep up. A tank was knocked out on the road and the other two carried ammunition and equipment to the troops at the final objective. The 1st Australian Division on the right of I Anzac Corps, advanced on a 1,000 yd (910 m) front north of the Menin Road, with its right aimed at FitzClarence Farm, against part of the Bavarian Ersatz Division and most of the 121st Division. The Australians passed through Glencorse Wood, which had changed hands twice in August and quickly suppressed German resistance.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The British attacks established a footing on the heap at great cost, due to machine-gun fire from the spoil heap and others in Battle Wood further north. At 9:00 a.m. the infantry withdrew to allow the area to be bombarded from 2:30 to 6:55 p.m. for an attack by a reserve battalion at 7:00 p.m. The 23rd Division had many casualties caused by flanking machine-gun fire from the spoil heap while clearing Battle Wood, which took until the evening. In the centre of the attack, a company from each battalion advanced behind the barrage, to an observation line several hundred yards down the east slope of the ridge, at 8:40 a.m. assisted by eight tanks and patrols of cavalry. Most German troops encountered surrendered quickly, except at Leg Copse and Oosttaverne Wood where they offered slight resistance. British aircraft added to German difficulties, with low-level machine-gun attacks. The second objective (the observation line) from Bethleem Farm to south of Messines, Despagne Farm and Oosttaverne Wood, was reached with few casualties. Ground markers were put out for the three divisions due to attack in the afternoon and the area consolidated. The defensive frontages of the British units on the ridge had been based on an assumption that casualties in the advance to the first intermediate objective (blue line) would be 50 percent and in the advance to the ridge (black line) would be 60 percent. There were far fewer British casualties than anticipated, which caused congestion on the ridge, where the attacking troops suffered considerable casualties from German long-range machine-gun and artillery fire. The British planners expected that the two German Eingreif divisions behind the ridge would begin organised counter-attacks at about 11:00 a.m., and arranged for a long pause in the advance down the eastern slope, thereby enabling an attack from consolidated defensive positions, rather than an encounter in the open while the British were still advancing.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Three battalions of the 1st South African Brigade were to attack Delville Wood, while the 1st Battalion continued as a reinforcement of the 26th and 27th brigades in Longueval. The attack at 5:00 p.m. was postponed to 7:00 p.m. and then to 5:00 a.m. on 15 July, due to the slow progress in Longueval. Brigadier-General Henry Lukin was ordered to take the wood at all costs and that his advance was to proceed, even if the 26th and 27th Brigades had not captured the north end of the village.

  • 英文和訳 をお願いいたします。

    英字新聞(Japantimes)本日の記事です。 The carcass of the animal is being held under state authority at a rendering facility in California and will be destroyed. 米国の狂牛病に関する話題の ある人のコメントです。 renderingの部分がよくわかりませんでした。 またbeing held underのあたりも何となく意味はわかるのですがしっくりした訳が思いつきませんでした。 どうかよろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The highest point of the massif on the eastern summit of Mont Haut, was captured at 8:00 p.m. The attack on Fosse Froide Trench was held up just short, which left the Germans with a foothold on Mont Haut. On 18 April, the 45th Division on the right, completed the capture of the Konstanzlager and dug-outs nearby, the 34th Division consolidated and the 83rd Regiment was relieved by the 88th Regiment. The 11th Regiment of the 33rd Division, attacked again and was caught in cross-fire, from machine-guns at the mouth of the western entrances of the Mont Perthois tunnel. The French light field guns engaged the machine-guns and put them out of action, then fired at the entrances, while heavy artillery bombarded the slopes and tops of Le Casque and Le Téton, with high explosive shells; the 34th Division on the right of VIII Corps consolidated. The 33rd Division attacked the heights of Le Casque and Le Téton at 5:00 a.m. The 11th Regiment advanced quickly up Le Téton in the dawn sun and the German defenders fought hand-to-hand on the narrow summit. Waves of German reinforcements, climbed the northern slopes to dislodge the French. The 20th Regiment attacked Le Casque, under machine-gun fire from the woods, on the western slopes of Mont Perthois.