• 締切済み




Realizing the danger of existing explosives, used for digging tunnels and canals, Alfred Nobel vowed (to create an explosive that would be) safe to handle. トンネル、運河工事で使われたような爆発物の危険性を認識したことで、ノーベルは安全に扱うことのできる爆発物を作ることを誓った。 訳は完全直訳ではないですがここでのwouldは意思未来で合っていると思います。または「・・・するために」という目的節としても考えられますね。 わかりにくくてすいません。



abuuuuuuuuさん ありがとうございました。 参考になりましたっ。


  • 英語の和訳・整序

    良く分からなかった和訳の箇所です。 The green house effect is a  warming near the earth's surface that results when the earth's atmosphere traps the sun's heat. Without this effect, the average surface temperature of the earth would be about 33℃ lower than it is. If you had been born in a poor nation, you might live in a house with only one room.The floor would be ground. The wall would be made of mud brick. The house would have no running water. It would have no bathroom or kitchen. Each member of your family might have only a little rice for meals. You could expect to live to be only about 40 or 50 years old. About 6 out of every 10 people on Earth live this way. この整序問題も良く分かりませんでした。 1“I really (in,with,you,wish,your,wouldn't,mouth,talk,food). 2If only (what,attention,had,the teacher,I,more,paid,to,said). 3If you (you would,an Americ an,had,talk,,her,Emi,take,heard,for). (1語不要)

  • 和訳していただけませんか?

    下の文を和訳していただけませんか? In addition to improving existing products, nanotechnology is expected to enable people create raw materials and food from atoms and molecules. Today, manufacturers make goods from raw materials like wood, metal, and cotton and we eat fruits, vegetables, and grains that are grown on farms. One goal of nanotechnology is to create wood from atoms instead of cutting trees and to make vegetables by combining atoms that will grow and reproduce themselves in portable nanofactories called molecular synthesizers. Food synthesizers would enable us to create delicious foods in machines at home instead of growing them on farms. Therefore, far fewer raw materials would be necessary for our existence.

  • 英作文の添削お願いします。

    問題文はImagine yourself ten years from now. Describe your life at that time,and the steps you will take to get there.という内容です。 After ten years from now,I will be an English teacher. To become an English teacher, there are three steps. First, I enter a university. I will study English hard there. Second, I go to theU.S. to study English. I would like to learn English expressions and American culture. At the same time, I want to make friends with there. I will have a good time with new friends. In addition to that, I would like to visit traditional placeses in theU.S. these experiences let me grow up to teach skills. Third, I get the teacher's license. Through these steps, I will be an English teacher. 文法的な誤りや内容構成など添削よろしくお願いします。

  • 英訳

    One newspaper reported that an American collector stole the work and would have an exact copy made which would be sent to the museum. 訳をお願いします。特に and would have an exact copy made which would be sent to the museum. からの訳と構文がわかりません。

  • 翻訳してください

    翻訳機使って大体分かるのですが詳しく知りたいのでどなたか >AUSTRALIA is an epic and romantic action adventure, set in that country on the explosive brink of World War II. In it, an English aristocrat (Kidman) travels to the faraway continent, where she meets a rough-hewn local (Jackman) and reluctantly ag... の set in that country on the explosive brink of World War II. の部分をお願いします。

  • 自由英作文のお願い

    自由英作文のお願い                                                                                                                条件・日本において成人は18歳からにすべきだ。                                                                                             I do not agree with this statement that the age of adulthood in Japan should be 18, as in many other countries. I have a reason why I think so. I think that it is too young for teenager to have many responsibilities as an adult and teenager should learn varyous things. Needless to say, as they grow older, they need to have more responsibilities as an adult, so i think that this would make it possible for them to concentrate on studying. It may be too much to say that the longer you learn, the more you will be a good person. Thus, what is important is that teenager should concentrate on studying and hoe we consider them seriously.

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。m(__)m

    10/10で評価してくれると嬉しいです オリンピックの開催場所を自分の国の都市ですべきか、そうでないか、またそれはなぜですか I agree with the opinion that my country city invite Orympics ,because there are a lot of merits. In fact ,Tokyo is far more famous city than any other in japan and if various country tourists visited japan because of Orympics ,the country would get a lot of economical merits. Forexample, the tourist rate will be rapidly increasing and so tourists can get an opportunity to know a lot of japanese culture Ofcourse, if own country invited orympics there would be a variety of troubles such as fighting , arguement at a Orympics stadium ,and so on. However, If everyone had manners, it would rather transform such trubles into an opportunity to get international communication and contribute to grobarization. Therefore, I think that own country city should invite Orympics.

  • 英文の構文と邦訳

    It’s amazing that it was an external, private organization that suddenly gets CSRC [China Securities Regulatory Commission] and government officials to bend and to agree to things that they would never would have agreed to in any other circumstances. 上記英文の構文とお訳しをお示し下さい。 宜しくお願いします。

  • one について

    While Hanson's outlook is more optimistic, both insist the transition from a human labor force to an automated one could create widespread social upheaval, and they conclude that standard economic models need reexamination. この文の one はどんな意味ですか? to の後に an automated one could create ~というふうにSVが来てますけど、こんなのアリなんでしょうか? つまり、前置詞toの後はSVではなく名詞がくるはずですよね? 教えて下さい。 よろしくお願いします。

  • existing operation=現在行われている業務?

    御世話になります。 下記の文中に含まれているas a complement to their existing operationという表現の捉えかたが微妙にわかりません…。 どなたかご説明お願い致します。 【英文】 G team noted that because of A company's unsual market niche, they had been unable to identify any strategic buyers; that is, companies that would view A company as a complement to their existing operations. 【訳文】 Gチームは、A社の異常なニッチ市場によって、同社が戦略遂行上 不可欠なバイヤーを特定することが出来なかったことを指摘した。 それはつまり、ギター・センターをそのバイヤーが現在行っている 業務に対して補完的な企業であると見なしているバイヤーのことである。