• ベストアンサー


こんにちは. 質問があります.よろしくお願いいたします. Spending a little money on supplies for handicrafts was a good way to buy hours of fun. の文の[supplies」ですが,どのように訳すのが適切ですか? 辞書で調べた「供給」という意味でよいでしょうか・ よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数3


  • ベストアンサー

アメリカに住んで40年目になりました。 何か私なりにお手伝いできるのではないかと思い書いています。 こちらの手芸・工芸にはいろいろなものがあります。 日本では多分「キット」になっているものを使うのではないかと思いますが、こちらでは「材料」を買い自分でデザインしたものを持っている材料で作る人が多いのですね。 ですから、DIY店などに言ったときに工芸の材料を扱っているセクションを聞くときにはWhere can I find supplies for handicrafts?と言う表現をすることになるわけです。 つまり、suppliesと言う言い方をしてhandicraftをする・作るための材料のことを言っているのですね。 違う業界・社会では日本語に直すと違う意味合いにもなります。 製造業界では(製造)資材、また、オフィスなどではオフィス用品、と言うように変わってくるわけですね。 これでお分かりになりましたでしょうか。 ご理解しにくいところがあったり追加質問がありましたらまた書いてください。




その他の回答 (2)


supplies という複数形で用いられます。 「必需品」としか載っていない辞書も多いですが, madical supplies「医療用品」 school supplies「学校用品」 のように「~用品」という意味で 用いることが可能です。 supplies for handicrafts で「手芸用品」いいと思うのですが, 補足させていただくと,最初に述べたように この意味では複数形で用います。




  • mabomk
  • ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)

[supply] & [handicraft] 一纏めにして「手芸用品」、これを複数にして「手芸用品類」「手芸用品等」とすれば無理がない日本語が出来上がる様な気がする。 似た例 Office supply 事務用品





  • carry-over supplyの訳し方

    質問事項 こんにちは。 下記の文章の訳し方で悩んでいます。 The high world price of oil and a low carry-over supply of wheat will also cause wheat prices to remain high in 2011. この low carry-over supply of wheatの部分ですが、 昨年使い切れなかった小麦の 来年以降への持ち越し量のようだと推測したのですが、どう訳そうか悩んでいます。 繰越供給量・・?でも、こんな日本語あるのでしょうか・・? 石油価格の高値とトウモロコシの繰越供給量(来年への繰越供給量)が少ないことにより、 今年もトウモロコシの高値は続くだろう。

  • 和訳をお願いします!!【至急】

    和訳をお願いします!!【至急】 Most animals eat a variety of foods for a good reason: if anything reduced the supply of a particular food source, the consumer of that food would be affected by a shortage .By feeding on a range of foods, animals can avoid shortages. However, there are some animals that rely exclusively on a single source of food.

  • party supply store

    My little brother and his wife are expecting their first child in April. They have decided to have a "reveal party" to let everyone know the sex of the baby. This means the doctor will write down the gender of the baby and put it in a sealed envelope. Then someone takes the envelope to a party supply store where they pack a box with balloons filled with the appropriate color -- pink or blue. party supply storeの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    The Battle of Halen or Haelen, was a cavalry battle at the beginning of World War I The battle is also known as the Battle of the Silver Helmets (Dutch: Slag der Zilveren Helmen French: Bataille des casques d'argent), an analogy with the Battle of the Golden Spurs of 1302, because of the many cavalry helmets left behind on the battlefield by the German Cuirassiers. Halen is a small market town which was on the principal axis of advance of the Imperial German army, where there was a good crossing point over the Gete River. The battle took place on 12 August 1914 between German forces, led by Georg von der Marwitz and the Belgian troops led by Léon de Witte. The battle was a tactical victory for the Belgians but did little to delay the German invasion of Belgium.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    El Arish was 90 miles (140 km) by road from the nearest British base at Kantara on the Suez Canal, initially making resupply difficult. The arrival of the Royal Navy on 22 December, quickly followed by the first stores on 24 December, meant that during the next fortnight the important Egyptian Expeditionary Force (EEF) forward base grew quickly as 1,500 tons of supplies arrived by ship. Supplies of all kinds were unloaded by the Egyptian Labour Corps and distributed by the Egyptian Camel Transport Corps. Vitally important, the supply activities at El Arish were protected by the infantry garrison and ground based artillery, supported by the navy. On 4 January 1917 the first construction train arrived at El Arish, but it was some time before the railway, with its vast capacity to support the development of infrastructure and the supply of large garrisons, was fully developed.

  • この英語を訳していただきたいです

    (1)The way they re-created the interior of the cathedral is unbelievable. Had you ever been on a set that was remade so perfectly? (2)And the re-creation, to scale, at Barrandov Studios was breathtaking. It was magnificent, and I’ve never seen that done before—generally, a crew might rebuild a little bit here and a little bit there, but to feel the scale of it was incredible.

  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします!! In addition there were shortages in the food supply and an increase in state terror as a result of arbitrary arrests. The SED regime under Ulbricht was behaving in a more Communist way than the Soviets. The increase of production norms by 10 per cent scheduled for May, relating to industrial plants and agriculture was not, however, reviewed, whereupon building workers on the Stalin Allee in East Berlin went on strike starting on 16 June.

  • to sneak と sneaking の違い

    The little boy was seen to sneak into the kitchen by the mistress and was caught on the spot. The little boy was seen sneaking into the kitchen by the mistress and was caught on the spot. この二つの文は意味が違いますか? どういうニュアンスの違いがあるのでしょうか? 教えて下さい。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 至急日本語訳お願いします!少し長い文ですみません。翻訳ツール無しでお願

    至急日本語訳お願いします!少し長い文ですみません。翻訳ツール無しでお願いします。 THE LEGEND OF SLEEPY HOLLOWの一部です。 In addition to his other vocations, he was the singing-master of the neighborhood, and picked up many bright shillings by instructing the young folks in psalmody. It was a matter of no little vanity to him on Sundays, to take his station in front of the church gallery, with a band of chosen singers; where, in his own mind, he completely carried away the palm from the parson. Certain it is, his voice resounded far above all the rest of the congregation; and there are peculiar quavers still to be heard in that church, and which may even be heard half a mile off, quite to the opposite side of the millpond, on a still Sunday morning, which are said to be legitimately descended from the nose of Ichabod Crane. Thus, by divers little makeshifts, in that ingenious way which is commonly denominated "by hook and by crook," the worthy pedagogue got on tolerably enough, and was thought, by all who understood nothing of the labor of headwork, to have a wonderfully easy life of it. よろしくお願いします。

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    My son is a dedicated anesthesiologist. He took a job at a small hospital in a small town, hoping to enjoy a reasonable life. The pay isn't as good as that of a large hospital in a big city, but he was willing to take a cut in order to work there. I realize that the hours are never good for his type of specialty, but I am so upset that the people at this hospital expect him to put in 24-hour days with little sleep. ここでthe hours are never goodとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします