• ベストアンサー



  • rvnz
  • ベストアンサー率0% (0/1)

I agree with this opinion and there is three reasons for it. First, Yokozuna has been in trouble many times before. Second, Yokozuna is certainly in the highest status in Sumo. Last, Sumo is one of the cultural sports in japan. For these reasons, I think that Yokozuna should take the responsibilities and accept severe punishment. It can also be said that the importance in sports depends on the personality of the player and not the result of winning or losing! こんな感じでどうでしょう。 添削というより書き直しになってしまいましたが; 参考にしていただけると幸いです。



早い回答ありがとうございます! うわーうまいですね!! 見比べて色々と吸収したいと思います!!


  • 綱取りレース、誰が何場所で実現するのでしょうか?

    豪栄道・稀勢の里・琴奨菊・照ノ富士・・・それぞれの力士に長短やウイークポイントがあるようですが、一方で土俵&相撲内容の充実、新横綱誕生への期待も場所ごとに高まっています。 そこで大相撲ファンの皆さんにお聞きしたいのは、誰が何場所で横綱に昇進を決めるでしょうか? ※関連記事 http://sports.yahoo.co.jp/sumo/torikumi/hoshitori/?bashoId=201611

  • 逸ノ城の低迷伸び悩みの理由と今後の展望は?

    入幕後の怪物振りや脅威のパワー相撲の迫力に驚嘆し大関横綱は確実かと思っていたが(現在の照ノ富士の活躍に酷似)・・・ それが、最近は晩年の高見山や小錦を見るような取り口、自分自身の体力体重を持て余しているような雑で脆い相撲が続き成績も不振である。 これは原因?は何故でしょうか 今後の展望、成績はどうなるのでしょうか? http://sports.yahoo.co.jp/sumo/

  • 相撲力士数26とは?

     英国の週刊誌The Economistの記事「Why the Japanese are no longer on top in sumo wrestling」(March 17, 2015)の中に、Of the 26 most accomplished wrestlers in Japan, which is the only location of professional sumo contests, ten are non-Japanese, and seven of those are Mongolian.の一文がでてきますが、この「26」は何を指しているのかご教示頂けますならば幸甚です。相撲関連のサイトを調べてもよく分かりません。横綱と三役を足した力士の数でも変ですし、幕内の力士数だと少な過ぎます。よろしくお願い申し上げます。

  • 一橋大学 自由英作文 part.1 <Capital punishment is effective.>

    こんにちは。受験生です 私は来年一橋大学を受験しようと思っています。 そこで皆さんには一橋英語の自由英作文を添削してもらいたいと思います。 ただ、パソコン上でいちいち添削してもらうのも忍びないので、 1)論理・説得力 2)特筆するほどの文法・構文ミス 3)使える表現, 幅広く使える定型表現など 4)総合点(やはり一橋を基準としたときに、それは合格点をいただけるのかどうか、などです)) をつけていただきたいと思います。もちろんコメントだけでも結構です。 I am in favor of capital punishment greatly for three reasons. First, in Japan a poll shows that a overwhelming majority goes along with capital punishment. Some insist that capital punishment should be abolished because we human never rule out the possibility that people innocent of any crimes would be punished. But I could conclude that in a sense we are ready to accept such a misfortune, for once we are for capital punishment. Another reasons is that only capital punishment is severe enough for murderers. If a member of my family should be killed, I will never calm down until the devil is killed in public. And then when I say that I am happy to kill the murderer, who would find fault with me? Third, capital punishment would serve as the means of the decline of the crime rate. It goes without saying that the system helps to discourage people from committing a serious crime. In conclusion, I hope that the government would keep up capital punishment for good. 読みにくい、稚拙な英文で申し訳ないです。 ぜひ一読した上でご指導お願いします。

  • 自由英作文の添削お願いします!

    自由英作文の添削をして頂きたいのです。 テーマが「ストレスの解消方法」です。 指定語数は100語で、僕は143語書きました。 文法的に内容的に不自然ではないかどうかを見ていただきたいです! 点数も25点満点で何点かつけてください! よろしくお願いします! Everyone tends to feel stressed in modern society, but we have to reduce stress. Now I would like to suggest the following three measures. First, it is good to take a walk to refresh oneself. This is because the fresh air will make my temper relaxed. Second, when I am fed up with studying the subjects which I dislike, I often listen to my favorite music while studying. Listening to music lead me to study again. Last, I talk with my friends when I have troubles. It is important to prevent you from accumulating a lot of stresses. This is why it is also important to have friends who you confide. It may be almost inevitable for us to feel stressed, but we can relieve stress. Like above three measures, we should find time to do things we like, and have some hobbies.

  • 英訳の添削をお願いします。

    中学2年ですが、1週間後に外国人の前で英語で自己紹介をすることになりました。 暗記してしゃべらなくてはならないのでとてもあせっています。 以下の文章を添削をお願いします。 私は----中学に通う13才です。 私はスポーツが大好きなので得意科目は体育です。 複雑な計算は苦手なので数学は得意ではありません。 私は学校でバレー部に所属しています。 レギュラーとして毎日ハードな練習をしています。 だから家に帰ると、とてもお腹が減っています。 私の趣味は7年間習っているピアノです。 今は毎日、発表会のために練習しています。 また音楽を聴くことも好きです。 お気に入りは「AKB48」です。 音楽を聴くことでリラックスができて楽しくなります。 私の好きな食べ物は納豆です。 納豆のにおいとネバネバがたまらないのです。 次に私の家族を紹介します。 3人家族で、父、母と私です。そして犬を1匹飼っています。 犬はメスの柴犬でよく吠えています。 しかし、家族の一員なので旅行に行くときはいつも一緒連れていきます。 私は家族のおかげで毎日楽しいです。 I’m 13 years old who goes to the -------- junior high school. Because I love doing sports, the favorite subject is a “PE” . It is not good at “Math” because it is not good at complex calculation. I'm in the Volleyball club at school. I practice hard as regular in the club every day. Therefore, it is very hungry always when coming home. My hobby is a piano that have been learning for 7 years. Now, I have been practicing every day for the recital. Moreover, I like to listen to Music. My favorite musician is AKB48. I can do relaxation by listening to music and can enjoy it. My favorite foods is “Natto” . I can't resist Natto's smell and stickiness.  Next, I Introduce my family. We are a family of three. Father,mother and me. Then we have a dog. It barks well though the dog is female “Shiba”. And, it goes out together when traveling because the dog is family's member. I’m very happy in every day thanks to my family.

  • 添削お願いします。良い表現もあればぜひっ!

    My favorite vacation is that I go to a near mall with my friends or visit their house just for fun. Probably,you think very normal day,but it is very precious time for me. If we will graduate from university in two years 'time,we will probably live in another place each. So,I want to cherish it's time with them. Of course,I like other events which are festival,taking a trip,and so on. Thank you for reading and improving my English. (2) Dear. teacher I am from Japan and live in Kyoto Prefecture. I like sports. Especially,baseball is better than any other sport. Ih fact,I played it and wanted to become a professional baseball player when I was a child,it was my dream. But I don't play it now. At times I go to a baseball stadium with friends to cheer my fun team. I don' t play it there,but I have a another dream now. すみませんがお願いします><

  • 文法添削希望(少々長文です)

    お願いします<(_ _)> 通信でキリスト教系の大学で学んでいます。下記文章の文法を見ていただけると助かります ※Holesは小説の名前です ※()は自信がない英語の日本語訳です In chapter of Holes, Stanley and Zero tries to climb the steep cliffs to reach "The Promised Land." In my dream, I go to my something a destination(夢の中で何かの目的地に向かっている), but I do not know how to get there. When I walk toward the Goal, three roads show up on my doorstep. first road is "marsh" socond road is "desert" and third is "mountain" I think out what shoud I choose the route to get there. I make up my mind that I climb the mountain. Meanwhile, I reach there and I am very surprise since huge cliffs rise up before me. I look up at the cliffs and think "I cannot climb this kinda cliffs!! go back and I go through the marsh. I bet I would reach the goal easier." Going back to the marsh, I hear someone's scream. That's from the marsh. A woman is bitten by several gaters. The gaters try to pull her in the marsh. She disappears under water. after few second, blood spread all over. Then, I came out of a dream and think "So What should I chose the road? desert? no no I feel like there are something trap, too. "I could not find this answer for months. When I listen Celine Dion's song casually(何気にセリーヌ・ディオンの歌を聴いていたら). That title is "I am your angel" She sang " No Mountains too high, for you to climb All you have to do is have some climbing faith." "This is answer!!" I shout in my mind. In my dream, I should have chosen the cliffs. I went there first, but I gave up. If I have faith and provide maximal effort, God will help us. This chapter reminds me how important faith is.

  • 英作文練習・添削

    英作文を練習しています。 TOEFLや英検準1級以上で通用するレベルまで作文力を磨きたいと思っています。 回答を添削できる方がいらっしゃいましたら、どんな小さなことでもかまいませんので、(スペルミスや、コンマや冠詞の使い方、表現がまずい、など)アドバイスをお願いします!! 加えて、英作文の練習について、なにかいい方法や情報をお持ちの方は、ぜひ教えてください!! よろしくお願いします!! **************************** 【問題】 近年、海外進出する(seeking their jobs outside Japan)日本人のスポーツ選手がますます増える傾向(stream)にあります。このことについて、あなたの意見を述べなさい。 【私の解答】 Some people say that the stream of Japanese professional sports players seeking their jobs outside Japan is not good but I do not think so. Here I have two poins to make. First, I think as some Japanese professional sports players find better job in foreign countries and flourish especially by earning a lots of money and rising in their honor , the other sports players would have more motivation. Moreover, that would lead to improve Japanese players skill and revel. Secondly, when Japanese player act vigorously, that bring among two countries good effects in the economy and make a big market. Such things would get up steam the economy and excite many people. Thus, I suppose that the acting overseas is great strem for many people who love sports and I agree with such stream.

  • 英語のエッセイの添削をお願いできませんか?

    英語のエッセイの添削をお願いできませんか? 長文になるのですが、よろしくお願いします; もしもっとこうしたほうが良い文になるなどのアドバイスもいただけたら幸いです。 No other sports is harder than distance running. Distance running troubles me the most. I usually giving up on easily and tend to find a route to escape when I encounter with difficult problem. So I run away from distance running, too. The reason I hated it before, was ultimately the main source of my encouragement and to change my mind. Firstly, what do you associate with winter? It is New Year holiday? It is a snowball fight? No, in my case it is a distance running. Because of there are they in winter, I get scared when winter comes. And I am impelled to run away. It’s a bad habit of myself. I understand that, but I would not challenge it. The opposite of my feeling, winter has rolled round. The people around me are pleased with the coming winter. If it had not been for meeting, I could dance with joy like they. Then the real winter come. I started getting ready for the meeting. Secondly, I thought about doing something for meeting. I try to pretend I have a stomachace. For example, I eat breakfast my fill, and I ate food as soon as race at full speed. Also I hung a lot of paper doll in my room window. I did many stupid things, but all my plans miscarried. I decided to do a dishonest thing. However, I escape from meeting after all. It wasn’t weight off my mind. Finally, I learned an important thing my experience “Not only escape but also challenge” I have noticed running away is not way to go. But I have successfully parted with old myself. Thanks of distance running. My father often said me “There’s nothing I can’t do once I’ve put my mind to it”. I can see it now. When If I could come back in the past, I would want to scold me at that time. どうかよろしくお願いいたします。