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  • ベストアンサー率49% (335/674)

at the reference timeは、「基準時間における」いう意味です。 (a,ε,i,ω,Λ)は、パラメータですので、その他のパラメータ(a,ε,i,ω,Λ)のように書く必要があります。 geometryは、「幾何形状」と訳します。簡単に言うと「外形」のことです。


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    The value rs derived from 式(19) must be compared with the other value rs’ derived from 式(20). we only need to minimize the difference (|rs-rs’|) in order to reach an optimal determination of the five orbital parameters involved in such relations (a,ε,i,ω,Λ). 我々はそのような関係(ε,i、ω、Λ)に関係する5つの軌道のパラメータの最適決定に達するために違い(|rs-rs'|)を最小にする必要があります。

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    However, although the main errors are corrected by introducing the redefinition of orbital elements, more accurate results are obtained if we consider at this point the influence of attitude angles, and attitude angle variations, in that approach. しかしながら、主なエラーは軌道要素の再定義の導入により修正されますが、そのアプローチの中で、私たちがこの時点で姿勢角の影響と姿勢角の変化を考慮すれば、より正確な結果が得られます。

  • 英訳の添削お願いいたします。

    自分で訳してみたのですが自信がないの添削お願いします。 As is well known, there is not an accurate orbit determination for the NOAA satellites, nor a systematic orbit correction procedure in order to recover its nominal orbit.. 周知のように、NOAA衛星に対する正確な軌道は確定(計測)されておらず、また計画的に(体系的に)予定の軌道に復帰するための修正手段(方法)もない Continuous telemetry data about position, velocity, and attitude angles of the satellite are not available, but we can obtain, from several different sources, mean orbital parameters periodically update. 人工衛星の位置、速度、姿勢角度に関する連続的なデータ収集はできないが、定期的に更新される平均的な軌道のパラメーターを、複数の異なる情報源から得ることは可能だ As we do not have continuous data about the satellite trajectory but only mean orbital parameters, we must use a simplified Keplerian model as the orbital model . 衛星の軌道に関しては継続したデータがなく、我々にあるのはお粗末な軌道パラメータのみであるため、簡易ケプラーモードを軌道モデルとして使用しなければならない。 On a limited temporal scale, this assumption is perfectly justified. 制限のある規模では、この仮定は完全に正当化されます

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    3. Examples of orbital calculations To find efficient numerical procedures for obtaining <P(e ,i)>, we have made detailed orbital calculations for two typical cases, (e, i)=(0, 0) and (1, 0.5). The former is the simplest case with a single parameter b, and corresponds to that studied by Giuli (1968), Nishida (1983) and Petit and Hénon (1986). In the latter, the orbit changes with three parameters b, τ, and ω in a complicated manner. From this example, we can see the characteristic features of orbits in the three-dimensional case. In the present examples, it is supposed that a protoplanet with a mean mass density 3gcm^-3, orbits in the Earth’s region. Furthermore, we adopt 1% as the limiting accuracy criterion for use of the two-body approximation. These give 0.005 and 0.03 for the radius of the protoplanet and that of the two-body sphere, respectively (see Eqs. (12) and (13)). よろしくお願いします。

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    3.2. For the case e_i~=4  As seen from Fig.6, an orbit with a finite eccentricity curls (|b_i~|<4(e_i~/3)) or waves (|b_i~|>4(e_i~/3)) for the purely Keplerian motion which is realized when the planetary mass is very small or a particle is far from the planet. Therefore, δ, which is the relative phase differnce between the planet and the perigee point of the particle orbit near the planet, is expected to be one of the important parameters for determining the features of the two-body encounters. It is convenient to introduce, here, a phase parameter δ*, in place of δ, defined as δ*=δ-ε/(1-a^(3/2)).            (3・7) どうかよろしくお願いします。

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    3.1. Case of e=0 and i=0 We have first calculated 6000 orbits in the parameter range of b from b_min=1.9 to b_max=2.5 at intervals of 0.0001. It is already known from previous studies (Nishida, and Petit and Hénon) that no collision orbits exist outside this region.    The orbits vary in a complicated way with the value of parameter b (see Petit and Hénon, 1986). In spite of the complex behavior of the orbits, we can classify them in terms of the number of encounters with the two-body sphere, from the standpoint of finding collision orbits. The classes are: (a) non-encounter orbit, (b) n-recurrent non-collision orbit, and (c) n-recurrent collision orbit, where the term “n-recurrent orbit” means the particle encounters n-times with the two-body sphere. That is, n-recurrent non-collision (or collision) orbits are those which fly off to infinity (or collide with the protoplanet ) after n-times encounters with the two-body sphere, while non-recurrent orbits are those which fly off without penetrating the two-body sphere. Examples of orbits in the classes (a), (b), and (c) are illustrated in Figs. 2,3, and 4, respectively. The above classification of orbits will be utilized for developing numerical procedures for obtaining <P(e, i)>, as described in the next section. よろしくお願いします。

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    3.2. Case of e=1.0 and i=0.5 In the three-dimensional case, the orbit is characterized by three parameters b, τ_s, and ω_s (in this section, we will omit the subscript “s” describing a starting point of orbital calculations). Recalling that b_max<3.7 from Eq. (16) and b_min>1.3 from Eq. (18) in the present case, we first examine orbits with b in the range between 1.3 and 3.7: Phase space (b, τ, ω) is divided into about 22000 meshes, i.e., 24 in b (1.3~3.7), 60 in τ (-π~π), and 15 ω (0~π). These orbital calculations show that there is no collision orbit where b<1.5 and b>3.2: b_max and b_min are set at 3.2 and 1.5, respectively, rather than 3.7 and 1.3. In parallel with the argument in the previous subsection, we consider the minimum separation r_min between the protoplanet and the planetesimal. In Fig.7, contours of r_min in the first encounter are illustrated in the τ-ω diagram for the three cases of b=2.3 (Fig. 7a), 2.8 (b), and 3.1 (c). Each figure is compiled from the orbital calculations of 5000 orbits, i.e., the τ-ω plane is divided into 100 (in τ)×50 (in ω). We concentrate first on Fig. 7a. In the coarsely dotted region where r_min>1, particles cannot enter the Hill sphere of the protoplanet. Such regions are beyond our interest. In the other regions where particles can enter the Hill sphere, r_min varies with τ and ω in a complicated manner. In particular, near the points (τ, ω)=(-0.24π,0.42π) and (-0.26π, 0.06π), r_min varies drastically in a small area in the τ-ω diagram. These may be chaotic zones. But in almost all regions, r_min varies continuously with τ and ω, and in this sense the orbits are regular. The finely dotted regions show those in which r_min becomes smaller than 0.03 (the radius of the two-body).Such orbits will be called close-encounter orbits in the chaotic zones is very small compared with that in the regular zones. This is the same conclusion as reached earlier. 長文ですが、どうかよろしくお願いします。

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    Time is a complex notion. Nobody really knows what time is. We can measure time. We can describe time. We can study time as a grammatical classification,but we cannot define it. Like little Elizabeth,we want to transform this abstract concept into a concrete reality. We often talk about time as if it were an object or person that could be seen,felt or heard:the wheels of time(spin or turn),the winds of time(blow or whistle),time will tell.These metaphors remove some of the mystery,and change time into something real. 時間は複雑な概念である。誰も実際の時間は知らない。私たちは時間を測ることができ、時間を言葉で言うことができる。私たちは言葉の分類として時間を時勢で研究することができる。しかし、定義することはできない。エリザベスのように私たちは中傷的な概念を具体的な現実に変えたい。ここまでなんとか訳したのですがそこからがよくわかりません。訳した文章もよくわからない部分があるのでいい訳があったら教えて下さい。ちなみにthe wheels of timeは時間を輪(車)にたとえて隠喩、the winds of timeは時間を風に例えた隠喩、time will tell は「時がたてばわかる」時を擬人化した隠喩です。

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    In our orbital calculations, the starting points are assigned in the form (see Eq. (7)) x_s=b_s-ecos(t_0-τ_s), y_s=y_0+2esin(t_0-τ_s), ・・・・・・・・・・・(21) z_s=isin(t_0-ω_s), where t_0 is the origin of the time, independent of τ_s and ω_s, and y_0 is the starting distance (in the y-direction) of guiding center. Table 1. The values of b_min* evaluated from Eq. (18). The values of numerically found b_min are also tabulated. よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 静止衛星の軌道の考え方について教えてください。

    下記の条件パラメータがあります。(これはある教科書の記載です。) 1.・Equatorial Radius: re =6378.14 km 2.・Geostationary Radius: rS =42164.17 km 3.・Geostationary Height (Altitude): hGSO =rS ? re =35786 km 4.・Eccentricity of the earth: ee =0.08182 この場合に考え方についてです。 4項の離心率がe=0.08182となっています。本、衛星は静止衛星(地球の自転と同速度)となっていますが、当然地球の周りを回る軌道があると考える分けでしょうか?(たぶんそうだと思っています。) そこで、離心率は0~1で定義されます。(完全円は0です。) 式(軌道半径の最大、最小をrmax, rminとします。) e=(rmax-rmin)/(rmax+rmin) そうすると、この場合の2項の軌道半径は、rmaxとrminの平均と考えるのでしょうか? 以上 宜しく御願いします。