• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英訳)



  • ベストアンサー

こんにちは。 まず『give them food』が何を意味するか考えましょう。 あなたが食物をそれらに与える…金魚に餌を与えることですね。 金魚にとって食べ物は餌ですからこの『food』は餌と訳して良いでしょう。 そうすると『you always have to』とは 『餌を与える時にいつもしないといけないこと』と読めるかと思います。 でその後が具体的内容、と言う考え方です。つまり… 『do that from same place』であり 『stay here while they eat』であるわけです。 と言うことは『同じ場所からそう(餌をやる)』して 『それら(金魚)が食べている間そこにい』ないといけない訳です。 ―で、meitanMさん、次の二文、一文にして誤魔化してはいけません(笑)。 『Eventually,they will start to associate you with thier meal』 で区切って、ピリオドが終わった後の 『They will swim over to your hand when you put it in the water』を読みましょう。 で『Eventually(結果的に)』 それら(金魚)は食事とあなたとを結び付け(assosiate A with B)出すでしょう… それら(金魚)は、あなたが水の中に手を入れると、 あなたの手に向かって泳ぐことだろう。 ―大丈夫ですよ。金魚の話と判っているだけで十分センスあり、です。



詳しい説明有難う御座いました。 私でさえ理解できました♪感謝します。 ^ω^


  • 英訳お願いします。

    どうしても訳せず困っております。 宜しくお願い致します。 (3)のみどれを選ぶかも教えて頂けると嬉しいです。 (1)You give your baby the same diet as a bady cow. (2)Imagine adiet that provides not only essential nutrients for health but also protection against specific diseases. (3)Please put the book back on the shelf when you( )it 1.have read 2.will be reading 3.will have read 4.will read 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英訳で困ってます(ToT)/

    英文を読んでて、上手く英訳が出来ないので、どなたか教えてくださぃ!!!(ToT)/ (1)Not so in America,where verbalizing what you feel is expected. As you sit down to a meal, you may find the eyes of your host family glued on you. (2)They just want to make sure that you are enjoying what you eat. (1)ゎ全くどぅ訳したらいいか分からなくて、(2)は『彼らは、あなたが食べるものを楽しんでいるのをただ確実にしたがっています。』と訳して見たんですが、変な日本語のような気がして。。。 お願いします!!!

  • これはなんて書いてありますか?

    いつもありがとうございます。だいたいわかりますが、きちんと意味が知りたいのでお願いします。m(__)m I too when feeling sad always talk to friends and sometimes advise that they give is not always right I learned this the hard way back in September. They make there decision base on the feelings that they are going too with you. You have to believe in yourself and your decision only. I will always support your decision and opinion to any Mather, and I will help you also.(特にこのMtherの意味がわかりません。)

  • 英訳をお願いします

    What you have to learn, if you are to be a good citizen of the world, is that though you will certainly dislike many of your neighbours , and differ from some of them so strongly that you could not possibly live in the same house with them, that does not give you the smallest right to injure them or even to be personally uncivil to them.

  • when内にあるwillについて。

    (1)I'm going to give her the present when she comes. (2)Do you know when the concert will start? willが必要なときとそうでないときの見分け方は (1)が「~とき」と訳せるから。 (2)が「いつ~かどうか」と訳せるから。 でよろしいのでしょうか?

  • 英訳です!!

     Then the time came for Tonky and Wanly. They always looked at people with loving eyes. They were sweet and gentle-hearted. However, the elephant keeepers had to stop giveng them anything to eat. When a keeper walked by their cage, they stood up and raised their trunks high in the air. They did their tricks because they were hoping to get food and water. Everyone at the zoo said with tears, “If they can live a few more days, the war may be over and they will be saved.”  Tonky and Wanly could no longer move. They lay down on the ground, but their eyes were beautiful. When an elephant keeper came to see them, they looked so weak. He became too sad to go back to see them. Bombs continued to dop on Tokyo. And a few days later, Tonk and Wanly died. Later, when the bodies of the elephants were examined, nothing was found in their stomachs -not even one drop of water. Today, the three elephants rest in peace with other animals under the monument at the Ueno Zoo.

  • 英訳お願いします

    彼らは低い賃金でも進んで働く。 私の訳 1They are eager to work even with little wage. 2They are ready to work even when they will get poor payment. 中学からまじめに英語をやるようになってかれこれ5年ですが、いまだにこんな基本的な文も自信をもって書けません!大学に行ったら英語圏の幼稚園レベルからやり直そうとまじめに考えてます。やたら難解な文が読めたり単語をしっていたりしても基本がなっていないようでは書けないし話せないと思います!、すみませんグチでした。

  • 英訳お願いします。

    Lillian would like to figure out how to get implants maybe in Japan so she can eat. I can organize having dentures made here but she would like four implants on the bottom and four implants on the top, where you mount dentures and they act like natural teeth. They are expensive but less expensive then a whole mouth of implants. Its horrible that she cannot eat! If she were to go to Japan to visit do you have a place for her to go?

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    You may have lots of friends or Relatives who can spend time with you but later on, they still have to leave you behind but when you have a special partner, he or she will always be there for you when needed. 私は直訳しかできないので、全体的な意味がわかりません。 詳しい方、よろしくお願いします。

  • 英訳お願いします!急いでます!

    友達の宿題でどうしてもわからないとこがあると英訳を頼まれたんですが、私にもちょっと微妙に内容理解できません。誰か助けてください。 Those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be quiet and happy will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to doing things the way they have always been done. です!お願いします!