• ベストアンサー



  • birdflew
  • ベストアンサー率10% (10/92)

上級者向けの言い回しをいくつか。 Stopping by after work? I was a real regular here before, but now I only come here a couple of times a month. It's my first time here, but it's my kind of bar. Great atmosphere, don't you think? The drink selection is really good, and the prices are ok. Worst thing is that they close here so early! こんな感じでがんばってください^^


  • 英訳をお願いします

    I'm sorry the one I ordered was listed in the near mint section but when I read the description and saw the pics I found this to be untrue I'm sorry for the inconvenience but I would like to change in to the one with a white handle. I relize their is a price difrence I'm willing to reorder of you are unable to change this.

  • 英訳お願いします。

    loneliness is a state of the heart with out love. I have been in places with hundreds of people who say they are my friend and still I felt lonely, but I never felt lonely with you. think what you want but you are special to me... I won't bother you with it anymore.

  • 以下の英文についてお尋ねします。pro-mourn

    A lot of you reading this are not going to believe this job is a real thing. But professional mourners -- people paid to attend funerals and pretend to be friends and family of the deceased -- are not only real, but common. Or they are in places like China; it's only just now starting to take off in Western countries. it's only just~のitが示している部分はどこに当たるのでしょうか?またonly justはどのように文意を捉えればよいでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 中学英語で質問

    Good evening, Mr.Sasaski. No one was home but Mom left a message for me. It says that I have to give you this box of tissues. Actually, they are for you. You are going yo cry! この英文は,お別れのsurprise partyでの一場面です。 文中の they are for youのtheyは、this box of tissuesを受けてるんだと思うんですけど、 そこで、this box of tissuesは、単数であるから they are for youは、 this is for youになるんじゃないの?・・・・・何か勘違いしてるのかな? すみませんが教えて下さい。

  • この英訳であっていますか?

    以下の事を英語で言いたいのですが、、 「イギリスのラジオ番組はどれもネットでリアルタイムで聴けるからすごい。日本のラジオ番組はいくつかネット上で聴けるけど、どれもリアルタイムの放送ではないよ。」 「○○○(放送局名)を聴きながら思ったんだけど、イギリス人のアクセントってとても素敵だね。」 以下の訳で大丈夫でしょうか? It is wonderful that we can listen to English radio programs in real-time over the internet. Of course we can listen to many Japanese radio programs on the internet, but they are not live. I think that accents of conversations of British people are very nice. I realize this while listening to ○○○. 間違っているところ、不自然なところなどありましたら、直していただけると嬉しいです。 どうかお願いいたします…!

  • 英訳(´・ω・`)

    ある外国の方からメールをいただきましたが、読めません、英訳してください(´;ω;`) hi,my name is aditya surya,i am male,single& my activity is as a talent builder of rock guitarist,i like havin' coffee so much,i allow my self cup~cup of black vietnam coffee every day,ha,ha...really i wanna send my message through my mobile phone but you mind,but it's ok&anyway...hmm...really i wanna go to japan but i am really confused to where i have got to go...hmm & i wanna be able to speak japanesse..would you like to teach me??hmmm..just kidding,,,ok thants a lot..i hope you're willing to reply this one..bye see you

  • 英訳をおねがいします

    「まるで、アメリカは被害を加えられた唯一の国であるかのように語っている姿をテレビでみました。戦争はこのような自分勝手な人を生み出してしまう。そしてそのような人が戦争の指揮をとっていくことになるのだと思う。」の英訳。 A common reason for bullying is if a person does not talk much. But also if a person talks a lot, they will be bullied because they are the center of attention.の文に続くのですが、「では、どのように話せと言うのか」という文の英訳。 これら二つの英訳をお願いいたします。

  • 英作の添削をお願いします

    出来栄えも10てん中で判断してほしいです。 ポスターで募集をかけているボランティアの数を増えないのでどうすれば増やせるか(慶應経済) そしてそれは何故増えないのか 増やすにはどうすればいいか 何故成功できると考えるか を 含めて説明せよ という問題です I think why only a few students responded is a variety of reasens. One reasen is that a lot of good imformation ,such as merits of volunteer are lacking. By this demerit, a lot of high school students to want to work as a volunteer may lose motivation. Another reasen is that the time to carry out a volunteer work is fixed. They can't conduct volunteer everyday because they are busy studying as a high school students . Therefore, I think what they can do to increase the number of volunteers is that they should change a cotents of the poster. if they can describe a vriety of merits of volunteer work and explain the students can be free to have a right to conduct volunteer work in poster , they will be able to increase the number of volunteers.

  • 英訳してみました

    色々な文を英訳してみたのですが、いかがでしょうか? 『この靴歩きやすそうだ。』 This pair of shoes seems easy to walk in. 『このベッドは適度に柔らかく、寝心地がとても良いです。』 This bed is moderately soft and comfortable to sleep on. 『彼は仕事に取り掛かるまで時間がかかる。  しかも出来上がった仕事は完成度が低い。』 He takes a lot of time to get down to work, and what is worse the way he finishes work is bad. 『これは(作るのに)時間がかかりますか? すぐに行かなければいけないので』(レストランで店員に対して) Does this take long to prepare? I have to leave soon.

  • 英訳してみました

    以下の日本語を2とおり英訳してみたのですが、あっているでしょうか? ●この本は読むのにとても時間がかかる。 This book takes a lot of times to read. It takes a lot of times to read this book.