• 締切済み



  • asyoudo
  • ベストアンサー率38% (5/13)

not only .. but also この構文の意味は「○○だけじゃなく○○だ。」 という意味になるので、この文は 「彼らは環境問題についてを知っているだけでなく、解決したいとも思っているんだ」 のような意味になるはずです。先生は間違っていて、あなたの訳で正解だと思います。


  • Young people not only know the environmental problems, but want to solve them.

    A:Do you worry about our future? B:By no means. It lies in young people. They not only know the environmental problems, but want to solve them. 上のような会話文ですが、標記の部分の訳がよくわかりませせん。  「とんでもない。あなたたちの未来は若い人たちにかかっています。彼ら(若者は、環境問題をしらないだけで、それらを解決したがっています」   こんな風に解釈したのですが、、 not only のあたりの意味あいがよくわからないのです。(not only ..but の構文かな?ともおもったのですが、なにかしっくりきません)

  • 以下の英文の日本語訳お願いします

    The irony, Goleman feels,is that if he had written a book about women and emotions, school reform, emotion-based leadership in business,or child psychology,“the book would not have gotten much attention. As it happens this is a book about all those things, but women and children and school reform are marginalized in this society.So I come along with a lot of scientific data that says,`Hey,this stuff is consequential`;and maybe some doors are opening in our society” 上記の英文を日本語訳してほしいです。 少し長いですが、お願いします。 また the diversion of the Gulf Stream and the melting of polar ice caps may be among the leaset of the environmental problems ahead of us この文章の >the diversion of the Gulf Stream のところの意味を教えてください。

  • 至急 この英文訳をお願いします!!

    The number of students receiving athletic scholarships is not necessarily proportional to the number of high school students participating in the sport. For example, basketball is one of the most popular sports among high school boys, but only about 7, 500 male college students are on scholarships in the sport. This means only one in 72 high school basketball players receives a college scholarship, compared to one in 23 in ice hockey

  • この英文の和訳が分かりません教えて下さい。

    Millions of people are using cell phones today. In many places it is actually considered unusual not to use one. In many countries, cell phones are very popular with young people. They find that the phones are more than a means of communication-having a mobile phone shows that they are cool and connected. The explosion around the world in mobile phone use has some health professionals worried. Some doctors are concerned that in the future many people may suffer health problems from the use of mobile phones. In England, there has been a serious debate about this issue. Mobile phone companies are worried about the negative publicity of such ideas. They say that there is no proof that mobile phons are bad for your health. この英文の和訳が分かりません教えて下さい。できればいやくはしないでください。

  • 英文構造がわかりません。

    この文のnot only…but…の部分について、not onlyの後もbutの後も同じ文構造になると思うのですが、前者は前置詞+名詞で副詞句なのに対して、後者も同じ文構造になっているとは思えません。そもそも、butの後はどのような文構造なのでしょうか? 解説よろしくお願い致します。

  • 文法的に正しい英文でしょうか?

    “She is not only good looking but also beautiful” 「彼女は外見が綺麗というだけでなく、美しい」 …いわば、"She is good looking but not beautiful(顔は綺麗だけど彼女美人じゃないね)"の逆、にあたるのでしょうか。 beautifulの語の意味をよく表している文章ですね。 この文章、文法的に正しい、或いはきちんと意味の通る英文になってますでしょうか? 辞書を引くと、 "not only A but (also) B" の用例として、 "He not only does not work but will not find a job." とありましたので、もしかしたら “She not only is good looking but also beautiful” の方が正しいのかなとも思ったのですが、どうもなんだか変なような気がするのです。

  • 日本語訳を! 8-(4)

    お願いします。 (10) But the writings that actually come from the First Intermediate Period aren't quite so negative. Some stories are about problemr, but problems that could be overcome. Problems wrestled with. Problems solved. Not everything was bleak for everyone. With the decline of the king's power, people suddenly began to think for themselves. If the king could not control Egypt, was he really a god? Perhaps, if the king was not perfect and he could enter the afterlife, others could, too. (11) Directions to the next world, which previously had been available only to the king, were now being written on the inside and outside of coffins. Maps of the underworld were drawn, too, so that the dead could find their way. Just to be on the safe side, artists drew eyes on the outside of the coffin so that dead inside could read what was written outside. The Coffin Texts became available to the upper levels of society who could afford a burial. (12) Without the rigid formulas of the old ways, new ways were possible. The paintings and stories in Ankhtyfy's tomb are examples of this new freedom. They are unlike anything from the Old Kingdom. The artists painted in bold new styles. The painted scenes of everyday activities such as spinning and weaving, with craftspeople using new inventions. Artistry and technology bloomed when the artisans were no longer told how things must be done. (13) Scholars do not agree on exactly when the First Intermediate Period ended and the Middle Kingdom began. The list of kings is confusing, and dates overlap. But one thing is certain: when the Middle Kingdom was in full swing, centralized power was back.

  • 英文の解説

    Not only has the new foreman increased production, but he has also raised emploee morale. このような文に遭遇したのですが、not only-, but also-の意味はわかります。しかし前文の主語がどこにあるのかいまいち把握できません。 これは倒置構文になっているのでしょうか? この分の仕組みと倒置構文を詳しく解説していただけるとありがたいです。

  • 英文を日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします

    ・A set of events that follow each other in a particular order. ・A complete change in form or appearance. ・Touching is a means of communication which shows physical closeness. ・A close relationship needs not only words but also touching. ・Touching is one of the communication tools for sick or injured people. ・Touching is essential to have an intimate friend. ・A person who is receiving medical treatment.

  • 大至急日本語訳お願いいたします。

    辞書をつかっても訳サイトをつかっても自然な訳ができません。 英語のできる方お願いいたします。 In Switzerland, there is a saying: “You can set your watch by the train timetable.” Japanese could make the same boast about one of the most amazing inventions in the latter half of the 20th century: The bullet train, 0r shinkansen.  What is remarkable about this system? First of all, it is an impressive form of transportation. Look at how many countries have copied it—and are still copying it! Second, its safety record is incredible. This may be matched only by its environmental record.  The name shinkansen actually means “new trunk line.” People forget that this is the name for the system of tracks, not the train itself. In English, it is called “the bullet train” because of its initial shape: the front of the train looks like a bullet. Also, this name was casually used for the idea of high-speed rail back in the 1930s, when planners talked of a dangan ressha.  The bullet train began running on October 1, 1964, just in time for the Tokyo Olympics. The first run to Osaka took four hours. This produced great savings in terms of time, but Within a year, Japan National Railroad had shortened the trip to three hours and ten minutes. The shinkansen showed the world that Japan had not only recovered from World War II, but that its economy was powerful and its technology first class. All of Asia must have been very proud on October 1, 1964.  It wasn’t long before lines Were built elsewhere. Not only did the bullet train connect J apan’s two most important cities at the time, Tokyo and Osaka, but rural areas started to grow again because it was easy to get there quickly.  The bullet train is amazingly environmental, so in this sense, Japan was also a leader in another form of technology . . . eco technology. While most countries were developing roads and air routes in the late 1950s, J NR’s president insisted that it would be better for Japan t0 have high speed rail. The shinkansen produces just 16% of the CD2 given off by cars. On the Osaka-Tokyo line alone, 15,000 tons of CO2 emissions are saved each year.  In terms of safety, no one can say that the shinkansen is not remarkable. How many passengers have died in bullet train accidents? Since 1964, not one. It is a stunning record! Certainly people have jumped both in front of and out of the shinkansen, but these deaths were not the fault of the company.