• 締切済み



  • sunnykego
  • ベストアンサー率20% (6/30)

この英文の訳=人々も、おせちと呼ばれている特別な新年の料理を食べます。いろいろな美しく配置された食器は、ラッカーボックスでセットされます。に、なります。弱冠違うかな…あなたの訳だと… A person eats the dish which can cause osechi again in the New Year.A lot of cooking that formed a line neatly is set in a lacquered box.が、いいと思います。参考にして下さい。


  • ネットで買える、郷土色の強いおせち

    今年もおせち料理を手配する時期になりました。 ここ数年病気でおせち料理は買わなかったのですが、今年は病気も全快し再就職できたのでおせちで新年を祝いたいと思います。 5年以上前かな、九州の冷凍おせちが辛子蓮根など郷土の品が入っていて美味しかったのですが、同じものが同じ販売ルートになくなってしまいました。 九州の限らずその土地の郷土色あふれるおせちを食べてみたいのですが、皆様のおすすめはございますでしょうか? いまのところ、富山のもの、北海道の海鮮おせち、九州のもつ鍋セット付きは見つけました。 他にネットで買えるものでご存知のものがありましたら教えてくださいませ。

  • 添削していただけませんか?

    英作文を作らなければならず、作ったのですが文法や単語があっているのか不安です。なるべく簡単な文法を使って添削していただけませんか?よろしくお願いいたします。 From the end of the Edo period, it became common people for osechi dishes to be packed with food in lacquered boxes.The official number of stages is four-steps.It's called "good luck" to pack it in the box. There are also practical aspects.It takes up less space by superposing it on top. Also, it has a lid so that can save it.

  • 英語の長文なんですが、添削をしてもらえませんか?

    英語の長文なんですが、添削をしてもらえませんか? とても長いのですが、見ていただけたら嬉しいです。  英語を書くのがとても苦手なので、変な文があるかと思うのですが、  間違いを指摘していただければと思います。  どうかよろしくお願いします! 以下の文です China is different in food material and recipes in every area. A satir-fry using strong heat stands out compared with Japanese food. Also there tends to be a lot of dishes which use oil. It is important to take in hot meal, so there are few cold dishes. There are 10 kinds of different ways to fry. This time, I will introduce three famous dishes among the many. Firstly, Shanghai food is called a compilation of dishes. It has a good body, is sweet, and uses a lot of oil. It's often made with home cooking. A"xiao long bao" is often eaten in Japan. Secondly, the most popular food for Japanese people for its light flacoring is Canton food. The food material are rich in variety, for example, a swallow's nest and a shark's fin. There are very many kinds of cooking. Sweet and sour pork is also eaten in Japan. Finally, If you want to enjoy a hot taste, I'd recommend a Sechuan dish to you. Sechuan dish is famous for Chinese chili bean sauce. There are lot of spicy hot dishes, so the color is red. Many of the dishes are balanced food using vegetables. I like hot dishes very much, so I like Sechuan dishes the best. It's chili sauce of shurimp is ofeten in Japan. There are many places where Chinese food can be eaten in Japan,but I really want to go to China and eat in the home of Chinese food. <日本訳> 中国は地方ごとに食材や調理法が違う。日本領にに比べ強い火力を用いる炒め物が目立つ。また、油を多く使うという傾向がある。温かい食事をとることが重視されているため、冷たいものは少ない。炒め方でも10種類の調理法がある。今回、たくさんある中で3つ有名な食事を紹介します。    まずは料理の集大成といわれる上海料理です。コクがあって甘く、油がおい。家庭料理でもよく作られている。日本でよく食べられてるものにショウロンポウがあります。    つぎに、たんぱくな味付けで日本人にもっとも人気がある広東料理です。材料はバラエティに富み、ツバメの巣やフカヒレなどがある。料理の種類がたくさんある。また日本では酢豚が食べられている。    最後は、もしあなたが辛いもの好きなら、私は四川料理をおすすめします。四川料理は豆板醤で有名。調味料、辛みのある料理が多い。だから料理の色が赤い。バランスがよい食事が多く、野菜や肉、魚を使う。私は辛い料理が好きなので四川料理が一番好きです。日本ではエビチリが食べられている。    日本では中華料理が食べられる場所がたくさんありますが、私は中国にいって本場の中華料理が食べたいです。    ↑までです。  すみません;;  どうかお願いいたします。  

  • この英文をどなたか和訳してください。

    1.“Everything in Japan seems about half the size of things in our society”, runs the typical American refrain. 2.Some scholars define Japanese culture as a ‘compact culture.’ 3.In the chapter, I will show you some evidence for that. 4.Traditional aspects of Japanese culture provide an abundance of examples of compact culture. 5.Bonsai, or an art of creating dwarfed potted trees, is a perfect example.] 6.In Ikebana, which is Japanese flower arranging a vast universe is compactly expressed by an elegant combining of flowers. 7.Even in the layout of a traditional Japanese garden, there is a unique technique of incorporating the outer scenery into a small garden called ‘shakkei.’ 8.Haiku, the shortest poem of a 5-7-5 pattern, also appropriately illustrates a compact culture. 9.Throughout Japan’s history, Japanese eating habits have had a tendency towards compactness. 10.In the Heian period, the dishes eaten by court nobles were gorgeous with several separate trays full of food. 11.Over the course of time, those gorgeous dishes were transformed into a compact lunch box called a ‘makunouchi bento.’ 12.Today, any trip to the local supermarket is a visual feast because this time-honored tradition of delectable delights attracts everyone as they walk by. 13.Elements of a compact culture can also be detected with regards to religious aspects in Japan. 14.A large shrine can be represented by a portable shrine called an ‘omikoshi’. 15.In this way, the same deities can be worshipped at special festivals anywhere outside the shrine. 16.This portable shrine can further be ‘reduced’ (in a sense) to be represented by a small Shinto altar in a traditional Japanese home so that people can pray to the deities anytime at home. 17.And lastly, this altar can be represented by a portable charm called an ‘omamori,’ a definitive example of this unique Japanese compact culture. 18.Learning, you could say, is also related to compact culture

  • 至急、翻訳、お願いします。

    至急、翻訳、お願いします。 Central Pacific Hotel is featuring "Steak Fair" at the Garden Cafe and Restaurant.You may have various kinds of stteak "all-you-can-eat" and enjoy one compplimentary drink between 5:00 PM and 8:00 PM,Monday through riday until June 30. Price is$20 per adult($10per child under 10),including tax and service charge.A pad of 6 coupons($100) is available at the Cashier in advnce or at the door. For futher informatin,please dial (627) 321-9287,Ext.8901,Garden Cafe. Please note:For customers staying at the hotel we are offering a special 20% discount for every kind of foo.This discount also applies to "Steak Fair," but use pad of 6 coupons,this discount is not applied.

  • 日本文を英文にしてみました。英文が間違っていないか添削お願いします。

    間違った英文があったら添削お願いします。 今、日本では、非常に寒いです。12月から日に日に寒くなりました。たいては、11月から寒いのです。私は、季節が1ヶ月遅れているように感じます。あなたの国は、どうですか? Now, Japan is very cold. It was becoming colder and colder day by day on December.Most Japan is becoming colder and colder day by day on November. I feel that this season is later than last season(a month). How about your country? 今、風邪が流行っています。冬には、多くの日本人がみかんを食べています。なぜなら風邪を予防することができるからです。あなたの国の風邪の予防策を教えてもらえますか? Cold is raging in Japan, now. There's a lot of cold going round at the moment in Japan. In winter, many Japanese people eat tangerine. Because it can prevent cold. How about your country?   私たちは、風邪をひいたら蜂蜜と大根のエキスをミックスしたものや玉子酒(大人が飲む)などを飲んだりしています。しかし私は、玉子酒は、飲んだことは、ありません。もし風邪をひいたらあなたの国では、何を食べたり、飲んだりしますか? Example, you catch a cold. We can drink honey & Japanese white radish’s extract, tamagozake(Tamagozake is a drink consisting of heatedJapanese alcoholic, sugar and a raw egg.)etc…. Adult people drink Tamagozake. But I have never drunk it. If your country’s people catch a cold. What do you drink or eat in your country? 私の弟は、東京の大学に行っています。彼が帰省しました。だから家族で日本料理店へ行きました。そこで、日本の伝統的な日本料理を食べました。お刺身や、寿司、天ぷら、吸い物などが出ました。とても美味しかったです。 My younger brother goes to university in Tokyo. He back to home, now. So my family and I visited Japanese restaurant. We ate traditional Japanese dishes. We ate sashimi(slice of raw fish), osushi, templa, suimono(Japanese soup) ,etc… They were very delicious. 弟が、東京で面白いところがあると言っていました。それは、秋葉原です。コスプレを見ることができます。そしてメイド喫茶や沢山の電気ショップや漫画喫茶などがあります。あなたは、秋葉原に行きましたか?私は、9年前に東京へ行きました。私は、浅草、上野、渋谷、池袋、丸の内などへ行きました。ええと、A市からは、東京は、とても遠いです。もしあなたが、A市に来たら案内します。 My younger brother said to us, “ In Tokyo is interesting place”. Its place is Akihabara. You can see cosplay in Akihabara. There are maid’s coffee shops, many electrical products shops, manga’s coffee shops,etc…. Did you go to Akihabara? I visited Tokyo 9 years ago. I visited Asakusa, Ueno, Schibuya, Ikebukuro, Marunouchi,etc… Well, Tokyo is in the distance. If you can visit A-city, I’ll show around A-city. ところであなたは、日本で親切な人々に出会ったのですね。日本人は、とても親切です。 忙しい人でなかったらほとんどの人は目的地が分かるまで教えてくれます。 Oh, you could see kind Japanese people. They are very kind. You tell most people a purpose’s place. But some people don’t tell a purpose’s place. Because they are very busy. 私は、日本のいろいろな場所に行ったことは、ないです。いろいろな場所に行きたいです。しかしお金がほとんどないです。日本の旅行代金は、とても高いです.北海道旅行するより、ヨーロッパに行くほうが安かったりします。 I don’t go to many palaces in Japan. I’d like to go to  many palaces. But I don’t have almost money. Japanese travel cost is very high. Hokkaido’s travel is more high cost than Europe. 私は、クリスマスの日は、家にいました。テレビを見たり、インターネットをしたりしていました。あなたは、どうですか? I stayed home when Christmas day. I watched TV and played internet. How about you? 私は、2008年の目標は、良い仕事を見つけたいです。家の近くで働きたいです。 I’d like to find good job on 2008. I hope that I’d like to work near home.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Talks between the Allies to establish a common negotiating position started on 18 January 1919, in the Salle de l'Horloge at the French Foreign Ministry on the Quai d'Orsay in Paris. Initially, 70 delegates from 27 nations participated in the negotiations. Russia was excluded due to their signing of a separate peace (the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk) and early withdrawal from the war. Furthermore, German negotiators were excluded to deny them an opportunity to divide the Allies diplomatically. Initially, a "Council of Ten" (comprising two delegates each from Britain, France, the United States, Italy, and Japan) met officially to decide the peace terms. This council was replaced by the "Council of Five", formed from each countries foreign ministers, to discuss minor matters. Prime Minister of France Georges Clemenceau, Prime Minister of Italy Vittorio Emanuele Orlando, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom David Lloyd George, and President of the United States Woodrow Wilson formed the "Big Four" (at one point becoming the "Big Three" following the temporally withdrawal of Vittorio Emanuele Orlando). These four men met in 145 closed sessions to make all the major decisions, which were later ratified by the entire assembly. The minor powers attended a weekly "Plenary Conference" that discussed issues in a general forum but made no decisions. These members formed over 50 commissions that made various recommendations, many of which were incorporated into the final text of the treaty.France had lost 1.3 million soldiers, including 25% of French men aged 18–30 and 400,000 civilians. France had also been more physically damaged than any other nation (the so-called zone rouge (Red Zone); the most industrialized region and the source of most coal and iron ore in the north-east had been devastated and in the final days of the war mines had been flooded and railways, bridges and factories destroyed. Clemenceau intended to ensure the security of France, by weakening Germany economically, militarily, territorially and by supplanting Germany as the leading producer of steel in Europe. A position, British economist and Versailles negotiator, John Maynard Keynes summarized as attempting to "set the clock back and undo what, since 1870, the progress of Germany had accomplished."

  • 「人間失格」の英訳、第7回

    「人間失格」の英訳の続き。第7回。改訂案などお示し下されば幸いです。 自分だって、それは勿論もちろん、大いにものを食べますが、しかし、空腹感から、ものを食べた記憶は、ほとんどありません。 I too eat a lot of course, but I’ve seldom consumed food out of hunger. めずらしいと思われたものを食べます。豪華と思われたものを食べます。 I help myself to things that people regard as rare. I eat foods considered to be gorgeous. また、よそへ行って出されたものも、無理をしてまで、たいてい食べます。 Also, I consume almost everything served by people I visit, even with some effort. そうして、子供の頃の自分にとって、最も苦痛な時刻は、実に、自分の家の食事の時間でした。 Then, for me as a child, the most uncomfortable times were, actually, the mealtimes in my own home. 自分の田舎の家では、十人くらいの家族全部、めいめいのお膳ぜんを二列に向い合せに並べて、 In my countryside home, the whole household of about ten family members each had their respective set meals in front of themselves, which were arranged in two lines opposite each other. 末っ子の自分は、もちろん一ばん下の座でしたが、その食事の部屋は薄暗く、昼ごはんの時など、十幾人の家族が、ただ黙々としてめしを食っている有様には、自分はいつも肌寒い思いをしました。 As the youngest child in the family, I was naturally on the farthest seat. The dining room was dim. At lunchtimes, the family of ten or so just helping themselves to the food in total silence would always make me feel chilly. それに田舎の昔気質かたぎの家でしたので、おかずも、たいていきまっていて、めずらしいもの、豪華なもの、そんなものは望むべくもなかったので、いよいよ自分は食事の時刻を恐怖しました。 Moreover, the family was provincial and old-fashioned, so the side dishes were almost always fixed, so you couldn’t even think of getting any rarities or eye-catching ones. I therefore started finding mealtimes even more dreadful. 自分はその薄暗い部屋の末席に、寒さにがたがた震える思いで口にごはんを少量ずつ運び、押し込み、 At the far end of the darkish room, I would carry rice into my mouth, a little at a time, while feeling as if shivering with the cold, thrusting it in. 人間は、どうして一日に三度々々ごはんを食べるのだろう、実にみな厳粛な顔をして食べている、 While doing so, I would even wonder, what did people eat three times every single day? Everyone ate with a really solemn face. これも一種の儀式のようなもので、家族が日に三度々々、時刻をきめて薄暗い一部屋に集り、 This was probably yet another kind of ceremony or something of the sort. The family sat in the dim room at set times of the day three times every single day. お膳を順序正しく並べ、食べたくなくても無言でごはんを噛かみながら、 With set meals arranged correctly, they munched their rice without uttering a word even though they didn’t felt like it. うつむき、家中にうごめいている霊たちに祈るためのものかも知れない、とさえ考えた事があるくらいでした。 Then, all that time, they had their eyes down. And all that might have been for giving prayers to the spirits wandering around throughout the house. That was what I would sometimes imagine.

  • 以下の英文を訳して下さい。

    Among fish, the swordfish is the king of kings. The swordfish, leaping out of the water with its upper jaw like a spear, represents the ultimate in sport fishing. Technically, the swordfish is unrelated to the tuna, but its body resembles that of a tuna, and in Japan it is called a "swordfish tuna." Americans enjoy the light flavor of swordfish meat. In Japan, "true tuna" is more highly prized than swordfish. Toro, the oily meat taken from the belly of the tuna, is considered unbelievably expensive by Europeans and Americans. In Japan until the 1930s, the more lightly flavored red meat from the spine of the tuna was more expensive than toro. This "reversal of fortune" simply shows how tastes change, because no logical explanation for the fact is possible. In Japan, there are three ways to eat fish at its best: raw,grilled, and simmered. The freshest fish is eaten raw, fish that is slightly past its prime is grilled, and less fresh fish is simmered. Really fresh fish is best eaten raw, and the island nation of Japan can boast the freshest of fish. The Japanese language gave the world "sashimi" to the international community years ago. A survey was conducted to determine the popularity of tuna in New York, Paris, and Tokyo. The popularity was the same for Tokyoites and New Yorkers, but Parisians did not much care for tuna. It just did not have the same high quality associations as the white meat of sole. Wild red sea bream is considered a high-quality fish in Japan, but is not popular in Southeast Asia and southern China because its hard bones make it difficult to eat. If you want to know where to get your favorite fish cheap, you should know something about national characteristics. In terms of price, tuna is best in France, and red sea bream is best in Southeast Asia. A certain gourmet made himself sashimi in Kuwait. It was a fine fish, but the sashimi lacked flavor for him. He noticed that the meat had no fat in it, so he added some oil to the sashimi. As a result, it became tastier. Now, because the meat was too oily, he had to make a sauce using vinegar as the base in order to make the sashimi flavorful. In this way, with a little ingenuity, sashimi becomes tasty even if it's made in a foreign country. Nowadays, you can get sashimi practically anywhere in the world. However, not all of it is good. It was reported in local magazines that if you want really good sasimi in Johannesburg, South Africa, some restaurants will use their own special fishing boats in Cape Town to catch the fish of your choice. It was also reported that there is a small fishing village in the north of England that prepares sashimi just the way the Japanese like it. Can it be true?

  • 英文にできなくてすごく困っています。少しでもいいので英文を教えてください。お願いします。
