• 締切済み

an excited game

確認です。an excited game という英語は間違いですよね? あるホームページを見ていたら、 All-Star Week comes to an end with an exciting game. というような例文をあげて、あまりにも自信たっぷりに an excited game は正しいと書いてあったので、本当にそうなのかと思ったくらいです。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数0


  • toko0503
  • ベストアンサー率36% (886/2437)


  • okwavecom
  • ベストアンサー率15% (6/38)




すみません。例文を間違えていました。 Cowboys beat the Sooners 48 - 46 in an excited game. です。


  • excitedとexcitingの違い

    It was an (excite) story. So the boy could not go to sleep.で( )の語を現在分詞か過去分詞に直す問題なのですが、ぼくはexcitedにして「それは興奮した話だった。」と訳をしたのですが、答えはexcitingになっていました。ぼくはexcitedでも意味が通じると思ったのですが、excitedがダメだという理由を教えてください。 またLots of (excite) shoppers rushed to the store.でぼくは( )の語をexcitingにして、「たくさんの興奮している買い物客が店に急いでいた。」と訳をしたのですが、答えはexcitedになっています。 これについてもexcitingがダメだという理由を教えてください。

  • 英語の穴埋め問題の解説をお願いします。

    Baseball is an ( ) game. (1) excite (2) exciting (3) excited (4) excitement 答えは(2)なのですが、他の選択肢が不正解の理由を教えてください。

  • 「excited」の使い方を教えて下さい

    みなさんこんにちは。いつも解答ありがとうございます。 I was really excited about the baseball game. と言った場合、The game was really exciting.という意味になり(ニュアンスは違いますが・・)、「その試合を見た」ということになりますよね。 (結果として試合は中止になったけれども) 「その試合を見る事を楽しみにしていた」と言いたい場合はどう言えば良いですか? I was really looking forward to watching the game. で同じ意味を作れるかも知れませんが 「excited」を使った方が感情が入りそうなので、「excited」を使った言い方を教えて下さい。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文を和訳して下さい

    They say all good things comes to an end... a week was definitely way too short but im glad she got to meet my friends and family down here and got to experience life from my perspective. See you in April

  • an unearned allowance

    I am in a relationship with a man who has two daughters, ages 9 and 10. At the end of his marriage, he and his wife filed for bankruptcy, partly due to her shopping addiction. Her spending doesn't appear to have changed, and I'm worried about how it's affecting her children, now and in the future. She immediately buys them everything they want to the point where there's really nothing to purchase for birthdays or Christmas, because they want for nothing. She buys them more clothes than any child could ever wear before they outgrow them. Recently she started giving them an unearned allowance of $20 a week, but she doesn't actually "give" them the money. She instead takes them shopping so they can spend the money. an unearned allowanceとはどういうことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    My wife is borderline addicted to "Words With Friends" (an app game similar to Scrabble), and it's causing me concern, in addition to creating some strife within our marriage. It would be one thing if she were only playing with other female players, but she also has an ongoing game with a former male classmate, which I consider to be a form of online flirting. she also has an ongoing gameは「彼女は(最近)ゲームをしている」でよいでしょうか?she plays a gameというのとは違うのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英語の穴埋め問題の解説をお願いします。

    37) I found the film ( ) and I enjoyed it. (1) excitedly (2) exciting (3) is excited (4) to be excited 39) I can’t tell how many people there were, but a hundred is ( ) figure. (1) a precise (2) a trivial (3) a rough (4) an exact 40) He is said to be the best person for the job, but I doubt ( ). (1) so (2) such (3) it (4) this 熟語なども教えて頂けるとありがたいです。

  • 日本語にお願いします!

    All the best with your studies! It would be nice to see you again :) I heard about the Olympics :) people must be excited

  • house deed

    My 26-year-old daughter is in a serious relationship with a partner 10 years her senior. He comes to the partnership with an established home. What would you advise my daughter to expect or require going into this marriage-like arrangement? Should she expect to be put on the house deed as soon as they are married? What would be fair for all concerned? She is just beginning her career, so she is presently renting but saving for a home. He comes to the partnership with an established home.の和訳をお願いします。あと、be put on the house deedはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 日本語訳と文構造を教えていただけますか。

    An internationally-model person sees cultural variety of an enrichment to his life . He is open minded and makes an effort to be friendly to all people, regardless of race, creed, and color. He will not let one bad experience lead him to generalize about an entire people or race. He knows better than to believe that all Americans are hospitable, that all Englishmen are gentleman, or that all Japanese are polite. He judges people, then, ( )an individual basis.