Politeness and Kindness: Exploring the Meaning in Kitchen Table Talk

  • Discovering the essence of politeness in the book Kitchen Table Talk.
  • Unpacking the meaning behind 'Not saying' and 'Not using' in the provided sentence.
  • Understanding the referent of 'it' in the phrase 'if it makes someone uncomfortable, or Not using polite language'.
  • ベストアンサー


NHKが出版している本で、Kitchen Table Talkという本があるのですが、その中に「Politeness, I suppose, is truly polite only when it helps people to feel good or smoothes over a situation. Not saying "sumimasen" if it makes someone uncomfortable, or Not using polite language when someone doesn't understand it turns out to be the kind thing to do. There may be too much "politeness" for some people, but there's never too much kindness.」この文章で、(1)Not saying~、Not usingのとらえ方。(2)if it makes~ it turns outのitは何を指しているのですか?(3)turns outの主語を教えて下さい。訳も全体をみるとわからなくなってしまいます。すみませんが、よろしくお願いいたします。

  • oolaf
  • お礼率20% (12/59)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • magmi-shi
  • ベストアンサー率40% (37/91)

"Not saying"と"Not using"がturns outの主語になっていると思います。 両方ともNot+動名詞で,「言わないことと使わないこと」がthe kind thing to doであるといいたいのでしょう。 また,  if it makes someone uncomfortable のitは"saying "sumimasen"を示し,  someone doesn't understand it のitは"polite language"を示しています。 全体の意味合いは 丁寧さというのは,人を快く思わせたり状況を解決したりするのに役立つ場合にのみ,本当に丁寧といえるのだと思います。人を不快にさせる場合は「すいません」と言わないことや,人が理解できない場合は丁寧な言い回しを使わないことが,結局は思いやりのある行為となるのです。人によっては「丁寧さ」が過剰すぎることもありますが,思いやりはいくらあっても多すぎることはありません。 という感じになるかと思います。


  • 和訳と文法解説のお願い

    以下の文法解説と和訳をお願いします。 NOT saying "sumimasen" if it makes someone uncomfortable,or NOT using polite language when someone doesn't understnad it turns out to be the kind thing to do. 質問1.主節のNOT saying~は分詞構文?その次のif it makes~も、itが何を指しているのか解らず意味がとりづらいです。 質問2.when節のunderstandの目的語はどれでしょうか?また、このwhen節は副詞的に挿入されているのでしょうか? 以上2点を中心に解説して頂けると助かります。 よろしくお願い致します。

  • too~not toの意味と文章の訳

    ポッドキャストのスクリプトです。 “Politically correct” の意味を説明する箇所がありました。 “Politically correct” is using words and language carefully so that you don’t offend other people – to get other people mad at you. You often will change the words that we perhaps used to use to describe someone and use language that is less offensive to them. Some people use “politically correct” itself to be an insulting term, saying that people are being too careful not to be offensive. 4行目の Some people use “politically correct” itself to be an insulting term, saying that people are being too careful not to be offensive. の文章ですが、まず、itselfは「そのもの」と解釈し、too~ not to・・・は、いろいろ調べたのですが、 「~しすぎて・・・でないわけにいかない」という意味があるとあったので、 「人はあまりに気を使いすぎるのが不快でないわけないと言って、無礼な言葉である“politically correct(差別のない表現)”を使う人もいる。」 と訳をつけました。 訳をつけましたが、“politically correct”を使う理由は何なのかが理解できませんでした。 以上わからなかった所をまとめますと、 1. itself を付けるのはなぜ? 2. too~ not to・・・の意味 3. “politically correct”を使う人もいる理由 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 日本語にして下さい

    Not for me. I'm flattered that you feel that was about me. But I'm saying your just to young to fall in love with someone right now. You have so much to experience out there. I didn't mean it in a bad way. I'm sorry.

  • 英語 訳お願いします!

    英語 訳をお願いします! There is an old saying:“Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish, and you have fed him for a lifetime.” However,today, this saying may no longer be true. The reason is overfishing. Open waters and government pay lead to too many fishermen. better technology makes it easier to catch more fish. 以上です! 話の一部一部を抜いたものなので訳しにくかったらすいません!

  • 英文の日本語訳お願いします!

    Basic survival demanded that the hands were almost never still, and so it was only during sleep (and sometimes not even then) that people were not saying something or other. No distinction was made between the gestures of language and the gestures of life. The labor of building a house, say, or preparing a meal was no less an expression than making the sign for I love you or I feel serious. When a hand was used to shield one’s face when frightened by a loud noise something was being said, and when fingers were used to pick up what someone else had dropped something was being said; and even when the hands were at rest, that, too, was saying something. おねがいします。

  • 訳がわかりません

    訳が分からないので、教えて頂けましたら助かります。 With more business correspondence now being conducted using the Internet than ever before, it is important for people to be aware of the differences in language use between personal and business communication一especially when using e-mail. So the next time you send an e-mail at the office, remember you're not just online, you're at work. 宜しくお願いいたします。

  • talk us out of it saying.

    it is better to marry late rather than earlyという英作文で、その模範解答で分からない英文があったのでそれをお聞きしたいと思い、お尋ねさせていただきます。 こちらがその模範解答の一部です。 If I had someone I wanted to marry, even if I were still a college student, I could not wait. People around us, and especially our parents would say it was too early and try to talk us out of it saying that we would have financial problems. その英文で、talk 人out of というのはof の後は動名詞だと習いましたが、そうしますと it はいったいなんなのでしょうか。お分かりになる方がいましたら、回答をいただけましたら、幸いです。

  • too~to・・構文について

    too~to・・構文について これはit is too ~ to ・・ 以外にも使えますよね? 先日「クローンにはお金がかかりすぎてほかの事にお金を回せない」という日本語を 「cloning costs too much to spend money on other things」にしたら ウーンという顔をされました。 この文どこかヘンですか?

  • It is possible to be too much conce

    It is possible to be too much concerned even with one's own salvation. 政治家という職業について書かれた文章中の一文です。 私の訳では「自分自身の救済のためにでさえ、度を越えた関心を寄せることはありえるのである。」 なのですが、どうもしっくりきません。 ふさわしい訳をどなたか教えてください。お願いします。 (以下全文) It is this uncertainty,with its various consequences,that makes politics the most hazardous of all manly professions. If there is not another in which a man can do so much good to his fellow-creatures,neither is there any in which,by a cowardly act or by a mere loss of nerve,he may so easily lose his own soul.But danger is the inseparable companion of honour. The greatest deeds in history were not done by people who thought of safety first.It is possible to be too much concerned even with one's own salvation.There will not be much hope left for humanity when men are no longer willing to risk their immortal as well as their mortal parts.With all temptation, dangers and degradations that beset it politics is still,I think,the noblest career that any man can choose.

  • 助けてください 日本語訳お願いします

    Texting in particular is coming under fire、and not just because in certain situations it is downright dangerous (many places have outlawed texting While driving because ,5 large number of accidents related to it) and bad for the health (too much texting can cause permanent damage to the thumbs). Texting, some say, causes our language skills to go downhill. For example, scienceDaily reports that new research conducted on the reading habits of university students shows that reading text messages not only has a negative impact on people’s ability to interpret new words, but it also makes them less accepting of new vocabulary. Reading print media, on the other hand, says ScienceDaily, “exposes people to variety and creativity in language that is not found in the colloquial peer-to-peer text messaging used among young people.