• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

1つ目の to a first approximation については、具体的にどのような近似法(シミュレーションなどで利用される)を使っているのかは前後の文からのみ判断されますが、基本的に”第一近似”つまり、始めに行う概略近似 ということでよいと思います。 ただし、前後の文に近似法などについて書かれておらず、突然使われているならば、単純に”大体のところ、大雑把に見れば”のような意味になる可能性もあります。 2つ目の with iron being the main element of the outer layer ですが with のあとのフレーズが 2つの物質がどう化学的に違うかを詳しく説明するための with です。being は with に導かれるフレーズの中にある動詞のために the iron is --- となるところが、名詞的に being となっているのですね。 日常会話の例では I went out with my laptop under my arm. ノートパソコンを小脇に抱えて家を出た。 他の表現を使えば、Their chemical compositions are different in (a sense) that iron is the main element of the outer layer and chromium is the main element of the inner layer. 訳は 外側の層の主要元素が鉄で、内側の主要元素がクロムというように(2つの層の)化学組成が違っている。 となるでしょう。


  • 結晶学に関する英語の訳

    The final form of the solid is determined by the conditions under which the fluid is being , such as the chemistry of the fluid , the ambient pressure, the temperature, and the speed with which all these parameters are changing. 直訳は 「固体の最終的な形は、液体が凝固されている状態によって決まり、たとえば、液体の化学的性質、大気圧、温度、速度などこれらのすべてのパラメータが変化している。」 となりますが、 これだとあまり意味がわかりません。 1.速度(speed)とは何の速度でしょうか。 2.大気圧、温度、速度が変化しているの分かりますが、液体の化学的性質とは具体的に何のことなんでしょうか。

  • 英語の訳と文法を教えてください

    I recommend that you wait,for the time being,before accusing your sister by presenting to them the results of anyinvestigation into their possible misconduct,to avoid disrupting your ties with your sister. Before 以降の訳がわかりません Accusing は形容詞でbefore の後いきなりで意味わかりませんん By presenting の役も教えてください。

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    The main cause of this is the release of chlorofluorocarbons. Antarctica was an early victim of ozone destruction. A massive hole in the ozone layer right above Antarctica now threatens not only that continent, but many others that could be the victims of Antarctica's melting icecaps. In the future, the ozone problem will have to be solved so that the protective layer can be conserved. 外国の知人に頼まれたのですが、私の周りに英語に詳しい人もおらず困っています。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 17-6日本語訳

    お願いします。  Metal,especially iron,was very valuable in ancient times.Rulers used it for weapons,weights,coin manufacturing,and monuments.Iron usually starts as iron ore,a mixture of rock and metal.The iron is smelted by crushing the ore and heating it to a very high temperature.Only charcoal burned hot enough to smelt iron.India's jungles have both iron ore and lots of trees to make charcoal.  Once a blacksmith smelted the iron,he hammered it into sheets or bars that could later be shaped into swords,weights,or seals.When heating iron with charcoal,carbon fuses with the iron and makes an even harder metal called steel.Because steel is so hard,it could be used to stamp other,softer metals like gold and silver.The Mauryan government soon established mints where steel stamps called punches stamped royal symbols on pieces of silver,turning them into coins.  So many of the problems that the people of South Asia tried to solve-how to have healthy,happy life,where we are in the universe,how to keep track of time and money-are the same problems that we try to solve today.And,despite our huge technological advantages,many of their answers continue to be help us thousands of years later.Just think what the doctors who developed Ayurveda and brilliants scientists like Aryabhate might have discovered if they'd had computers!

  • 英文(インタビュー)の訳について

    映画関係者へのインタビューを扱った、シャドーイングの教材で勉強をしています。その中でどうしても旨く訳せないというか、うまく呑み込めない箇所があるので、質問させていただきます。文章の前後もあった方が良いかと思い、とりあえずセクションの英文を全て下記に記入し、記載されていた訳も書き込みました。分からない箇所はエマワトソンが最後の方で言っている「he gave us a lot of freedom with ,with um…with that as well」の「with that as well」の部分です。as wellを辞書でも調べましたが「その上」とか「同様に」とか書かれていて、文に当てはめてもしっくりきません。thatも何を指しているのか・・?自分なりに考えて、“as well”が“その上”でthatが“撮影”の事を言ってるとすると単純に「その上、撮影では」ってことかな?それとも「撮影では良かったことに… 」ってことかな?とも思いましたが、私自身英語やり直し組みで、そんなに英語のスキルは高くなく、はっきりと分かりません。教えていただければ有難いです。 Q ; Were you able to teach Alfonso anything about your character? Emma Watson : Yeah , actually one of the first…one of the first thing that he…he did when we first met him was asked us to write an essay about our character uh…not just to help us but also to help…to help him to kind of uh…,see the character through our eyes. And he,he also ,he gave us a lot of freedom with ,with um…with that as well,which was really good. 質問;自分の演じるキャラクターについてキュアロン監督に何か教える事ができましたか? エマワトソン;ええ。初めて会ったとき、監督はまず私たちに、自分の演じるキャラクターについての作文を書くようにと言ったの。私たち自身の為だけでなく、私たちの目から見たキャラクターを監督に知ってもらうのに役立つようにね。それと監督は私たちにとても自由にやらせてくれて….本当によかった。

  • 説明書が英語で…。

    父にLPプレイヤーの説明書の訳(文下参照)を頼まれたのですが、用語が専門的で辞書や翻訳ソフトを使ってもいまいち上手く解読できません。 どなたか助けてください(>_<) よろしくお願いしますm(__)m 【依頼された文】 (1)Position this bias guide so that the thread is at approximately 90°to the bias lever when the stylus is over the outer groove of a 12" record. Rotate the guide pulley housing to align it with the thread which must lie in the groove of the pulley (2)place the nylon loop in the groove corresponding to the tracking force being used.

  • 日本語訳を!c12-2

    お願いします!続き  Without faith in dharma,men fail to reach me,Arjuna;they return to the cycle of death and rebirth.  Despite Krishna's advice,Arjuna holds back at a crucial moment of the battle.The day is saved when Krishna jumps into the fray and sends his spinning chakra,a flat disk with a razor-sharp edge,slicing through the advancing army of the Kauravas.The poem ends with the words:  Where Krishna is lord of discipline and Arjuna is the archer,there do fortune,victory,abundance,and morality exist,so I think.  The Mahabharata is an exciting narative,a beautiful poem,and an important source of religious teaching.But it is also a historical document that tells us a lot about the Vedic communities at the end of the Vedic Era.For example,in the final battle,the warriors ride in magnificent chariots covered with gold and gems,with tinkling bells and iron-rimmed wheels,calling each other to battle with trumpets made of conch shells.“Tumult echoed through heaven and earth,”says the Mahabharata.That passage tells us that the Vedic people had horses and chariots,that their artisans knew how to work with iron and gold,and that they had reestablished trade with the coastal villages that collected conch shells.The place names in the poem also remind us that India was being settled along the Ganga and Yamuna River valleys and in the Punjaa.Krishna,for example,was from the city of Mathura,on the Yamuna,while the Kaurava brothers were from the city of Hastinapura,on the Ganga.

  • 英語の日本語訳をお願いします

    A team of French doctors took to the skies Wednesday for the first operation on a human being in zero-gravity conditions, removing a cyst from the arm of a man as an aircraft soared and dived to create weightlessness. The five-man medical team made history by slicing off tumorous growth that floated away, tied to a string, from the 46-year-old patient in one of 22 brief moments of weightlessness. 上手く訳せなくて困ってます。 特に最後の in one of 22 brief moments of weightlessness.の訳が全然わからないので、わかりやすい日本語訳をしていただけると助かります。お願いしますm(__)m

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    Joffre set 14 August as the date when the First and Second armies were to invade Lorraine between Toul and Épinal, south of the German fortified area of Metz-Thionville. The First Army was to attack in the south with four corps, towards Sarrebourg 60 kilometres (37 mi) east of Nancy and Donon 25 kilometres (16 mi) south of Sarrebourg. Passes in the Vosges to the south of Donon were to be captured before the main advance began. The Second Army was to attack towards Morhange 45 kilometres (28 mi) north-east of Nancy, with two corps north of the First Army and three advancing successively behind the left flank of the corps to the south, to counter a German attack from Metz. The French offensive was complicated by the two armies diverging as they advanced, on difficult terrain particularly in the south, the combined fronts eventually being 150 kilometres (93 mi) wide. The advances of the First and Second armies were to attract German forces towards the south, while a French manoeuvre took place in Belgium and Luxembourg, to pierce a weak point in the German deployment and then destroy the main German armies.

  • 有機ELに関する論文を読んでいます。全体的には、陽極とホール輸送層の間

    有機ELに関する論文を読んでいます。全体的には、陽極とホール輸送層の間にMoO3とゆうバッファ層を差し込むと安定性や効率が上がるという話です。しかし次の2つの文章の意味が正しく訳せません。 手助けおねがいします。 ・Assuming the scable law of Coulombic degradation for driving at 100cd/m2 , the half-life is projected to be over 50000h. ・It can be seen that the hole currents of devices with the MoO3 layer are indeed dramatically increased with respect to devices without the MoO3 buffer layer and with CuPc buffer layer.