
  • 火曜の夜のベッドアワーズで、ビッグサプライズの1つは、もちろんのこと、エミネムがバスタ・ライムズと手を組んで「Touch it」のリミックスバージョンに詩を新たに加え、ステージに復帰したことだ。
  • 海外のニュースサイトで報道されたエミネムのベッドアワーズでの復活に、ファンは大いに驚いた。
  • 質問者が自分なりに訳した文章には、「火曜の夜の~の一つは・・・」の部分に自信がない。正確な訳について教えてほしいとのこと。
  • ベストアンサー


海外のニュースサイトの英文なんですが、訳し方がわからないので教えてください。 One of the major suprises at the BET Awards on Tuesday night was, of course, Eminem's return to the stage, teaming up with Busta Rhymes and adding a new verse to the "Touch it" remix. 自分なりに訳して、 火曜の夜のベッドアワーズで、ビッグサプライズの1つは、もちろんのこと、エミネムがバスタ・ライムズと手を組んで"Touch it"のリミックスバージョンに詩を新たに加え、ステージに復帰したことだ。 ここで変な訳があったら適した訳を教えてほしいです。自分的に「火曜の夜の~の一つは・・・」の部分が一番自信がありません。 あと、文法でよくわからないのが、 Eminem's return to the stage, ここの部分で、「エミネムがステージに復帰した」、と現在完了を使っているところまでわかったんですが、なぜ、returnの部分がreturndになってないのかわからりません。どなたか教えてもらえるとありがたいです。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー

>ここの部分で、「エミネムがステージに復帰した」、と現在完了を使っている 誤り。 http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/search.php?MT=return&kind=ej&mode=0&base=1&row=0 returnは名詞にもなります



あ、すみません。わかりました。 returnが名詞ならEminem'sというのは所有格の'sなんですね!どうもありがとうございました。 まだわからないことがありますが、後日また質問をしようと思います。どうもありがとうございました。



ありがとうございます。今調べてみたらreturnは名詞でもあるんですね。returnが名詞の時にreturn to~で「~に戻る・帰る」ということはわかったんですが、 ということは、EMINEM's はEMINEM wasを短縮してるのでしょうか。 重ね重ね質問をしてしまってすみません。


  • この英文訳してください。。。

    この英文訳してください。。。 文が難しくて訳せません。 わかるかた教えてください Jamie `s program is fun, but he is a serious young man. For example, he has trained disadvantaged young ?sters to be professional chefs. Also he was won awards for helping children to learn about healthy eating. His program teaches skills which many young people don`t learn at home anymore-how to shop well, or how to choose fruit and vegetables. Jamie`s philosophy can be found in the title of his program. The naked chef. It shows that he values preparing simple, healthy food. Today many young people eat fast food. But Jamie`s is telling us to be creative with the things that we find in our kitchen. He also reminds us of the pleasure of sharing good food with family and friends. This is the recipe for his success, and for great cooking お願いいたします

  • 英文(一文)の意味を教えてください。

    お世話になります。よろしくお願いします。 訳が分からないのは次の一文です。 Maybe there is a touch of humility or submission to "I get it" that is not quite there in "I got it." http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=504206 「13th May 2007, 9:07 AM」の coiffeさんの回答部分です。 後半の「there in」辺りの意味が分かるように訳して頂けると助かります。 よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英文の邦訳

    The willingness of American corporations to accept the moderate political environment was certainly made easier by the nation's global economic power. When that power began to recede, as it almost inevitably did as the rest of the world began to recover from World War II, it became increasingly necessary for Americans to fight over the spoils of a shrinking pie. 上記英文中,後半のas it almost inevitably did as the rest of the world began to recover from World War II, it became increasingly necessary for Americans to fight over the spoils of a shrinking pie.の部分が上手く訳せません。お分かりになる方,適訳をどうぞ宜しくお願いします。

  • 英文について教えてください。

    Moreover-taking the word "tragedy" in its most ordinary modern sense-it is Gretchen who suffers the tragedy, which Faust takes in his stride. We never see him hunted by the furies, like Orestes: no sooner has Part Two begun than spirits "remove the burning arrows of remorse, and cleanse his mind of memories." And though he dies blind like Oedipus, (1)【he does not blind himself with clasps plucked in a passion from the corpse of his beloved, resolved to live in infamy and night.】 Rather, he loses his sight when he is a hundred years old, just before he dies in a moment of elation. Faust's sufferings are incidental. He is not a tragic hero like Orestes, who is called upon to kill his mother, or like Oedipus, who owes it to his city to find out who killed his predecessor and who thus discovers that he killed his father and is wedded to his mother. In Faust, tragedy engulfs not the hero but representatives of unheroic, non-outstanding, suffering humanity: Gretchen, Philemon and Baucis, Gretchen's mother. The death of Philemon and Baucis in the fifth act of Part Two involves no tragic conflict in Faust's mind: he has given different instructions; their death is a hideous surprise to him; but again he takes it in his stride.(2)【 It is another episode, no more.】(3)【 In retrospect we realize, if it was not clear to us all along, that Gretchen's tragedy, too, was a mere episode.】 The drama is epic, the effect cumulative. 『Goethe's Faust by Walter Kaufmann』 上記の英文の(1)【】、(2)【】、(3)【】の部分について質問です。 (1)【he does not blind himself with clasps plucked in a passion from the corpse of his beloved, resolved to live in infamy and night.】 *clasps pluckedとはどういう意味にとればよいのでしょうか? *全体はどういう訳になりますか? (2)【 It is another episode, no more.】 *これはどういうことを言っているのでしょうか? another episodeとは? (3)【 In retrospect we realize, if it was not clear to us all along, that Gretchen's tragedy, too, was a mere episode.】 *文の構造がよくわかりません。 if節があって、帰結はGretchen's tragedy, too, was a mere episodeだと思うのですが、Gretchen's tragedyの前にthatがついているのがわかりません。 *また、it was not clear to us all alongのitは何をさしているのでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文翻訳お願いします。

    海外のネットショップで買い物をしたのですが、商品が間違って届き、返品する事になりました。メールの意味はだいたい分かったのですが、返品する方法について詳細がよくわかりません。これは着払いで送って良いのでしょうか?以下が送られてきた文面になります。よろしくお願いします。 Dear Juicy Customer, Thank you for contacting JuicyCouture.com. We gladly accept online returns and exchanges within 45 days of purchase for a full refund to the original form of payment. For your convenience, you can mail it to us at the address below or return your purchase to a Juicy Couture retail specialty store. Please be sure to have your original packing slip showing the amount you paid unless you choose to be credited for the current selling price of the returned item(s). We are only able to process returns and exchanges for items purchased on JuicyCouture.com. To simplify your return shipping, we have included a UPS return label was included in your original order. You can use this to ship your items back to us and we will simply deduct $7.95 from your refund. You may also choose not to use our return label and submit your return via a prepaid, insured carrier of your choice to the address below.

  • proved costly

    The move itself is unlikely to hasten the bank’s rapid return to financial health. In fact, it has already proved costly to its existing shareholders in the short term. 後半部分がうまく訳せません。 「すでに短期では既存の株主に… よろしくおねがいします。

  • 英文を日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします

    ・Many experts agree that global warming has much to do with the decrease of migrating birds in America. ・Flycatchers return to the Netherlands because of lack of food in West Africa during the summer. ・It seems that flycatchers have found some other good places to raise their children. ・Reforesting in the northeastern part of the U.S. was meant to save migratory birds. ・Human efforts to increase some species can be harmful to a natural ecosystem.

  • 英文の穴埋め

    英文の穴埋め 1.環境を守ることは大切だ。 (It) is important (to) (protect) the environment. 2.英語を流暢に話したいものだ。 I'd like (to) (speak) English fluently. 3.生きることは自己の能力を開発する冒険である。 ( ) ( ) is an adventure (to) (develop) one's abilities. 4.彼はその知らせを聞いて喜んだ。 He was glad (to) (hear) the news. 5.彼らは故郷を出て、二度と帰らなかった。 They left home, (but) (never) (back). 6.彼らには住む家がありません。 They have no house (to) (live) ( ). 7.座るための椅子をください。 Give me a chair (to) (sit) (down). 間違ってるところが結構あると思います; どうしてもわからなかった部分は空白になってます。 解答やアドバイスお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • DealExtremeの英文メールの翻訳をお願いします

    DealExtremeでLEDモジュールを5個買ったところ 1個だけ違うものがはいっていたので返品を要求しました 英語のやりとりは翻訳でなんとかなりましたが 重要な部分っぽいところにきたので間違いがあったら いけないと重い翻訳をおねがいします Dear Masashi, Apologize for the wrong item sent to you. The packer must have put a wrong item in your package. Would you please return the item(s) by cheapest way (ordinary mail) to the below Drop Off Box Address, we will cover the actual postage (according to the shipping receipt you provided). After your shipment, please take a picture of the proof of shipment (shipping receipt, certificate of posting, tracking number stub, etc). We will arrange the replacement and reimbursement for your return postage after the package is received and processed. Once you send the item back to us, it is important that you show us the tracking number and shipment receipt through photos. PS: Please use the cheapest way to ship the item(s) back. Courier services such as EMS, UPS, Fedex, TNT, DHL etc are NOT eligible for return shipping cost reimbursements VERY important: please remember to include a note in your package indicating the following items: 1. Your order number, 2. sku numbers returned and quantity, and 3. a short description of the problem. This note will help expediting the processing time for you. Thank you. Hong Kong Wrong Products Drop Off Box Address: TO: DealExtreme RE: ORDER # ______ Room 225-226, Block B, Focal lndustrial Centre 21 Man Lok street Hung Hom, Kowloon HONG KONG If you have any questions on the return, please feel free to contact us again at anytime. Thank you for all your assistance. Have a nice day! Best regards, Janmee PS. For the wrong one, it seems to be not worthing to return due to the higher postage fee. And I think it will trouble you to go to post office and return the item. And I want to know if it could be used by you? Something like use it or send it to your friends? If so I suggest that would you please keep it and we will charge $50 with you? Once you pay for the wrong item we will send the right one to you. If this is okay, then I will create the payment link for you and once you pay it we can arrange your replacement. Please advise so that we could help you with our best.

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いしたいです。

    海外のネットショップで買い物をしたのですが、目的の商品と違う商品が送られてきた旨をカスタマーサービスに伝えた所、以下の返信がありましたが自動翻訳では意味の要約ができず困っています。要するにどうしたらよいのでようか?簡単にまとめてもらえると助かります。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Dear Juicy Customer, Thank you for contacting JuicyCouture.com. We gladly accept online returns and exchanges within 45 days of purchase for a full refund to the original form of payment. For your convenience, you can mail it to us at the address below or return your purchase to a Juicy Couture retail specialty store. Please be sure to have your original packing slip showing the amount you paid unless you choose to be credited for the current selling price of the returned item(s). We are only able to process returns and exchanges for items purchased on JuicyCouture.com. To simplify your return shipping, we have included a UPS return label was included in your original order. You can use this to ship your items back to us and we will simply deduct $7.95 from your refund. You may also choose not to use our return label and submit your return via a prepaid, insured carrier of your choice to the address below. Please also include your packing slip or order # and send via traceable mail to: ここが住所なので伏せておきます。 **Please note that items on clearance, final sale items and monogrammed items cannot be returned or exchanged. All returned merchandise must be unworn with the original tags attached. Fragrance and cosmetics must be unopened in original packaging. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 私としては返金してもらいたいのが希望です。 よろしくお願いします。