• 締切済み




おめでとうございます。通知通りに振り込めば、少し期間をおいて「最終抽選で惜しくも落ちました、次回にご期待下さい」とか連絡が来ます。 甘いエサには・・・です。



ありごとうございます。やっぱり聞いてよかったです。 気をつけます。


  • 米国のYahooより入金?したいとのことらしいのですが・・・

    アメリカのYahooより次のようなメールが届きました。 お手数をおかけしますが、分かる方お教えくださいませんでしょうか。 You won $500! Yahoo!® Mail congratulates you! CONGRATULATIONS! YOU WON $500! Yahoo! Mail gives members random cash prizes. Today, your account has been selected as the one of 12 top winners accounts who will get cash prizes from us. Please click the link below and follow instructions on our web site. Your money will be paid directly to your e-gold, PayPal, StormPay or MoneyBookers account. Click here to get your prize: http://rds.yahoo.com/members/prizes.php?sid=8F3D41G93H86&rd=us&id=2831923284&uid= 2R5A4h43U2R3&dx=28403945 Sincerely, The Yahoo.com staff Yahoo.com http://www.yahoo.com よろしくおねがいいたします。

  • 悪質なメールでしょうか?

     yahoo mail(日本)を利用しています。6ヶ月ほど前から、迷惑メールフォルダに  YOU WON $500! Please get your money! という件名のメールが2週間に1回ぐらいの頻度で届くようになりました。差出人は  "Yahoo! Mail" <admin@mail.yahoo.com> です。 文面は、  CONGRATULATIONS! YOU WON $500! Yahoo! Mail gives members random cash prizes. Today, your account has been selected as the one of 12 top winners accounts who will get cash prizes from us. Please click the link below and follow instructions on our web site. Your money will be paid directly to your e-gold, PayPal, StormPay or MoneyBookers account. というように英語です。アメリカのYAHOO mailからのメールに見えます。  「以下のリンクをクリックして、サイト内の指示に従ってください」とありますが、恐いので、もちろん指示には従わず無視しています。今のところ、何のトラブルも発生していません。  疑問なのは、私自身、アメリカのYAHOO mailおよびYAHOO!のアカウントを持っておらず、個人色の強いサービスを全く利用していないのに、このようなメールが届くことです。  ただ、外国のサイトを検索するときに、YAHOO!の検索機能は利用します。また、e-goldおよびPaypal, Stormpayの口座も持っています。YAHOO! Franceにアカウントを持っており、メールをよく利用しています。  以上のことは、こういった類のメールが送られてくる要因となるでしょうか、そして、このようなメールは一体何なのでしょう、悪質なタイプのものでしょうか。  もし、同じようなメールを受信されている方がいらっしゃれば、なにか有効な対策等、教えていただければうれしいです。  

  • 1.ひろゆき氏は少子化対策の為には子供一人に出産し

    1.ひろゆき氏は少子化対策の為には子供一人に出産したらば千万円を現金で与えるのが最上の策だと語っているが皆さんはどのように思われますでしょうか? 2.子供一人出産するごとに千万円を与えることの利点欠点限界盲点とは? 社会カテゴリー皆さんの ご回答のほど、 お待ちしております。 1. Mr. Hiroyuki says that giving 10 million yen in cash if giving birth to only one child for cash reduction measures is the best measure, but what do you think? 2. The advantage of giving 10 million yen for each child birth What is the disadvantage of the marginal blind point? Social Category Yours As you answer, We'll be expecting you.

  • 英語の、訳・意味を、教えて下さい。

    英語の訳を、どなたか、お願いします。 --- ●(1) Hi, We do not delete accounts unless they are removed or made private on Twitter as we work to the Twitter Privacy guidelines of if the information is public then we aggregate the content. If it is not then we remove all associations to any data associated with that Twitter account. For further information on Twitter's privacy policy please see here: http://twitter.com/privacy Once you have met these requirements please put in a takedown request here: http://help.tweetmeme.com/takedown-requests/ Alternatively if you wish to keep your account public you can log into TweetMeme with your Twitter login details and go to your profile on TweetMeme where you can set visibility to hidden. Many thanks Sarah Community Manager TweetMeme.com http://blog.tweetmeme.com http://help.tweetmeme.com http://twitter.com/talktweetmeme googleの、翻訳は、これです。→http://p.tl/w81l --- ●(2) WebMaster Questions Please contact the WebMaster for questions regarding our website only. Take Down Requests should be placed on our Takedown Request Page and not via this form. googleの、翻訳は、これです。→http://p.tl/w7Q9 --- 上記の、英文の、意味を教えて頂けると、助かります。 御教授、よろしくお願いします。

  • e-bayで出品ができない・・・

    e-bayでいつまでたっても出品ができないので困っています。 Attention! Thank you for participating in global trade on eBay. In order to begin selling your items on eBay sites not associated with your home country, you will need to take a few steps: 1) You will need to have a PayPal account that has been "Verified". Click on your country of eBay registration below to understand how to complete that process. 2) Once you have a PayPal account that is "Verified", please link your verified PayPal account to your eBay account. ・・・と表示されます。リンクができていない、ということなのでPAYPALにもログインして、拡張番号も入力済みです。あらゆる手段を尽くしましたが、いつまでたっても上のエラーが消えません。何が悪いのでしょうか?

  • eBayへ出品できず、困っています。

    eBay初心者です。皆さんの助言頂きたく質問します。 eBayで出品しようとすると下記エラーで困っています。 ■PayPalはプレミアムで承認済みになっているます。 ■eBayとPayPalのメールアドレス、ID、パスワードは同じものを登録済み。 両サイト同士のリンクに問題があるとしても どうしたらよいものでしょうか? (自動ロゴ挿入=ON、PayPal Preferred=ON) Attention! Thank you for participating in global trade on eBay. In order to begin selling your items on eBay sites not associated with your home country, you will need to take a few steps: 1) You will need to have a PayPal account that has been "Verified". Click on your country of eBay registration below to understand how to complete that process. 2) Once you have a PayPal account that is "Verified", please link your verified PayPal account to your eBay account.

  • 海外の宝くじ、これは当選しているのでしょうか?

    FreeLottoというロトに登録したら メールが送られてきて、その中に私の名前(名前は省略)Oka itabashiが有って$1,000,000.00の小切手の絵と共に送られて 来たのですが、これはどういう意味でしょうか? Kayoko, Division of Unclaimed Funds, created by PNI to locate individuals with eligible funds available to them. PNI, a global provider of online sweepstakes has awarded over $78,000,000.00 (Seventy-eight million in US dollars) to hundreds of thousands of fortunate recipients in 41 countries; creating 14 millionaires and 4 Ten Million Dollar Winners. Kayoko Oka OF itabashi, the check below may be yours to claim. Review the official listing below to determine if you are eligible. --------------------------------------------------- NAME CITY,STATE AMOUNT STATUS Susan Vasquez Waukegan, IL $1,000,000.00 PAID kayoko itabashi, $300.00 PENDING Roger B. Lancaster, OH $300.00 PENDING Isabelle Bradley W. Mifflin, PA $10,000,000.00 PAID Richard Knue Oconomowoc, WI $300.00 PAID kayoko itabashi, $1,000,000.00 PENDING Joseph Lyddane Waldorf, MD $10,000.00 PAID Ariel J. Las Vegas, NV $10,000.00 PENDING Jerry Mitchelson Sierra Vista, AZ $300.00 PAID ---------------------------------------------------------------- Kayoko, if you're on the list, please complete your Payment Directive Form on the following page. Eligibility requirement: You must submit a winning entry and verify your PIN # 117784417. It assures you, that upon submitting the winning entry in accordance with the rules of FreeLotto, using the convenient F.A.S.T. service or free online entry, Kayoko Oka and only Kayoko Oka will be paid $1 Million (One Million Dollars) in the Classic FreeLotto Game or other cash that you shall become entitled to. あともう一つ懸賞サイトらしき所からメールが来てたので そちらも解読出来る方お願い致します。 WINNING NOTICE!!!DEAR WINNER,Sponsor lotterij Email sweepstakes programs.This is to inform you that your email address attached to a ref number: STP-19-4-2-16-33-5 has won the prize sum of 1,000,000.00 Euro (Onemillion Euro),in an email sweepstakes program held on the 7th of November2007, in Amsterdam the NetherlandsDo contact the claim agent for more information on how you are to claimyour funds.THE PAYMENT DIRECTOR: Michael Holmes.TEL: 0031-630-010-727. E-mail: micsponsorlot@yahoo.deYour winning information is as follow.(i)Batch number:HL457/30/458(ii) Ticket number:4-13-25-27-39Remember, All winning must be claimed not later than 30th of November2007.Congratulation once again.

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いできませんか。

    利用しているマネーブッカーズというサイトから下記のような英文が届いていました。 ヤフーの翻訳で翻訳してみたのですがいまいちよくわかりません。 英語が達者な方がおられましたらお助けください。 We thank you for choosing Moneybookers as your online payment processor. Please read this email carefully as it contains instructions on how to become a fully verified customer. Your account with Moneybookers has been temporarily restricted until we have confirmed your identity and personal details. Moneybookers, as an FSA (Financial Services Authority of the United Kingdom) regulated non-banking financial institution, is obligated to collect personally identifiable information. Any information you provide us with will only be disclosed in accordance with the Data Protection Act of 1998. Moneybookers protects your account information from unauthorised access, use or disclosure. We will only use your personal information to service your account and to improve our services to you. In order to become a fully verified customer and have your Moneybookers account unrestricted, we hereby kindly ask you to send us a copy of the following documentation and information: 1) A full colour copy of a valid, official identification document; such as your international passport (double page), national identity card or drivers licence (front and back), a copy is required to verify your identity. 2) A copy of a paper utility bill (Gas Bill/Electricity Bill) or bank statement issued in the last three months clearly displaying your name and address that has been received at the registered postal address detailed on your Moneybookers account, this is required to verify your address. Please make sure all four corners of the above requested documents are clearly visible and that the documents have not been altered in any form or way. Electronically issued documents and Mobile phone bills will not be accepted. In order to submit the above requested documents, please login to your Moneybookers account and follow the below steps: Contact > Support Centre > Account/Security > ‘You have requested information and/or documents from me’ Please remember to provide the "Ticket ID" stated in the subject of this email, in your response. Alternatively, you can send the requested documents and explanation via scanned e-mail to verification@moneybookers.com or via postal mail to: Moneybookers Ltd. Welken House 10-11 Charterhouse Square London EC1M 6EH United Kingdom Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience. Once the documents mentioned above have been received, the verification of your account may take up to two business days, you will receive confirmation that your account is fully verified. Please be advised that we are legally obliged to freeze your account if it is left unverified. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Kind regards, Moneybookers Security ******************************* Moneybookers Security Reminders Protect Your Password Moneybookers and its representatives will NEVER ask you to reveal your password. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this policy. If anyone asks for your password by phone or by email, or on any website other than moneybookers.com, refuse and immediately report this to security@moneybookers.com. Access your account ONLY using the login link on the Moneybookers homepage Please be advised that Moneybookers and its representatives will NEVER send you an email asking you to provide your login details within a form provided or to click on a hyperlink to access your account! Immediately report any incident to security@moneybookers.com. 以上、ザックリとでいいのでお願いいたします。

  • ebayに出品できません。

    ebayに出品しようとしたのですが、下記のようなメッセージが表示されて、出来ませんでした。 何が原因なのか教えてください。 Thank you for participating in global trade on eBay. In order to begin selling your items on eBay sites not associated with your home country, you will need to take a few steps: 1) You will need to have a PayPal account that has been "Verified". Click on your country of eBay registration below to understand how to complete that process. 2) Once you have a PayPal account that is "Verified", please link your verified PayPal account to your eBay account. If you already have a “Verified” PayPal account, and are still receiving this message, you need to link it to your eBay account. Once you have a verified PayPal account that is linked to your eBay account, you will be able to sell an item on any of eBay's sites worldwide. For instructions on how to become PayPal Verified or how to link your PayPal account to your eBay account, please click on the site of your eBay registration below: Australia| Austria | Belgium | Belgium French | Canada | Canada French | France | Germany | Hong Kong | India | Ireland | Italy | Malaysia | Netherlands | New Zealand | Philippines | Poland | Singapore | Spain | Sweden| Switzerland| Taiwan | Thailand | United Kingdom | United States | Other Note: If you registered on Germany, Austria or Switzerland, you can complete verification through PostIdent or ID Verify instead of PayPal. Please click on the site you registered with for instructions.

  • 英文のEメールの確認お願いします(T_T)

    英文のEメールの確認お願いします! 英語がまったく出来ませんが、海外にメールを送ることになりました。 なんとか、英語学習系のサイトや翻訳サイトを見て書いてみましたが、間違っていないか心配です。 ぜひ確認訂正などお願いします(T_T) ※名前はS、大会名はE.Aに略しました My name is S The reason why I am writing this email to you is I'd like to inform I used my father's Paypal in payment of participation fee. I used my name in the registration application. but I sent the money to E.A from Paypal of My father's account. Please confirm. (私の名前はSと申します。 私がこのEメールを書いた理由は、参加料金のお支払いで、父のpaypalを使ったことをお知らせしたいからです。 私は応募登録の時、自分の名前を使いました。 しかし、参加料金の支払いでは、父のPaypalアカウントから支払いをしました。 ご確認をお願いします。) ↑のようなことを書いたつもりですが、間違ってないか不安です。 てか、日本語もめちゃくちゃですみません。