• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:「~の方」って表現が言えませんでした。)



  • jayoosan
  • ベストアンサー率28% (929/3259)

壊れた を訳すより、 something wrong  何かおかしい を覚えておくと便利です。 日本語の「壊れた」は、どこがどうおかしいのかわかっていなくても、ちゃんと動いておらず何かおかしいので「壊れた」といいますよね。 英語では、この「何かおかしい」が慣用表現(よくつかわれる言葉)としてあります。 Two memory cards are installed in this computer,  2つのメモリーがこのコンピュータに装着されていました。 I took one out, because I found something wrong with it. 1つを取り除きました。(そのメモリには)何か問題があるようです。 I don't know but this doesn't seem to work at all. よくわかりませんが、これはまったく動作していません。 The other one is alright. もう1方は問題ありません。


  • むしろ~のほうが の表現教えてください

    先日、四谷怪談のリメーク版をみに行ったら、誰もみている人が居なく、映画の内容も怖かったけど、むしろ一人でみているという状況のほうが怖かったです。 (実話です) I watched the movie which was remaked by the Yotsuyakaidan, At the same time no person was there beside me, so I was scary that atmosphere rather than this move. で通じますか? グラマーを含め添削、ご指導お願いします また四谷怪談が日本の有名なホラー映画という説明を入れる場合はどこへどのような表現を入れるのでしょうか?

  • 会話文なんですが和訳お願いします。

    You know, I had the hour-long conversation why I wasn't gonna do this, one thing that they said, this is, you don't do them so you don't realize that they can actually be entertaining and yet informative and comfortable. and I said, well, all right, and I always feel comfortable with you, so that's. インタビューに答えてる状況なんですがthisやthemが一体何を指し示してるのかがわかりません、、、 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語のメール、、、

    スイマセン、ペンパルからメールを貰ったんですが、ちょっと意味のわからない事かいてあるんです・・・なぜ自分は日本の女性に興味があるのかという理由を書いてくれたのですが、意味がわかりません。わかる方お願いします。 She was so Beautiful that I did not want to shut my eyes until the scene was over. After the movie I went to sleep. Suddenly I saw the same girl in my dream. Except she was in a white dress and jade rose petals fell this time. (I wish I finished that dream) Suddenly I woke up. I was late for shcool. TO make it worse it was raining the next day. As I got to school I noticed that many people were wearing rain coats. But the strange part was this: Every one had a hoody and umbrella. As they took them down I noticed that almost all of them were"JAPANESE"! I had been in that school for almost a year and I had never noticed I had Japanese fellow students. It was so surprising that I could not close my mouth! I wanted to talk to them but I did not know what to say. I could not speak. I did not want to sound stupid. But now that I have met you I know exactly what to say. It was something I could never say because I was so much in love with the beauty they have, that I was stunned. SO Now I have met you I will say what I could not say then........."HELLO"!

  • 「してくれた」の英語表現

    あなたが招待してくれたのでうれしかった。という英語表現を教えて下さい。 Thanks for your invitation. とかの意味を伝えるというのではなく、もっと直訳に近い、「してくれた」の英語表現は何かあるでしょうか。 I was so happy that you could've invited me. こういう場合のcouldの意味は「招待してくれてたらうれしかった」(仮定)になりますか? あなたが教えてくれた店で買えた。I could get it at the store that you've taught me. とかでは「してくれた(おかげで)」の気持ちは入ってないですよね? 日常会話で「してくれた」という表現は、ネイティブだったら何と言っているのでしょうか。

  • この考え合ってるか…

    私はやっと彼女が運命の人だとわかった これは英語でfinally i found that she was the oneが時制の一致でただしいと思うんですが学校のネイティブの先生が会話などだとその状況が変わってなかったら時制の一致しなくてもいいと言ってました。 じゃi found that she is the oneでも大丈夫なのでしょうか??すいませんが教えて下さい

  • 高校英語の和訳教えてください

    The English weather has also helped to make the Englishman adaptable. It has been said that one of the reasons why the English colonized so much of the world was that, whatever the weather conditions they met abroad, they had already experienced someting like them at home! よろしくお願いします!

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Sorry this is taking so long but I did have a lot of orders on the books and then I was injured but I'm back at it knocking them out so please hang in there

  • 大至急、翻訳をお願い致します!

    It was around this time five years ago that the album Blaster by the Wildabouts, which was sadly the last of your life, was released. My happy memories of the release, which I had waited for so eagerly, come rushing back as if it had happened yesterday, and I miss you so much.

  • 訳を見てください、すっごくわかりづらいです・・・

    訳を手伝ってください。翻訳機を使わなくても英語がわかるかたおしえてください。 女の子のお友達からのメールなんですが、わかりづらいです。ちなみにAAAとはネイティブの男性です i was talking wiith AAA thinking that he were one of my friends(i was thinking maybe my friend is hide in this contact but not was..) i think i made a big mistake i was really ungry so i said many stupid things and all of that things are lie, then he said maybe if you said to my friend everything are better, i thought well if you want to stay playing also i wll so i sent a message to my friend telling that stupid things for that reason i was really needing the true who is AAA, 私はAAAと話していた、彼は私の友達の1人だ。(私はたぶん私の友達は、、、、、) 私は大きな間違えをしたと思う。私あhすごく怒ってたくさん悪いこと言ったすべて嘘だけど。そのときh彼はたぶん、もしあなたが私の友達にすべて言うのはいい。。。。。。わかりませんおしえてください

  • この英文に間違った表現、不適切な表現はありますか?

    アメリカンジョークを自分なりに英文にしてみたのですが、この表現は間違っている、この表現よりこちらのほうがより適切である、など添削お願いします。 (1)A doctor and a carpenter and a politician were discussing the most ancient job. Doctor:God made Eve from the bone of Adam. A doctor, who performs a surgical operation, is the most ancient. Carpenter:God built the world from chaos. A carpenter is the most ancient job. Politician:Who makes the chaos? (2) "Grandma, I became to know that thunder is electricity." "Don't tell a lie. It was found over the age of lamp." (3)A fat man and a thin man were talking to each other. Fat:If anyone looked at you, the person would think famine has happened in this country. Thin:And then, in addition, the person would think so;The famine has been caused by you. (4) Dog:This master always gives me food and offers me the room. Perhaps he is God. Cat:This master always gives me food and offers me the room. Perhaps I am God.