• ベストアンサー




known to A. Aに知られている lose to B. Bに負ける lost children to the war その戦争で子供を失う(奪われる) あまり思いつかないけど、こんなのは結構あります。普通の表現です。 by の場合は、to に比べて、状況説明的になるのではないかと思います。by the accident, by the bombing みたいに。


  • stand to

    I love my husband, but I don't like him anymore. He is disrespectful to me because I am overweight, and he has been after me for years to lose the extra pounds. He uses filthy language when he speaks to me and says it's OK because I am disrespecting him by not losing weight. I'm 58 years old, have back problems, wear a size 8 and could stand to lose a good 15 pounds. stand toはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 【英語】 racing on to a Hao Haidong passの意味

    YahooUKのページで(http://uk.sports.yahoo.com/040803/2/5ex2.html) German-based playmaker Shao Jiayi put China ahead after 19 minutes, racing on to a Hao Haidong pass to fire home a powerful left-foot shot from 12 metres. の中の、racing on to a Hao Haidong passの訳を教えてください。ハオ・ハイドンのパスをどうしたのでしょうか? ご回答よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 翻訳お願い致します。

    翻訳お願い致します。タイの花瓶がオランダへ輸出された? って言う内容なのでしょうか? The Souvenir vases are covered in typical Dutch trinkets from Thailand, Boxes of these ceramics miniatures had been lying in a Thai workshop, Waiting to be exported to the Netherlands after sales suddeny went flat Years ago. Now they’re getting a new lease on life as part of these Wonderable vase. Each vessel is unique, thabks to the ever-changing selection of miniatures, and numbered with a hand-painted ceramic disc. The Thai makers sign and date each Souvenir vase inside tha rim before sending The miniatures off to the Netherlands at last. Transformed into unique objects, they’re now fit to be displayed in the choicest spot In the house.

  • なでしこ関連の英文で分からないセンテンスがあります

    次のafter getting the better of two defendersの意味を教えてください。 ネットでワールドカップの記事を読んでいるのですが、 ピントこないものがありました。次の文の中の、 after getting the better of two defenders です。 The match continued in an open fashion and at a high tempo following the recommencement. Morgan carved out the first opening of extra time only to be askew after getting the better of two defenders. 大体の意味はわかるのですが、 最後の所の”after getting the better of two defenders” がピント来ません。 after getting the better of two defenders はどう言う意味なのでしょうか? 教えてください。

  • 性別が判ればhe/sheなのでは

    NHKからの抜粋です Experts say an elephant forced out of its herd can experience stress and loneliness that cause it to go on rampages. 日本語記事によると、意味は次のようです 専門家によりますと、群れから追い出された象が孤独とストレスを感じると今回のように暴れることもある 後で全文を追加しますが、追い出される象はオスです。それが判っているのに"it"なのは何故でしょうか。himが良いと思います。昔、習った英語では"it"と呼ぶのは性別が不明な場合の非常手段で、全く不適切だと先生から言われた記憶があります。 全文です Wild elephant attacks car in Thai national park A wild elephant has gone on a rampage in a national park in Thailand. Park officials are warning tourists of further possible attacks. A *male* elephant was caught on camera on Saturday as it climbed onto the hood of a car on a road in Khao Yai National Park, northeast of Bangkok. It later shattered windows of a nearby grocery store. Local media say a total of four cars have been damaged in the park this month by elephant attacks. It's not clear whether the same animal is to blame. Experts say an elephant forced out of its herd can experience stress and loneliness that cause it to go on rampages.

  • わからない構文があります

    "We're not going anywhere," my driver Nelson Okello, said to me very quietly, the two of us sitting in the front seat of a jeep just after dawn in Queen Elizabeth National Park in Uganda. We'd stopped to observe what appeared to be a lone bull elephant in some tall grass off to our left. We'd stopped to observe what appeared to be a lone bull elephant in some tall grass off to our left. この英文のwhat以下がわかりません どなたか教えてくれないでしょうか?

  • 文法ミスチェックしてください

    My major is Business and I like playing soccer and watching World Cup now. My English skill is still the process of learning. My goal is studying English in the USA, and getting a god job in Japan after going back to Japan. I have been learning English since I went to America. It is difficult for me to learning new language because Japanese and English have a totally different grammar. For example, English usually indicates "subject" the first of sentences, on the other hand, Japanese indicates "subject" the end of sentences. Likewise, there are many small differences, so I often confuse them. In my opinion, American are usually individualism, so they do not care about other people, so it is difficult for me to get used to American life without speaking English. However, I like studying new language because I can understand more about people. I will keep studying English forever, even after I am going back to Japan. I am really excited about this class.

  • from - to 解説お願いします

    下記の英文の構造を教えてください。from to がどこからどこまでを指しているのかがわかりません。 見分け方なども含めて解説いただけませんか。よろしくお願いします。 Just a 90-minute drive from Washington, D.C., one company is working to take oil from the canola plant from the field to the fryer to the fuel tank, and do it all locally. 【自分で訳してみた文】 ワシントンDCから、車で90分ほど向かった先に、畑から収穫したキャノーラ科の植物から、揚げ鍋や燃料タンクのためのオイルを製造している、1つの会社がある。 --補足-- 【前後の文】 In the worldwide search for alternative energy sources, vegetable oil is becoming an increasingly popular substitute for crude oil. Just a 90-minute drive from Washington, D.C., one company is working to take oil from the canola plant from the field to the fryer to the fuel tank, and do it all locally. Company executives say it's a system that could work anywhere in the world. After the restaurant has fried all it can with the oil, Shenandoah has plans for it. "They're going to turn it into biodiesel," says Bennett. 【出展】 VOA:http://www.voanews.com/english/news/usa/Company-Takes-Biodiesel-from-Field-to-Fryer-to-Fuel-128523078.html

  • 進行形の意味合いが理解できません。

    朝日新聞 【ENGLISH LEARNING】 英語学習に活かすTOEICテスト から抜粋しました。 Some of the older consumer electronics companies ____________ market share right now because they are too slow to adapt to customer demands.  A) lost  B) are losing  C) to lose  D) loses  いかがでしょうか?正解はBです。空所の後のright now に気付けば、比較的容易に正解を選ぶことができます。このようにTOEICで問われる時制関連問題は難解なものが少ないのですが、決して時制を軽視してよいということではありません。  続いて、次の文の意味を考えて下さい。  I'm meeting her on Monday. / I'm meeting her on Mondays.  最初の文は、I will meet her on Monday. とほぼ同じ意味となり、2番目の文は I have been meeting with her on Mondays. もしくはI meet her on Mondays. とほぼ同じ意味になります。このように英語の時制は時間を表す語句(on Monday / on Mondays )により、同じ形の動詞でも表わす意味は大きく変わることがあります。 質問です: be+~ingが難しく感じます。上記の説明を読んでもぴんときません。 今まさに動作が行われていないときでも使われるのだと思いますが、 こういう表現を書けません。(また言えません) どなたか、わかりやすい解説をくださいませんか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文和訳

    長文の中であいまいな日本語訳の部分があるので教えていただきたいです。 カッコ〈〉の部分のみお願いします 〈After losing money,〉a company decides to hire a new president. 〈On a tour of the company,〉the new boss sees a guy~ 〈No more lazy workers !〉 〈I pay my employees to work, not stand around!〉 〈With a shy smile,〉 he says~ そして最後に¥120,000のスペルでの表記の仕方を教えてください よろしくおねがいします