• ベストアンサー



  • bender
  • ベストアンサー率45% (108/236)

> 中文くらいのunless~notのところで、二重否定?されているところが、 「...、我々の router と provider の network の間に問題がない、というので無い限り、いつも show up する。」 あるいは、 「...問題があればいつも show up する。」 もしかして、 「...問題があるときはいつも show up してしまう。」 > あと最後のin terms ofの所です。 すでに、詳しい回答が寄せられているのですが、参考URLの辞書もとても有用です。





  • 英文和訳

    I speak tonight for the dignity of man and the destiny of democracy.  I urge every member of both parties, Americans of all religions and of all colors, from every section of this country, to join me in that cause.  At times history and fate meet at a single time in a single place to shape a turning point in man's unending search for freedom. So it was at Lexington and Concord. So it was a century ago at Appomattox. So it was last week in Selma, Alabama.  There, long-suffering men and women peacefully protested the denial of their rights as Americans. Many were brutally assaulted. One good man, a man of God, was killed.  There is no cause for pride in what has happened in Selma. There is no cause for self-satisfaction in the long denial of equal rights of millions of Americans. But there is cause for hope and for faith in our democracy in what is happening here tonight.  For the cries of pain and the hymns and protests of oppressed people have summoned into convocation all the majesty of this great Government--the Government of the greatest Nation on earth.  Our mission is at once the oldest and the most basic of this country: to right wrong, to do justice, to serve man.  In our time we have come to live with moments of great crisis. Our lives have been marked with debate about great issues; issues of war and peace, issues of prosperity and depression. But rarely in any time does an issue lay bare the secret heart of America itself. Rarely are we met with a challenge, not to our growth or abundance, our welfare or our security, but rather to the values and the purposes and the meaning of our beloved Nation どなたかお願いしますm(__)m

  • make it to 名詞の意味

    This makes it vulnerable to Staricco’s fourth criticism of CPE, namely, the culturalist bias shown in stressing the constitutive role of economic imaginaries in the emergence and consolidation of social forces and economic regimes. 上記英文のmakes it vulnerable to Staricco’s fourth criticism of CPEをお訳し下さい。宜しくお願いします。

  • 翻訳と・・・proactive

    In this respect they lack the essential flexibility of human language which enables us to be proactive, to create new meanings and shape our own reality unconstrained by the immediate contex. この英文、英語では理解できるのですが、日本語に訳すとなるときれいな文章になりません。教えてください。また、"proactive"とは具体的にはどんなことを指しているのでしょうか?

  • 英文を訳してください。

    How is it possible for all the millions of cells in our growing bodies to go on doing what they do without our being conscious of their working?

  • It is one of the defining issues of

    It is one of the defining issues of our times とはどういう意味でしょうか?以下に前後の文脈あり。 デイビットファーニッシュというゲイの方が『市民パートナー法(ゲイの結婚を認める法案)』により大きく変わったとおっしゃっており、 『ゲイ・メンズ・ライフスタイルマガジン』のインタビューへの取り組みが変わった(熱心になった) というのが前の文章です。そのあとに It is one of the defining issues of our times がきます。 意訳でかまわないので、お願いします。 あとちなみにですが、文法問題でも質問があります。 I____(not want) to get up this morning ()を適切な形に直して入れよ という問題ですが、答えって didn`t want でよかったのでしょうか? ~~もう一問~~ She goes to _ work _ には何か前置詞っていりますか?もしくはいりませんか? 長々とすみません。 回答よろしくお願いします。

  • 米国企業の会計報告書に使用されている英文表現

    以下、Aというのは企業名です。 A reported disappointing pro forma diluted EPS of $0.90 in 2Q:06, below our estimate of $0.93. この場合のpro forma diluted EPSはどのように訳すべきですか? よろしくご教示ください。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Next day, an escaped Russian prisoner of war, reported that 2,000 prisoners were working on concrete dug-outs near St. Quentin. Behind the Fifth and Fourth army fronts, the course of the Hindenburg Line was further away and the winter weather was exceptionally bad, which grounded aircraft and made air observation unreliable. On 11 December, a reconnaissance in the area of Marcoing reported nothing unusual, despite flying over the new diggings. German fighter opposition in the area became much worse, with more aircraft and the arrival in service of superior aircraft types in the late summer of 1916. Three intermediate defensive lines begun in late 1916, much closer to the Somme front, were observed by British reconnaissance aircraft, which made fragmentary reports of digging further back unexceptional. On 2 January, Nivelle instructed the Service Aéronautique (Air Service) to co-operate with the British to investigate German defensive systems that spies and repatriated civilians had reported.

  • 英文の意味を教えてください。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。とても安くて小さいものなのでまとめ売りらしいです。 発送ができるか質問を相手にしていたのですが返事がきました。すみませんが意味を教えてください。お願いします。 We are in receipt of your below mail and thank you very much for your interest in our articles. Of course we would be pleased to welcome you as our new customer and we could deliver our articles directly from LA to your address in Japan. Please kindly note that we have quite a few customers in Japan and it is absolutely no problems to import our goods. Since you have not clarified which articles you would like to purchase we suggest to have a look at our homepage 11111 and choose the requested items. Once you will let us know which items you would like to purchase we can send you our best offer. Since most of our articles are packed in boxes containing 2 or 3 pieces we normally request a minimum order quantity of a complete box. In case of orders for less than a complete box our prices get increased by 30 %. If the order is for more than 5 pieces of one article our prices will get decreased. Hoping to have been of assistance to you and awaiting your detailed inquiry.

  • 英文和訳 

    To be sure, reaching the goal of 100 percent renewable and truly clean electricity within 10 years will require us to overcome many obstacles. At present, for example, we do not have a unified national grid that is sufficiently advanced to link the areas where the sun shines and the wind blows to the cities in the East and West that need the electricity. Our national electric grid is critical infrastructure, as vital to the health and security of our economy as our highways and telecommunication networks. Today, our grids are antiquated, fragile, and vulnerable to cascading failure. Power outages and defects in the current grid system cost US businesses more than $120 billion dollars a year. It has to be upgraded anyway. アル・ゴアの“Moving First Is in Our Own National Interest”の一部です。どなたか和訳お願いします

  • itが指すもの(アルク教材)

    アルクの教材の2002年10月号のナディン・ストロッセンのインタビューで分からないところがあります。 以下の文章の部分は「懸念される三権相互間の抑制と均衡」というタイトルで、インタビュアーの「アメリカの主要な権利や自由社会としてのアメリカの将来にとって最も大きな脅威は何だとお考えですか?」という問いに対する答えです。 The reason why it's easy to answer is there is one attack that is pervasive in terms of the damage it does to every single right I mentioned, and that is tha attacks on the independence of our judiciary. 「簡単に答えられる理由は、私が触れた一つひとつの権利に対して与えるダメージという点からいって、普遍的ともいえる(脅威的な)攻撃がひとつあるからです。それは、わが国の司法の独立に対する攻撃です。」 この中のit doesの意味が分かりません。 doesは「与える」に当たると思うのですが全体の文としてみた時にit doesはどのような構文になるのでしょうか?it は何を指しているのでしょうか? なんだか日本語の意味もよく分からないので考えにくいです。 わかった方どうか教えてください。 宜しくお願い致します。