What is Blues Lee saying?
It is like a thing(finger?) a point to the move.
Don't concentrate on the finger (all?) you miss (all?) that heavenly growly.
(Empty?) your mind.(Performless?),shapeless,like water.
Water can flow ...all (*?) can crush,
Be water my friend.
:Runnning water ever (bow?) statets.
So you had just give on flowly...
You have to training.You have to (give your needs?) practice.(Setles one? ) is (straight?).
When you want to move,(and?)moving.
And you (cana?) put form into in snap...snap...
Become one it's are...
every par...
You bed train every power double you call.(Have you call?) put hot ,into it,snap...snap...
(**tray?) become one be that.Every power...
Under the sky,under the heaven,it will an one family.
To our (bee?) be styles.Styles sepalate (men?).
It is process of continue grow.