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以下の翻訳サイトで確認してみてください。 こちらです▼



ご紹介していただいてありがとうございます。直訳では意味の通らない文だったので、翻訳サイトは利用しなかったのですが、やってみると、 「女性は忙しく満足させられた主婦および母親、あるいはそのようになることを期待することのいずれかです。」になりました。 すいません、打ち間違えたのですが、contendではなくてcontentedです。どうも申し訳ありませんでした。


  • And so are the steaks.

    NHKラジオ英会話講座より The charcoal is ready. And so are the steaks.(ステーキもね) Get me a match, would you? (質問)So are the steaksについてお尋ねします。 (1)主語の位置にsoがありますが、The steaks are so.を倒置した、と考えました。如何でしょうか? (2)So am I.やSo do I.はよく耳にしますが、2人称や3人称でも使えますか?「あなたも(同様に)ね」「彼女も(同様に)ね」等にも応用できますか? 以上

  • 翻訳をお願いいたします。

    英語が詳しい方に お願いいたします。 友達のメアリーの過去の映像を送っているのですが 沢山集まったから 取り敢えず止めてと言っているのでしょうか? These are perfect Yumiko...looking forward in getting this all together in the next couple weeks been non stop so far with Marys archives よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語 文法

    Could you tell me what your grandparents are ( )? ”They are cheerful and warm-hearted,I believe.” I’ve been looking forward something to write with. Don’t you have a pencil or the ( )? ( )に同じ単語が入るのですが、 答えがわかりません。回答よろしくお願いします。

  • どうしてhave writtenなのですか?

    次の文ではどうして having written、having learned という形になるのでしょうか? 私が書くならwriting、learningとしてしまうところです。 The reason, of course, ultimately is that when you are so busy having written this and learned the lines and worked to understand the character, there will be not one iota of your language in your haed left to translate.

  • as asの訳し方

    以下の英文の訳がうまくできません。 The cubs, about four months old and 20 kilos apiece, are as adorable and innocent as their mother is deadly. 白熊の話です。 それぞれ20キロくらいで、4ヶ月ほどの小熊は、母親が死を招くほど恐ろしいのと同じようにかわいくむ邪気だ・・・・では日本語になりません。 上手な訳し方はありますか? またその訳し方は、辞書にでていますか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 何が入るのでしょうか...

    何が入るのでしょうか... I didn't talk to my brother last night and my mother( ). 1 did neither 2 didn't, either 3 didn't, neither 4 neither did when I first studied abroad, I made many linguistic err and ( ). 1 my fellow foreign students did either 2 so did my fellow foreign students 3 either of my fellow foreign students 4 my fellow foreign students did so

  • 下の英文のおかしいところ、不自然なところがあればおしえてください。(改

    下の英文のおかしいところ、不自然なところがあればおしえてください。(改行がおおいですがわかりやすくしてあるだけなので、きにしないでください。) Some students are looking forward to a new school year because they can get a new boyfriend or girlfriend, and others are looking forward to it because it is the start of the football season. But there are some students who don't hope for school to start again. It's because they think of a boring class or a class with a lot of homework. How about you?Are you hoping for school to start again after summer is over? To my surprize and still now what I'm surprized at is that the atmosphere varies greatly from class to class in Japan. This doesn't mean there is no difference between classes in America. The only thing is, the difference is not so much. In Japan there are some classes where it's so quiet and nobody trys to express his opinion, and other classes where it's noisy and many students speak as they like. Of course most classes belong to the middle of these, that is, it consists of a few students who speak nothing and a few who always speak their minds and most other students who sometimes speak and sometimes keep silent.

  • 下記英文の文法が理解できません。

    (1)The talent their family is proud of is dancing. なぜisが二回でてくるのでしょうか。 和訳もお願いします。 (2)The class is looking forward to the year ender activity which is having a graduation ceremony Which以下が理解できません。 クラスは年次イベントを楽しみにしている/卒業式をすること 的な解釈で良いのでしょうか? (3)A noun complement, also called predicate nominative is a noun or phrase that follows a linking verb and complements, or identify the subject of the sentence, by either, (1) renaming it or (2) describing it. まったくさっぱりお手上げです。。。 すみません、教えていただけないでしょうか。

  • 和訳お願いします

    People fell so, and know so, and say so. There is no glossing over or “greying” of the facts, as often seems to happen in japan. In the same way, Europeans are strongly aware of justice; and indeed, nowadays the legal systems of almost every country in the world are modelled ont the humanity of Christian justice. As regards attitude to women, the Christian concept of chivalry has always given high priority to respect for and the protection of women.That is why most male Europeans, until more recently, have followed the practice of “Ladies first”. As modern women have clamoured for greater autonomy and power, however. man's natural chivalrous instincts have, quite naturally, declined. If women want to wear the trousers, so to speak, they must fend for themselves. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英訳見て下さい

    “あなたは母親にとってはずっとこども”を英訳したいのですが、自分でやるとこうなりました‥ for your mother, you are a child forever and ever. 通じてますか?。。