• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:翻訳のチェック)



  • ベストアンサー
  • mryokko
  • ベストアンサー率20% (69/337)

なんか、宿題の手伝いしてるみたいなんだけど・・・ 「その後」が間違ってるだけで、あとはOKです。 風呂に入って浴衣着て、みんなと座ってたときに奥さんが笑った、とういう時間の流れが、afterの解釈違いで間違ってます。after~=~した後で、です。



何度もすいません(^^; 勉強になりました。ありがとうございます!


  • 翻訳チェックお願いします。

    下記の日本語を、英語にしたいです。 合っておりますでしょうか? 急用で急いでおります。 ご教授ください。 高いつもりで低いのが教養。 低いつもりで高いのが気位。 深いつもりで浅いのが知識。 浅いつもりで深いのが欲望。 厚いつもりで薄いのが人情。 薄いつもりで厚いのが面皮。 強いつもりで弱いのが根性。 弱いつもりで強いのが意地。 多いつもりで少ないのが分別。 少ないつもりで多いのが無駄。 Low one is culture at a high intention. At least in mind, high one is at a low intention. Shallow one is knowledge at a deep intention. Deep one is a desire at a shallow intention. Thin one is humanity at a thick intention. Thick one is impudence at a thin intention. It is a strong intention and weak one is nature. A strong thing is temper at a weak intention. Few things classify with many intentions. Many one is useless with few intentions.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Rock Band reunited in 2008 after over 5 years of being apart. The band wrapped up a one month ‘Greatest Hits’ tour on Sunday in Sacramento.

  • 浴衣の説明文

    浴衣の説明文を頼まれました。 重要なので、文法的に間違っていないかチェックお願いできますか。 Yukata is a casual type of Japanese Kimono, which is made of cotton, with traditional patterns and printings on. People wear it when they go to firework festivals or other outdoor events in the hot summer months. もしこれぐらいの長さでもっと良い説明文を思いついたら、是非教えてください。 お願いします!^^

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします。

    翻訳できる方いらっしゃいますか? 特に、But with me in it の意味が分かりません。 I have one looking the same, but with me in it. I'll post it when I get a chance, so you'll see me in Japan in my past visit.

  • すみません翻訳お願いします

    友達からのメールです。 すみません翻訳お願い致します。 Hmm it's hard for me to stop thinking about you since we met. I have not had that much fun with some one in a log time and you made me think to have some one in my life. Sorry for sharing so much with you if you do not like

  • 翻訳お願いします

    A:Small town. Police department down to three.  Well, two and one with his hand tied behind his back. B:Suit's on Light Ad actually,it's one and two people with one hand tied behind their back. A:You're up to your shorts in an attempted murder or murder of a police officer. B:Two police officers. Suit:人名(あだ名) Light AD:意味不明

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    Rustoleum also extended its line of NanoShield clear finishes offering professional flooring contractors two-pack performance in a one-pack system into a full stain. Twenty-three on-trend colors have been uniquely formulated to allow target colors to be reached in one coat and finishing to begin in as little as two hours. NanoShield’s Furniture grade pigments deliver results with commercial duty NanoShield clear floor poly. 宜しくお願いします。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    STP has regrouped with LINKIN PARK frontman Chester Bennington and their first song together, called "Out Of Time", has gone to the top of the rock charts. The quartet will release a five-song EP this fall, in conjunction with a North American tour that kicks off on September 4 in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and winds down on September 27 in Las Vegas. Scott Weiland has just wrapped up his latest round of solo dates, on which he's been performing tracks from the first two STP records, "Core" and "Purple".

  • 翻訳をお願いします。

    こちらの英文を翻訳してもらえませんでしょうか? excite翻訳にかけてもイマイチ解りませんでした・・・ どうか宜しくお願いします。 You’ve tried one of our Royale premium features, marked with a little crown. When you select one to edit with, a crowned monkey icon floats over your photo to remind you that it’s a Royale feature. Click the monkey and a box will pop up inviting you to a free trial. Say okay and you’re in; the monkey will disappear! When we’re done setting up our subscription package, we’ll give you details on how to keep the Royale love coming. The Monkey's being coy about the exact price, but it should be in familiar territory. In the meantime, enjoy being a Royale freeloader!

  • 翻訳希望

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたに。 お願いできますでしょうか? 2つの文節となります。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 The soul may discover your sexual secrets from the past.. Much later in life or at the end of the love, there will be secrets kept from others about a child, or Fertility, a childbirth the past. A Hospital or place of confinement like a boarding school or Convent. There are things that will never be known. VI. You may wonder is happening in your soul mates life in the time before you meet him, what joys and what sorrows will he bring with him from his past into this relationship. What obstacles may have to be overcome before your love is complete and you are united as one soul.