• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • sillywalk
  • ベストアンサー率46% (145/314)

「子供にとってある一日をまた別の一日と同じように過ごすことの大切さ」 ということです。人生というのは基本的に単調な日々を繰り返していくことだ、というラッセルの文の一節ですね。



ありがとうございました。 他の日とおなじような一日と訳すわけですね。 ありがとうございました。


  • 構文分析よろしくお願い致します

    The capacity to endure a more or less monotonous life is one which should be acquired in childhood. Modern parents are greatly to blame in this respect ;they provide their children with far too many passive amusements,such as shows and good things to eat,and they do not realize the importance to a child of having one day like another,expect,of course,for somewhat rare occasions. The pleasures of childhood should in the main be such as the child extracts himself from his environment by means of some effort and inventiveness. 構文分析よろしくお願い致します。

  • 訳を手伝ってください(>_<)

    This week in Newsweek's frontpage there was an article about "whatever Happened to Having Kids" and It says, more people prefer to have a child or stay childless. I think people is getting wiser about life conditions year by year. More children means more responsibility and people should be aware of being parents. What do you think, you have one and do you plan to have another baby? "whatever Happened to Having Kids" の意味がわかりません。自分なりに訳して”子供を持つことに対して起こるあらゆること”でいいのでしょうか?誰かお願いします。 私は以前gooの英語のカテでたくさん質問をしていたのですがお礼を出す前に質問と自分のIDが全て消えてしまったためお礼できずに名前を変えてしまいました。そのお詫びをここでさせて下さい<(_ _)>

  • 訳で困ってます。。。見てくださいお願いします

    メールをしてる相手に、 I wish you could, i would like to meet you. maybe another time とメールが来ました、訳をおしえてください。 もし君がいいなら会いたい。他の日?に。。。。わかりません あと、もし相手が今度会おうといってきて、こちらの返事をいいたいのですが、 そうね、いつかお互い平気なときに会いましょう。といいたいです。 どう英語にできますか?ちなみにいますぐというわけでもなく、遠い遠い未来というわけでもなくです。 yeah, one day we can meet....おしえてください おねがいします。

  • 一部訳がわかりません。

    東大の1981年の入試問題からの質問です。 The way people act is conditioned by the social custom of their day and age --- even the way they think and feel with what one might call their outer layers. To take a very simple and obvious example: The men of the first Elizabethan age (and, Heaven knows, they were a tough enough lot!) cried easily and without shame in public. The rising generation of this second Elizabethan age are returning to much the same feeling, that one's emotions are not for hiding; but the men of my generation, my father's and grandfather's, were so conditioned in their extreme youth to the idea that men simply didn't, that by the time they were fifteen or sixteen they couldn't, even in private, except for such things as the death of a wife or child.But that's not to say that they feel, or felt, any less about the things they would have cried about, four hundred years ago. この英文の初めのセンテンスの後半部“even the way they think and feel with what one might call their outer layers.”の訳ですが、「いわゆる外層というものでの考え方や感じ方でさえ」と訳されているものと「人の思考や感覚でさえ、いわば外層に覆われているのである」と訳されているものがありました。どちらが正しいのでしょうか? 宜しくお願いします。

  • 訳の添削とわからない個所について 2

    John Galsworthyという作家の『THE CHOICE』という物語の英文を訳しました。 添削と、わからない個所を教えてください。(投稿した質問の1から続いています) He was, it seems, alone in the world, not having of course at that time anything to look forward to in the way of a pension, nor, one fancies, very much to look back on except the death of his near relatives and the decline of the plumbing trade. 彼は、もちろんその時年金の点で心待ちにする何かや、想像するに、彼の近縁の死と配管業の傾きを除いてふり返る非常に多くのものも持たないで、世間で孤独でした。 (1) it seemsをどのように訳出するのかがわかりませんでした。 (2) in the way of a pensionは年金の点で、ですか? (3) one fanciesのoneは人で、fancyは想像する、ですか?想像するに? よろしくお願い致します。

  • 和訳をお願いします!

     Parents were so enthusiastic about the new school and its progressive philosophy that their children quickly learned that their family and school were of one mind not only about the importance of learning, but about what children had to do to learn.

  • 次の英文の訳をお願いします

    But with this increased awareness of the Muslim , there is a lack of appreciation of the nuances within our group. The reality is that the vast majority of Muslims are secular and, like me, quite godless. We do not pray five times a day , do not read the Koran and have not spent much time inside a mosque. We only turn to Islam when a child is born , someone gets married or someone dies.

  • 和訳をお願いします!!!

     The alliance between the parents of CPE students and the school's staff was a key ingredient in the granduates' outstanding record. Parents were so enthusiastic about the new school and its progressive philosophy that their chidren quickly learned that their family and school were of one mind not only about the importance of learning, but about what children had to do to learn.

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    Walters is a man of few words. When asked by the press why he did it, he said: 'You can't just sit there.' When asked if he was scared, he answered:'Wonderfully so.' When asked if he would do it again, he said: 'No.' And asked if he was glad that he did it, he grinned said:'Oh,yes.' The human race sits in its chair.On the one hand is the message that says there's nothing left to do.And people like Larry Walters are busy tying balloons to their chairs, directed by dreams and imagination to realize them.

  • domonstrationしたいです(*´ェ`*)

    How do you demonstrate your love to your parents, brother and lastly to ○○?(○○は彼氏の名前) と聞かれ、 わたしなりに考えた文章なのですが、 どうも日本語もうまく考えれません。 いい日本語がありましたら、おしえてください。 また、わたしの英文で、間違っているところや、もっといい表現があればおしえてください。 全体的に、わたしの言いたいことを直していたあけるとありがたいです。 あと、もしあなたがこう聞かれたら、何て答えるか、日本語訳もつけておしえて頂けたら助かります。 (1) let me talk about my parents. まずは親のはなしをしよう。 (2) Of course, I love my parents. 勿論、親を愛してるよ。 (3) And I respect them. 尊敬もしているよ。 (4) If my parents will have been dead, im sooooooooo sad. もし親が死んでしまったら、わたしはとても悲しい。 (5) Its important for me to be my paaents. それくらい親が大切。 (6) Secondly, I will talk about my brother. 次に兄弟について話そう。 (7) They are so kind for me. 彼らはとてもわたし親切。 (8) I send them some gifts on their birthday. わたしはいつも彼らのお誕生日にプレゼントを贈る。 (9) Lastly, I talk about the importance of ○○in my life. 最後に○○の大切さについて話そう。 (10) He make me happy, smile. ○○は私をしあわせにしてくれるし、笑わしてくれる。 (11) Of course, I love him very much! 勿論私は○○を愛してるよ。 よろしくお願いいたします。