• ベストアンサー


『loans@**********.uk』 というアドレスから下記の内容のメールが届きました。 いわいゆる請求書だと思うのですが、全く心当たりも無いし、無視してたんですが、また同じ内容のメールが来ました。一番下の『Just check this application here』はクリックしてません。 誰かご存知の方はいますか?このまま無視しててもいいのでしょうか?お願いします。 #10 Inheritance Funding Company provides fast cash advances to heirs and trust beneficiaries – regardless of their credit status, employment or income history. Inheritance Funding Company can provide a cash advance of $5,000 to $100,000, usually within 5 days of receiving your completed application. Just check this application here

  • maack
  • お礼率66% (2/3)


  • ベストアンサー
  • kabasan-z
  • ベストアンサー率41% (26/62)

知らないメールは無視しましょう! ただの宛先違いか迷惑メールの類でしょう。 変に係わると、かもられる可能性もありますしね。 目に見えると気になるのでしょうから、心当たりが無ければ削除あるのみです!



ありがとうございました。 ひたすら無視することにします。

その他の回答 (2)

  • nobasa
  • ベストアンサー率51% (929/1793)

一種の詐欺メールではないでしょうか? 無視して一切クリックや返信しないで即削除です。 参考までに google で ”loans@**********.uk” を検索して見て下さい。 http://sur.dicle.edu.tr/yokduyuru/0246.html (翻訳されたページです) http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=ja&sl=en&u=http://sur.dicle.edu.tr/yokduyuru/0246.html&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dloans%2540creditbank.uk%26num%3D20%26hl%3Dja%26lr%3D%26inlang%3Dja%26sa%3DG



ありがとうございました。 検索してみます。

  • tokimoto
  • ベストアンサー率22% (14/62)



  • vision and applicationについて

    The institutions and traditions we are heirs to have been primarily formulated, structured and maintained by men, with their own vision and application of spirituality.とこのような文章があるんですが、ここの"vision and application of spirituality"はどう訳すべきでしょうか?"vision and application"に"spirituality"がかかっていると見るのが普通だと思うのですが、上手く訳せませんでした。もしお解かりになりましたら回答お願いいたします。

  • USドルのトラベラーズチェックのサインする場所

    先程USドルのトラベラーズチェックに両替してきたのですが… 買ってすぐするサインはどこに書けばいいのでしょう? 上段、中段、下段とあり、英語がまったくわからないので、困っています。 ちなみに上段には SIGN HERE IMMEDIATELY UPON RECEIPT OF THIS CHEQUE 中段は PAY THIS CHEQUE TO THE ORDER OF 下段は COUNTERSIGN HERE IN PRESENCE OF PERSON CASHING と書いてあります。 ついでに買うときにするサインの場所も教えていただけるとありがたいです。

  • 契約書の記載に関しまして

    契約書を書いてみたのですが、法律の専門家でもなく英語の契約書の決まりごとにも疎いものですから下のような英文で良いものか否か判然としません。どなたか詳しい方、訂正すべきことや、追加すべきことなどございましたら、教えてください。 Company A and Company B will have a sales agreement for 18 months. For this period, Company B will neither sell its products nor give any agreement to any competing companies who sell or will sell the product to Japan. The sales agreement will be effective from 25th of February in year 2012 to 24th of August in year 2013 for the first period. In return, Company A will try to sell 1000 units of products manufactured by Company B for this period. In case Company A fails to satisfy this agreement, Company B will decide either to continue this agreement or not to. However, after the termination of this agreement, Company A will be able to buy the products so that the users of Company B's products will have service from Company A after their purchase. The penalty for Company A is to lose its exclusive selling right here in Japan. In case Company A satisfies the agreement, this agreement will be automatically extended for another one year and the following years to come in the same way. The penalty for Company B will be determined by the outcome of breach of the agreement by Company B In case a dispute arises and there is no satisfactory result after using every conceivable mean to settle, appealing the court ruling will be done under the jurisdiction of Shibuya Tokyo Japan. If either side of the parties wants to terminate the agreement, a written word should be handed to the other for further discussion and will be settled by mutual consent. Both parties give a signature to express that the aforementioned words are holding us to follow and should be respected by the parties. Company Name: Company B Company Address: Name of CEO Company Name: Company A Company Address: Name of CEO

  • canceled indebtedness of the Company to the Holder

    株式買取権証書を読んでいるのですが、一部意味がわかりません。 This Warrant may be exercised by the Holder in whole or in part, by delivering to the Company this Warrant certificate together with a certified or cashier’s check payable to the Company, or canceled indebtedness of the Company to the Holder, in the amount of the Exercise Price multiplied by the number of shares for which this Warrant is being exercised. という英語の、or canceled indebtedness of the Company to the Holder という部分の意味と、この部分が全体の文の中でどのような構成になっているのかわかりません。 他の部分は、以下のような意味だと思うのですが。 「本証書は、「行使価格」に本証書で行使される株数を掛けた金額の、「当社」払いの支払保証小切手または銀行小切手とともに本証書を「当社」に引き渡すことにより、???? 全部または一部を「所持人」が行使することができる。 宜しくお願いします。

  • ps3に知らない外人からメールが来ました翻訳を!

    It WOREKED! Our protest. here your reward. first send this messeage to ALL your friends. Once you have sent this messeage to all of your friends - you will get $50 on you PSN. Enter this code:→(ここに何かのコードが)クレカかも、なのでのせません                (after you send messeage to all) 見づらいと思いますがどうぞよろしくお願いします 間違えてる単語もあるかもしれません 後どう対処すれば?

  • 英文で謎の請求メールらしきものが来てて困っています

    THE PRESIDENCYという知らない方から英語でかなりの長文で書かれた請求メールらしきものが迷惑メールとして送られてきていました。 英語は正直、苦手でかなり不安です。 なのでどうか英語に強い方、よければ翻訳していただけませんか。 あと、こういうメールにはどのように対処すればいいのか分かる方はよければ教えて下さい。すいません、お願いします。 THE PRESIDENCY DEBTS MANAGEMENT OFFICE, FCT-ABUJA. E-mail:××× Tel:××× RE: 2008 FINAL PAYMENT NOTICE. “I write with reference to our earlier letter Ref. No. FGN/ CP0325/08 on above subject.I wish to draw your attention to H.E Umaru Musa Yar'Dua’s directive to clear all outstanding Payments since 1995-2008, in regards to his meeting with the United Nations, Commonwealth of Nations and Embassies has agreed to Release Contract Payments, Inheritance and Lottery claims to save our dear country from further embarrassments. I have enlisted your name for this payment as one of the Beneficiaries to be compensated only with USD21,070,000.00 (Twenty-One Million, Seventy Thousand United States Dollars)from the 2008 Debts Services from Excess Crude Oil Revenue, get back to me as soon as possible for the immediate and uninterrupted payments in your favour. I will assist you if you will not to communicate or duplicate this message to anybody for security of our positions and promise to return to us just 20% of the approved sums thereafter, From the State of things, we have find out that you cannot sponsor your wire transfer charges as regards your Approved funds due to the Financial commitments, Bureaucratic process and difficulties, We have resolved to settle all Debts through safer Wire Transfer( BANK TO BANK) direct at the beneficiaries Location, So Kindly confirm your Address, Phone numbers and bank Account Details so that I will prepare you for payment within 72hrs.. CONGRATULATIONS. M/S STELLA BALOGUN. P.A to the DIRECTOR OF FINANCE.

  • 英語詳しい方

    次の文を一番正しく英語表記してるのはどれですか? 「3番目の匿名企業のテスト期間は3ヶ月と聞いてますが何月から何月までですか? また、この企業の名前を確認する方法はありますか?」 (1)I have heard that the investigative period of corporations remaining anonymous is three months, from which month to which month is it? Is there a way to check the name of this company? (2)I have heard that the investigative period of corporations remaining anonymous is three months, from what month to what month is it? and Is there a way to check the name of this company? (3)I have heard that the investigative period of corporations remaining anonymous is three months, from what month to what month is it? Is there a way of finding out the name of such corporations? これ以外にもあれば教えてください

  • all media buying orders の意味は?

    This is to notify you that A inc. has appointed B company to act as the agency of record and that all media buying orders on behalf of A Inc. shall be executed by B company. 上記で、all media buying orders の部分がよくわからないのです。 短くすれば下記のような文だと思うのですが、どうしてもわかりません。 This is to notify you that all media buying orders shall be executed by B company. A Inc の広告は、B Company がすべて仕切るというようなことだと思うのですが。。 教えていただけたら、幸いです。

  • 英語の宣告文が来て困っています。

    ウチの会社に中国のmeyinetという所から社名のブランド名のプロパティライセンスがどうのという英語のメールが来ているのですが,残念なくらい私は英語が解りません。 どなたか翻訳して内容を教えて下さいませんか? ▲▲▲の部分は会社名ですが内容が宣告みたいなので社名は伏せています。 これは迷惑メールとして無視しても良い物かも解らず困っています。 よろしくお願いいたします。 件名: Emergent!!!-▲▲▲-Internet property licensing Pronouncement メール本文内容: (If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward to the right person/ department, as this is urgent, thank you.) Dear CEO, We are one of the registration and solution center in China.we have something need to confirm with you.We formally received an application on Mar.11, 2011,The company which is called "Bongo import and export Co., Ltd" is applying to register "▲▲▲" as their brand name and domain names as below: ▲▲▲.asia ▲▲▲.com.hk ▲▲▲.hk ▲▲▲.net.cn ▲▲▲.org.cn ▲▲▲.tw After our initial checking,we found the brand name and these domain names being applied are as same as your company's,so we need to confirm with your company.If the aforesaid company is your business partner or your subsidiary company,please DO NOT reply us,we will approve the application automatically.If you have no any relationship with this company,please contact us within 10 workdays.If out of the deadline,we will approve the application submitted by "Bongo import and export Co., Ltd" unconditionally. Best Regards, Jack Cui Senior Consultant

  • Certificate of Existence

    会社存続証明書の日本語訳を宜しくお願いします。 limited liability company duly organized under the laws of the state of South Carolina on June 24th, 2010, with a duration that is at will, has as of this date filed all reports due this office, paid all fees, taxes and penalties owed to the secretary of state, that the secretary of the state has not mailed notice to the company that it is subject to begin dissolved by administrative action pursuant to section 33-44--809 of the South Carolina Code, and that the company has not filed articles of termination as of the date hereof. 自分の英語力では難しく、英語が堪能な方宜しくお願いします