• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:和訳の確認をお願いします)



  • ベストアンサー
  • esistdas
  • ベストアンサー率33% (104/306)

If you hear thunder, take shelter right away. もし雷の音が聞こえたらすぐに避難(×非難)してください。 Houses and large buildings are the best form of shelter. 家や大きな建物のなかは避難(×非難)するのに最善な場所です。 ●Lightning can get inside buildings. 雷は建物の内部にも入り込むことがあります。 It can enter through wires, pipes, or even the ground. それは電線(△ワイヤー)、パイプ、あるいは地面を通じてさえも入り込むことがあります。 ●Phone use is the leading cause of indoor lightning injuries in the U.S. 電話の使用が、米国内における屋内での雷による被害の第一位です。 It could save the person's life. それは人の命を救うことになるかもしれません。 Heart problems, burns, and nerve damage often result when a person is struck by lightning. 人が稲妻に打たれると心臓の病気、やけど、そして神経へのダメージをうけることがあります。


  • 和訳があっているか見てください

     訳があっているかみてください。あと、2文分からないのでその訳を教えてください。 Each year, lightning kills an average of 73 people in the U.S. 毎年、稲妻による死亡者がアメリカの中で73人ほどいます。 That's more deaths than tornadoes, hurricanes, or winter storms cause. Among storm-related dangers, only flash floods kill more people than lightning does. 嵐に関する危険のなかで、稲妻による死亡者を上回るのは水鉄砲だけです。 Summer is the peak season for lightning deaths and injuries. That's because summer storms bring a great deal of lightning. 夏は稲妻による死亡者や負傷者が最も多い時期です。 Also, people tend to spend more time outdoors in the summer. さらに、人々は夏に外で過ごす時間が多い傾向にあります。 Few people are aware of how much risk lightning poses. ほとんどの人々は稲妻が及ぼす危険について気づいていない。 That may be because lightning usually kills only one or two people at a time. それは、通常、稲妻による死亡者が1度に1,2人しかいないからかもしれません。 Further-more, it does not cause the level of visible damage that tornadoes and hurricanes do.

  • 英歌詞の和訳が知りたいです

    Alessandro SafinaのLunaという曲の和訳が知りたいです 翻訳サイトだと少し不自然な部分があったため、 英語に自信のある方の自然な和訳が見てみたいです 訳してあげてもいいよという方がいらっしゃいましたら どなたか Chorus: Only you can hear my soul, only you can hear my soul You, moon, How many are the songs that resound Desires, which through the centuries Have furrowed the sky to reunite with you Portal for poets who write no more And who still lose their sanity You recieve the sighs of those who writhe And fullfill a dream in every soul Moon who looks at me listen to me now Chorus: Only you can hear my soul, only you can hear my soul You, moon, Who know the time of eternity And the straight path of truth Make more light inside this heart of mine, This heart of man who doesn't know, doesn't know That love can hide pain Like a fire can burn your soul Chorus: Only you can hear my soul, only you can hear my soul You, moon, You illuminate the sky and its immensity And show us only the half you want Somehow like we always do Angels of clay that don't fly Souls of cardboard that catch fire Hearts like leaves that later fall Dreams made of air that vanish Son of the Earth and son of yours, for, you know That love can hide pain Like a fire can burn your soul But it is with the love that our heart breathes And the force that moves everything and lights it up!... Chorus: Only you can hear my soul, only you can hear my soul White light, my goddess, goddess is silent!.... もとはイタリア語、英語、ラテン語が混ざっているようなので こちらから英訳をお借りします

  • 和訳確認お願いします

    it is up to you. if you do not wanna be my friend. i am ok with that, i know it is all my fault :( それは君次第だよ。もし、僕の友達になりたくないなら、それはそれでいい。僕は自分がした過ちを知ってるから。

  • 和訳を教えてください

    Happiness is like an unexpected visitor. You can't command her appearance; you can only appreciate her when she dose show up. And you can't force happiness to happen. But you can make sure you are aware of it when it dose. While you're walking home with a head full of problems, try to notice the sun set the windows of the city on fire. Listen to the shouts of kids playing in the fading light, and fell your spirits rise,just from having paid attention. Happiness is an attitude, not a condition. It is in the present, not in the distant promise of a "someday when ". How much more happiness we experience. If we can fall in love with the life we're living. Happiness is a choice. Reach out for it at the moment it appears. 長い文章ですみません。和訳を教えてください。 よろしくお願いします!

  • 和訳確認お願いします。

    ☆Are you serious about our relationship? あなたは私達の関係を真剣に考えてるの? ★yes うん ★ i miss you 君に会いたいよ ☆i miss you too but、I don't want to be in halfway relationship with you! 私も!だけど、あなたとの関係を中途半端にしたくないの。 ★わかってる ★i come to japan to get job?? 僕が日本にきたら仕事がみつかるかな? ☆I think that there are a lot of Chinese working in Japan 日本でもたくさんの中国人が働いているから大丈夫だと思う ★But i don't speak japanese so far だけど、僕はまだ日本語がはなせない ☆yes,i see うん。そうだねー ☆But you have the present work,Please do not hurry でも、あなたには今の仕事があるから、急がなくていいよ ★yes, madam,you are very nice ナイスだね ☆Do you live in Japan for me? ★for a couple of years, yes ★cause i don't know how it is ☆later? ★if i like this place, of course, it is better to stay if i don't like it , what i can do ?? ☆Is it your work? ★no, i am talking about Japan ☆And then, I think you should live in France ★i don't really like France neigher ☆What country is good? ★it is dangerous, specially in paris ☆What do you really want to do? ★wow your english is so impressive now !!! :) ☆so?? ★i don't know, i am working here, so i stay ☆yes ok ★as i said before i want to work in japan for a while if my company could send me to japan ☆You're right ★but i don't know when, i could get this oppoturnity ☆it is so long time ★do you mind to tell me, why you want stay with me?? ☆Because I want to be with you,Why do you ask such a thing? ★cause you ask me first, longtime ago

  • 和訳してもらいたいです。

    Evelyn hears some sounds that are clear and distinct. For example, she hears a phone ringing as a kind of crackling sound, but she knows that the cracking sound is a phone ringing. She can hear someone speaking, but cannot distinguish words, so she reads lips to get the meaning. With such limited hearing ability, how is Evelyn able to perform such fascinating music? “The sense of hearing and the sense of touch are more similar than we realize,” explains Evelyn. “Sound is vibrating air that the ear picks up and changes into electrical signals. These signals are then interpreted by the brain. Hearing is not the only sense that can pick up sound, touch can do this too. In other words, we can also ‘feel’ sound. “If you are standing by the road and a large bus goes by, do you hear the sound or feel the vibration? The answer is both. Hearing a sound and feeling a vibration are basically the same thing,” she says. “If we can all feel low vibrations, why can’t we feel higher vibrations? It is my belief that we can. When a particular sound is made, you can truly feel that in certain parts of your body.” 問1、How does Evelyn “listen” to the notes? 問2、How many performances a year does Evelyn give? やってもらうと助かります。

  • 和訳

    You have within yourself a touchstone by which finally you can test every book that your brain is capable of comprehending. Does the book seem to you to be sincere and true? If it does,you need not worry about your immediate feelings,or the possible future consequences of the book. You will ultimately like the book,and you will be justified in liking it. Honestly in literature as in life, is the quality that counts first and counts last. 和訳をお願いします。

  • 和訳うまく出来ないところ教えてください

    Phew, you dont know how good it is to hear from you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! やれやれ?(ひゃー?)あなたは知らない、どのくらい調子がいいのか、あなたから聞くために (体の調子がよくない事をいいました) I wish I was there or you were here. 私はそこにいた、あなたはここにいた???? (ちょっと訳せません) It was very good to hear from you I was very worried あなたからとてもよかったと聞けた、私はとても心配してた。

  • 和訳お願いします。

    The British government says it will strive to ensure that "only the most sustainable biofuels" will be used in the UK. It has no means of enforcing this aim - it admits that if it tried to impose a binding standard it would break world trade rules. But even if "sustainability" could be enforced, what exactly does it mean? You could, for example, ban palm oil from new plantations. This is the most destructive kind of biofuel, driving deforestation in Malaysia and Indonesia. But the ban would change nothing. As Carl Bek-Nielsen, vice chairman of Malaysia's United Plantations Berhad, remarked: "Even if it is another oil that goes into biodiesel, that other oil then needs to be replaced. Either way, there's going to be a vacuum and palm oil can fill that vacuum." The knock-on effects cause the destruction you are trying to avoid. The only sustainable biofuel is recycled waste oil, but the available volumes are tiny. At this point, the biofuels industry starts shouting "jatropha". It is not yet a swear word, but it soon will be. Jatropha is a tough weed with oily seeds that grows in the tropics. This summer Bob Geldof, who never misses an opportunity to promote simplistic solutions to complex problems, arrived in Swaziland in the role of "special adviser" to a biofuels firm. Because it can grow on marginal land, jatropha, he claimed, is a "life-changing" plant that will offer jobs, cash crops and economic power to African smallholders. Yes, it can grow on poor land and be cultivated by smallholders. But it can also grow on fertile land and be cultivated by largeholders. If there is one blindingly obvious fact about biofuel, it's that it is not a smallholder crop. It is an internationally traded commodity that travels well and can be stored indefinitely, with no premium for local or organic produce. Already the Indian government is planning 14m hectares of jatropha plantations. In August, the first riots took place among the peasant farmers being driven off the land to make way for them. If the governments promoting biofuels do not reverse their policies, the humanitarian impact will be greater than that of the Iraq war. Millions will be displaced, hundreds of millions more could go hungry. This crime against humanity is a complex one, but that neither lessens nor excuses it. If people starve because of biofuels, Ruth Kelly and her peers will have killed them. Like all such crimes, it is perpetrated by cowards, attacking the weak to avoid confronting the strong.

  • 和訳をお願いします!

    和訳をお願いします! 友達が作ってくれた曲なんですけど、どっきりでこの曲を日本語で歌ってあげたいんです。 どうか歌の和訳を手伝ってください。 『The Word』 Even if you don't believe in what you feel,you can see the change that is inside of you don't cast out what you feel might be true. I tell you from my heart you see for you to be Happy Eternally, with your family forever you can be with our Heavenly Father He who loved us so.He can show us what to do and where to go if our hearts are ready to know listen to your heart so you can believe in what do you want to be leavin' out of your life When you see some little sprouts begin to grow,it will shine some light and you will start to know cause your taste buds will start to tickle even just a little bit at a time knowing what is growing will taste sublime your thoughts will start to rhyme Cause it's coming from the tree of life,the tree of life who's fruit is tender sweet,and white Cause it's coming from the tree of life,the tree of life who's fruit is tender sweet,and white When the heat starts coming you will know for sure,nourishing the word and acting is the cure you discover,if you can endure it starts with soil is running low,do you have enough to let the good things grow with your might,get ready to sow,cause it's Cause it's coming from the tree of life,the tree of life who's fruit is tender sweet,and white You will never know if you will let your doubt,keep you in a desert with expected drought, swelling water,keeps filling a spout that gives you clean and bright and fighting faith that never lets you down. come drink freely from the water that is Cause it's coming from the tree of life,the tree of life who's fruit is tender sweet,and white Cause it's coming from the tree of life,the tree of life who's fruit is tender sweet,and white