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10538 Overture was an idea that Jeff (Lynne) brought along to the studio which was originally to be a Move track. 「10538 序曲」の構想はジェフ・リンがスタジオに持ち込んだものだが、当初は「ザ・ムーヴ」のための曲の予定だった。 After recording the basic backing track, the other guys went home, leaving Jeff and myself to run riot with the overdubs. 基本となる伴奏の箇所の録音が済んだあと、他のバンドメンバーは帰った。残ったジェフと私(プロデューサーのロイ・ウッド)はワイワイ言いながらオーバーダビング*をした。(*既に録音してある伴奏に新たな録音を足した) At the time, I was very keen on collecting instruments, and had just acquired a cheap Chinese cello. 当時、私は(いろいろな)楽器を収集することに熱中しており、ちょうど安物の中国のチェロを手に入れたところだった。 After we had finished overdubbing the guitars, I sat in the control room trying out this cello and sort of messing around with Jimi Hendrix type riffs. 私達がギター(の音)をオーバーダビングし終わったあと、私はコントロール・ルームの中に座り、例のチェロをいろいろやってジミ・ヘンドリックス風のリフを鳴らしまくった。 Jeff said, 'That sounds great, why don't we throw it on the track.' ジェフは言った:「それ、好いじゃない。例のトラックに入れるべしだよ。 I ended up recording around fifteen of these, and as the instrumentation built up, it was beginning to sound like some monster heavy metal orchestra. In fact, it sounded just bloody marvellous. 結局、15回くらい録音した。そして曲の構成が出来上がっていくにつれて、ちょっとしたヘビメタ・オーケストラ(の音楽)みたいに聞こえだした。事実、正に途方もなく素晴らしいものに聞こえたものだった。





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    On being fired from STP: “Emotionally it's really hard to wrap your head around, because I grew up with them my entire adulthood. At least with Robert. Corey and I called Robert to see if he was interested in joining our band, creating a new one really because the only other band I had been in was the high school one I had formed with Corey. We had bigger aspirations, we had known Robert as a bass player, we knew he was a really good bass player. So we located him and found where he was living. We made the phone call, and we started out just writing some songs, and then we built the band from there and moved up to Hollywood. It was a long thing. On an emotional level it hurts.

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    Basically it was the same thing all over again. In this situation it's like, I don't know what the terms of your own personal contract was, but I was unlawfully fired. We had specific rules in our contract on how it has to be done, and it wasn't followed.” On the problems in STP last year: “There were financial things we were dealing with, and I also felt on a creative level that we needed to take a break. I felt like we were playing the same set over and over and over. We were supposed to do a big big release of the box set for the 20th anniversary of Core and go on tour in the summer of 2012 and play Core in its entirety which is an idea we got from a couple other bands, namely Weezer. It was hugely successful, and for us to do that with Core, the offers we were getting were amazing, and they didn't want to do it. There was a lot of promotion that would have had to take place. So that didn't happen, so we ended up playing the greatest hits set, which was basically the same version of the set we had been playing since 2008 when we got back together.

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    Stone Temple Pilots bassist Robert DeLeo discussed firing Scott Weiland in a new interview with NJ.com: “We had to do what we had to do,” says DeLeo. “Believe me, it wasn't something we enjoyed doing. We had a lot of great years with Scott, and we made amazing music together. But somewhere along the line, the vision was lost. “There's a book in there — a really good book. It was a difficult decision, and we wish Scott the best.” DeLeo also discussed rock's current state, “I'm just trying to carry the torch from the great bands I learned from. Hopefully, younger bands will take the torch from us. It all comes around.”

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    Asked where everything stands with Weiland right now, Dean told 93X: "I just can't believe it even went to this [us suing each other]. "Anybody he was affiliated with or anything kind of just left us for dead; they kind of had their minds made up that we were… Scott was the singer, Scott was this and that.

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    Slash Reveals How Axl Rose Is ‘Channeling’ Scott Weiland “If you got a hold of an old set list from 2016, you saw there was a set list and then there was an alternate set, which was just songs that we could do audibles with [and] move shit around. It was on there, and the band actually jammed it way early on just to get the groove together and all that. But it just never came up. Then, when we went into rehearsals for the European tour, Axl [Rose, vocals] came in [and went], ‘Let’s try ‘Slither’.’ It was never even something that we’ve talked about, but hearing Axl do it, considering he’s channeling a little bit of Scott in that, and then Duff and I sort of having been with that song since its inception, the three of us doing it together was very cool. I couldn’t put a verbal description of that feeling, but that was cool.”

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    Filter frontman Richard Patrick & new Stone Temple Pilots frontman Chester Bennington talk about Scott Weiland and playing with the DeLeos for the first time in a new interview with The Hollywood Reporter Patrick: Army of Anyone was a completely separate outside band. We wanted to take the DeLeo brothers to my sound design and we did a lot of that, but I went at it so that under no circumstances could I be compared to Scott Weiland. I had to sing everything high and I wanted to sing way up there because Scott's a baritone and the moment you start singing baritone stuff… so I was adamant that they stay in the key of drop D because that's where my voice likes to hang out. I kept saying things like, “I wanna rock. I wanna do really fast, exciting stuff!” Bennington: They had decided to move forward without Scott, and were talking about who they wanted to move forward with. My name got brought up … and I was like, “Fuck yeah!” I didn't even think about it. It was like a dog looking at a squirrel, getting instantly excited and wanting to chase it.

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    I felt like we were really dragging the brand through the mud, I did not want to end up like a classic rock band. Even though we were ‘classic’ we lasted where other bands had not. I wanted us to still be relevant, and to remain relevant you have to remain creatively relevant. To do that, you have to still make records. So I felt like we needed to take some time off and make a record. I was under the impression that was how everyone felt, because after having a few conversations with guys in the band, I felt we were all in that same place and same mode. Then nothing ever happened, we didn't get together and start working on music. So it goes on and on.”

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    We would be real, real silly about it to try to recreate what we did. We're honestly, honestly, very simply moving forward. And when we do revisit the catalog in a live situation, we just wanna do it justive and want it to resonate with everybody. I mean, look, man, there's a lot of songs there that people have some real-life experiences with — good and bad. And when they come see the band, we want them to experience that nostalgia and that melancholy feeling. And I think, first and foremost, we wanna deliver it really, really hard hitting.

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    Rolling Stone Magazine recently had the chance to sit down and chat with Chester Bennington and Robert DeLeo of STP and listened to their upcoming E.P., High Rise. It has been revealed that the second track, “Black Heart”, will be released as the single single. Furthermore, the closer track “Tomorrow” was described as being “epic” in sound, and the track “Cry Cry” was written entirely by Bennington himself. On the topic of ousted frontman Scott Weiland, DeLeo said “We've always looked out for Scott's best interests and tried to be a great friend to someone who really didn't care to be friends with us.” That eventually led, he said, to “a very difficult decision.”

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    STONE TEMPLE PILOTS bassist Robert DeLeo recently spoke to Bill Bodkin of Pop-Break.com about the band's decision to fire its former lead singer, Scott Weiland, and join forces with LINKIN PARK's Chester Bennington. "When you're a band that's had a career like we've had and you're considering terminating your singer, people kinda react to that like 'riiiiight' [because] I think with any band that's the person [the lead singer] people relate to the band," he said. "I felt that over time, it wasn't really about the music anymore. It was, for live purposes, the novelty of what condition Scott was going to be in. It gets very frustrating to have to be in that position with someone over that amount of years."