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A fruitful combination of large-scale big data approaches with detailed process tracing approaches hold the promise of significant progress for those interested in the dynamics of the structure of the global economic order, and what it means for politics, policy and people. 上記英文の構造とお訳しの提示を願います。

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  • お礼率86% (919/1061)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
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  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9727/12099)

>A fruitful combination of large-scale big data approaches with detailed process tracing approaches hold the promise of significant progress for those interested in the dynamics of the structure of the global economic order, and what it means for politics, policy and people. 上記英文の構造とお訳しの提示を願います。 ⇒以下のとおり、語句と構文および訳文をお答えします。 (語句と構文) *A fruitful combination of large-scale big data approaches with detailed process tracing approaches:「大規模なビッグデータのアプローチ(手引き)と詳細なプロセストレーシング(過程・工程の追尾追跡)との実のある組み合わせ」。この全体が主部。 *hold the promise of significant progress:「有意な進展を約束してくれる」。これが述部の中心。 *for those interested in the dynamics of the structure of the global economic order, and ~:「世界経済秩序の構造の力学と~に関心を持つ人々にとって」。interested以下が過去分詞形容詞として直前のthose「人々」にかかる(後置修飾という)。 *what it means for politics, policy and people:「それ(構造の力学)が政治、政策、人々にとって何を意味するか」。Whatは独立用法(先行詞を含む用法)「~するところのこと・もの」ですが、上のように、疑問詞的に訳すと具合がよい。 (訳文) 「大規模なビッグデータの手引きと詳細な過程追尾との実のある組み合わせは、世界経済秩序の構造的力学と、それが政治、政策、人々にとって何を意味するのかに関心を持つ人々にとって、有意な進展を約束してくれるものである。」



ご解答・ご指導に感謝致します。 「Whatは独立用法(先行詞を含む用法)「~するところのこと・もの」ですが、上のように、疑問詞的に訳すと具合がよい。」→こういった点がなかなかうまく訳せないんですよね。 どうも有難うございました。


  • 英文の邦訳

    Sarah Dadush presents a study of the development and use of indicators and related reporting systems in social impact investing, through the Global Impact Investment Rating System (GIIRS) and the Impact Reporting and Investment Standards (IRIS). Social issues are coming to be weighed in commercial investments, while market values are increasingly inserted into philanthropy. In this dual process, quantification and the emulation of commercial ratings and ccounting make specialized “investment impact” indicators increasingly significant as bridging and blurring devices. 上記英文の最後のセンテンスIn this dual process, quantification and the emulation of commercial ratings and ccounting make specialized “investment impact” indicators increasingly significant as bridging and blurring devices.をお訳し下さい。

  • 英文の邦訳

    Over the past twenty years, a widening gulf has appeared between the increasingly internationalized financing arrangements of the world’s leading corporations and the persistence of nationally compartmentalized approaches to the study of corporate control. In lieu of direct empirical evidence on corporate control at the global level, the most widespread assumption is that the globalization of ownership has taken the form of an expansion of arm’s-length, market- based arrangements traditionally prevailing in the Anglo-American economies. 上記英文中後半の,In lieu of 以下の適訳をお願い致します。

  • 英文の邦訳

    The described and attributed strategies of states as owners in the global network of state capital are a first step in this direction: we develop this contribution by distinguishing broadly between state strategies that show a clear interest in financial returns on investment (and thus more adaptation to transnational capitalism), and others that predominantly seek to control the firms they invest their state capital in (and thus carry the potential for a more state-controlled form of global expansion). Our results hence implicate that tackling the question of adaptation or challenge need to be answered at the level of state strategies. 上記英文のラストのOur以下を御訳しください。

  • 英文の邦訳

    In this sense, there is no evidence of the formation of transnational enterprise groups - sets of giant firms whose boards interlock and whose shares are owned in blocs that enable coordinated strategic control over major corporations based in multiple countries. Rather, intercorporate ownership relations, typically emanating from financial institutions and consisting of holdings of considerably less than 5 per cent of share capital, express the cross-penetration of investment and the developing solidarities of a transnational corporate community. The continuing clustering of both directorial and ownership relations on a national basis is consistent with Kogut and Colomer's (2012) findings that the transnational network of interlocking directorates and intercorporate ownership in the 1990s was very strongly a small world ――locally clustered within countries, particularly for the directorial network, with a few key transnational interlocks creating 'short cuts' that shrink the global social space (cf. Carroll 2009). 以上の英文の邦訳をお願い致します。

  • 急いでいます!この英文を訳してください!

    The narrative structure of many images in the titles of two articles:"Yemen Opens the Door to Progress:American scientists visit this Arabian land at the invitation of its king to improve the health of hispeople"(1952)"and "Progress and Pageantry in Changing Nigeria:Bulldozers and penicillin,science and democracy come to grips with colorfulage-old customs in Britain's largest coliny"(1956).

  • この英文どう訳せばいいんでしょうか?どなたかお願いします

    Other fallout from the global financial situation may be compromised funding for programmes to improve maternal health, the goal towards which there has been least progress so far. Since the mid-1990s, most developing countries have experienced a major reduction in donor funding for family planning on a per woman basis, despite the undeniable contribution of such programmes to maternal and child health お願いします・

  • 訳し方を教えて下さい

    The global pattern of development. Definition of development and how it is measured. At least 3 slides on processes that have caused the patternes. 2 slides on why it is significant for people.

  • 英文の邦訳の添削を願います。

    As noted in Haberly (2011), this state-led global alliance capitalism is a characteristic compromise within industries under tension between the pressure for global integration and consolidation, and the desire of multiple governments to assert sovereignty over a sector seen as strategically important. 以上の英文の以下の試訳の添削をお願いします。 「Haberly (2011)が述べたように,この国家主導的なグローバルな連携で結ばれた資本主義は,グローバルな融合と統合への圧力と,戦略上重要視されている部門に対する支配権を主張する複数の政府の欲求との間の緊張関係下,産業内部での固有の妥協点である。」尚出典は,Daniel Haberly, Dariusz Wójcik (2017), “Earth Incorporated: Centralization and Variegation in the Global Company Network,” Economic Geography, Volume 93, Number 3, pp.240-266.です。

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    Appropriate means shall be provided at the facility for the monitoring of activity in fluid systems that have the potential for significant contamination, and for the collection of process and waste samples. The timescale of sample analysis and assessment shall be commensurate with any processing lag in the system. 意味はなんとなくわかるのですが、日本語にするのは難しいです。 宜しくお願いします。

  • コーオプテーションの意味内容(英文邦訳)

    It is therefore worthwhile to consider both explicit and inadvertent reasons for the formation of interlocks. Several have been stipulated, including collusion, cooptation and monitoring, legitimacy, career advancement, and social cohesion. Cooptation and Monitoring A less sinister interpretation of interlocking is that it reflects attempts by organizations to coopt sources of environmental uncertainty. This idea has spawned considerable research and continues to influence organizational theory. In his classic study of the Tennessee Valley Authority (1949), Selznick defined cooptation as the absorption of potentially disruptive elements into an organization’s decision-making structure. Drawing on Selznick, Thompson & McEwen (1959) presented a hypothetical example of cooptation, in which a corporation invites onto its board of directors a representative of a bank to which the firm is heavily indebted. 上記英文中のcooptationの意味内容を日本語にすると一体どういう意味になるでしょうか?お分かりの方,宜しくお願いします。