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archquantifier の意味(英語?)


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arch- はいろんな名詞の前につく便利な言葉ですが、もしも quantifier が「計量文化学者」という意味だとしたら、archquantifier は「元祖の計量文化学者」とか「偉大なる計量文化学者」とでも訳せるでしょう。



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  • 英語の訳をお願いします・・。

    経済英語なのですが、冷やかし無しでお願いします・・。簡単な感じでも大丈夫です・・。 At the same time, by carefully and explisitly comparing the separate chronoligical stories with one another and then with similar developments in other great industrial companies, these stories can become more than mere case studies in the meeting and solving of administrative problems resulting from growth. They can provide otherwise unobtainable information essential to the understanding of the history of one of the most significant of today's institutions. Such a comparative and institutional study of American business would seem to have some real advantages over the more traditional histories of individual firms or the more general surveys of the American business economy. Not only does it permit an analysis of significant decisions in far greater depth and detail than is possible even in a multivolume history of a single great company, but it also makes it possible to relate these detailed analyses more clearly and more precisely to broader historical developments. On the other hand, complex decisions, actions, and events are not taken out of context and presented as mere illustrations as they would have to be in a general history of American business or of the American economy. They are not used to illustrate generalizations; they are the date from which the generalizations are derived.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    The Battle of Latema Nek was a battle of the East African Campaign in World War I. After the Battle of Salaita, General Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck, commander of German forces in East Africa, reorganised the defences to the north of the colony in anticipation of another assault. The Salaita positions were abandoned, and German forces moved south to the Latema-Reata Hills - which stood on the route to Kahe. The new defences were manned on March 8 by Major Georg Kraut, who had commanded the German defence at Salaita, with 1,500–2000 Schutztruppe and German officers.

  • 英語の文章があるのですが、和訳して下さい。

    In February 1916, before the campaign ended, Britain and France agreed to divide Kamerun along the Picot Provisional Partition Line. This resulted in Britain obtaining approximately one fifth of the colony situated on the Nigerian border. France gained Duala and most of the central plateau, which consisted of the majority of former German territory. The partition was accepted at the Paris Peace Conference and the former German colony became the League of Nations mandates of French Cameroon and British Cameroon by the Treaty of Versailles.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The writers of the German Official History Der Weltkrieg, recorded 78,000 British losses to the end of April and another 64,000 casualties by the end of May, a total of 142,000 men and 85,000 German casualties. German records excluded those "lightly wounded". Captain Cyril Falls (the writer of Military Operations 1917 part I of the History of the Great War) estimated that 30 percent needed to be added to German returns for comparison with the British. Falls makes "a general estimate" that German casualties were "probably fairly equal". Nicholls puts them at 120,000 and Keegan at 130,000. Although Haig paid tribute to Allenby for the plan's "great initial success", Allenby's subordinates "objected to the way he handled the ... attritional stage". Allenby was sent to command the Egyptian Expeditionary Force in Palestine. He regarded the transfer as a "badge of failure" but he "more than redeemed his reputation by defeating" the Ottomans in 1917–18. Haig stayed in his post until the end of the war. When it became apparent that a factor in the British success were the failures of the 6th Army command, Ludendorff removed the commander, General von Falkenhausen (who never held a field command again, spending the rest of war as Governor-General of Belgium) and several staff officers.

  • 英語の文章を訳して下さい。

    On the extreme left, the British ran into Gully Ravine which was as wild and confusing as the ground at Anzac Cove. Two battalions of the 87th Brigade (1st Border Regiment and 1st Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers) entered the ravine but were halted by a machine gun post near 'Y' Beach. No further advance would be made up the ravine until the 1/6th Gurkha Rifles captured the post on the night of 12/13 May. This involved them going up a 300-foot (91 m) vertical slope, which had defeated the Royal Marine Light Infantry and the Royal Dublin Fusiliers. The site became known as 'Gurkha Bluff'. The exhausted, demoralised and virtually leaderless British troops could go no further in the face of stiffening Ottoman resistance. In places, Ottoman counter-attacks drove the British back to their starting positions. By 6:00 p.m. the attack was called off. About 14,000 Allied troops participated in the battle and suffered 2,000 British and 1,001 French casualties. The scale and duration of the battle was minor compared to later fighting but the First Battle of Krithia was one of the most significant of the campaign as it proved that the original British assumption of a swift victory over an indifferent enemy was mistaken. Helles became the scene of numerous attrition battles, in which success would be measured by an advance of 100 yd (91 m) or the capture of a trench. The Battle of Gurin took place on 29 April 1915 during the Kamerun Campaign of World War I in Gurin, British Nigeria near the border with German Kamerun. The battle was one of the largest of the German forays into the British colony. It ended in a successful British repulsion of the German force. By April 1915, British forces were concentrated mainly in southern and central Kamerun, leaving much of the Nigerian border with the German colony relatively undefended. Following the failed siege of the main German outpost in northwestern Kamerun at the First Battle of Garua in August 1914, German forces in the area had substantial freedom of movement. This allowed Captain von Crailsheim, the German commander at Garua, to conduct a number of raids into British Nigeria. In late April, a force commanded by von Crailsheim joined with a smaller one commanded by Captain Schipper to attack the village of Gurin, just inside the Nigerian border. The village of Gurin was protected by one circular fort and a garrison of 42 men consisting mostly of policemen commanded by Captain Derek Pawle.

  • 長文の中のある一文なんですが

    From the point of view of his teachers, hi was an unsatisfactory pupil, apparently incapable of progress in languages, history, geography, and other primary subjects.His interest in mathematics was roused, not by his instructors, but by a Jewish medical student, Max Talmey, who gave him a book on geometry, and so set him upon a course of enthusiastic study which made him, at the age of fourteen, a better mathematician than his masters. という文なのですが、後半のbut by a Jewish・・・ のあたりから後ろの文はすべてMax Talmeyの説明の文となっているのでしょうか? あとその部分の中の set him upon a course of enthusiastic study which made him という部分はどう訳せばいいんでしょうか? set him uponの部分とstudy which made him をどうしていいかわからないです。 どうかよろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします

    またすいません… What the scientists did in the center was to thaw small parts of the animal and look for clues-clues that could tell us more about the would of the mammoth. Another group involved in mammoth research was an international team headed by Dr.Goto Kazufumi. 長くてすいません

  • 経済英語を訳していただけないでしょうか?

    As my investigation of organizational in these four companies progressed, several important facts became clear. First, a meaningful analysis of the creation of the new administrative from called for accurate knowledge about the firm's previous organization and in fact about its entire administrative history. Second, changes in organizational strusture were intimately related to the ways in which the enterprise had expanded. An evaluation of administrative changes, therefore, demanded a detailed understanding of the company's methods of growth. Third, these patterns of growth, in turn, reflected changes in the over-all American economy, particularly those affecting the market or demand for the enterprise's products. Finally, the reorganizations were influenced by the state of the administrative art in the United States at the time they were being carried out. The first two of these points required further investigation into the history of the four companies selected. The third and fourth called for a broader awareness of the history of the American business economy.

  • 構文分析よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m

    So intimate is the relation between a language and the people who speak it that the two can scarcely be thought of apart. A language lives only so long as there are peo- ple who speak it and use it as their native tongue, and its greatness is only that given to it by these people. A language is important because the people who speak it are important-politically, economically, commercialally, social-ly, culturally. English, French, and German are great and important languages ​​because they are the languages ​​of great and important peoples; for this reason they are widely studied outside the country of their use. -A. C. BAUGH, A History of the English Language 構文分析よろしくお願い致します。 できるだけ丁寧に解説して頂けると嬉しいです🙇‍♀️

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    The East African Campaign was a series of battles and guerrilla actions, which started in German East Africa and spread to portions of Mozambique, Northern Rhodesia, British East Africa, Uganda and the Belgian Congo. The campaign was effectively ended in November 1917. The Germans entered Portuguese East Africa and continued the campaign living off Portuguese supplies. The strategy of the German colonial forces, led by Lieutenant Colonel (later Generalmajor) Paul Emil von Lettow-Vorbeck, was to divert forces from the Western Front to Africa. His strategy achieved only mixed results after 1916, when he was driven out of German East Africa and Allied forces became composed almost entirely of South African, Indian, and other colonial troops. Black South African troops were not considered for European service as a matter of policy while all Indian units had been withdrawn from the Western Front by the end of 1915; the campaign in Africa consumed considerable amounts of money and war material that could have gone to other fronts. The Germans fought for the whole of World War I, receiving word of the armistice on 14 November 1918 at 7:30 a.m. Both sides waited for confirmation and the Germans formally surrendered on 25 November. German East Africa became two League of Nations Class B Mandates, Tanganyika Territory of the United Kingdom and Ruanda-Urundi of Belgium, while the Kionga Triangle became a mandate of Portugal.