• 締切済み



  • hiro_1116
  • ベストアンサー率30% (2395/7759)

Because the shape of "check mark" looks like that of katakana character "re".


  • 日本語の駄洒落を英語で説明して

    I heard the Japanese phrase "A futon has been blown off" is a joke. Tell me why this phrase is a joke. Answer in English and alphabets, don't use Japanese characters.

  • 日本語の回文を英語で説明して

    Japanese word "shimbunshi" is a palindrome, but why? Answer in English and Alphabets, don't use hiragana or katakana.

  • 「あかいくつ」英語で説明して

    What is the origin of "Akai-Kutsu" (red shoes) , one of the bus routes in Yokohama? Answer in English and alphabets.

  • 120語自由英作文添削をお願いいたします。

    昨日これの賛成意見を書いたのですが(http://okwave.jp/qa/q6882559.html)、反対意見も書いてみました。 添削をお願いいたします。 志望は早稲田政経です。 一橋2003後期 English should be made an official language in japan. I don't agree with this opinion. For one thing, Japanese language, which is called 'Hiragana' or 'Kanji' or 'Katakana' is one of the most important tools to understand Japanese culture. Throughout Japanese history, almost all the Japanese people have used it and almost all the books in Japan are written by it. If we stopped using it, we couldn't read these old books, which may include priceless Japanese history or policy. We don't live ourselves but we are influenced by and connect with ancestors. That is why, that we can't read old books and that we can't understand Japanese policy means that we can't really understand ourselves. To conclude, we have to keep using Japanese language to remain Japanese identity. 日本語は日本の文化を理解するための最も大事な道具のひとつである。 我々は自分たちだけでなく、過去と繋がって日本の精神を受け継いで生きている。 そのため、日本語が読めなくなることで、過去の文献が読めなくなり、日本の歴史や日本の精神を理解できなくなることは自分たち自信を正しく理解出来ないことにもつながる。

  • How to use Japanese in English XP

    Now I use English Windows XP. I can read Japanese. But I can not type Japanese. So I want to know how to use or type Japanese in this PC. Please tell me! Free soft is OK, too. (hetanaeigode sumimasenn(mm);)

  • 英語で説明希望 日本語助詞「と」

    日本語の助詞についておしえてください。 日本語のテストありますので。 I am in the middle of studying japanese for JLPT3 and I need your assistance for figure them out. Here is the 2 questions. (1)because of you I became stronger (in Japanese!) So I wrote: 毎日私は強いなります。 Someone said it meant strong like fighting. and "よろしくお願いします” to be about studying! I didn't know the kanji/words it's using. I would like to know why it is and what it is. (2)Thinking "my japanese is slowly better because of you". I wrote 私の日本語がゆっくり良いのであなたです。 Someone said 私の日本語がだんだんと良くなるのは、あなたのおかげです。is correct. But most of people said it is a little awkward and they would say they can omit と and だんだん~になる seems more natural to say. I have no idea which is correct and why it is. That's when I realized, , I need なる to make it "becomes better". I also knew "だんだん" but I didn't know why it used "と" or why と"? Why not just "だんだん良くなる?" Your assistance would be highly appreciated. Thank you.

  • 英語

    外国人とメールをしていた時分からないものがあったので教えて下さい You can speak fluent English, can't you? Are you half Japanese and half American? を和訳して下さい~ たぶん私の解釈ではもっと流ちょうに英語を話せませんか? あなたは日本と英語のハーフですか? 的なモノだと思うので一応返信も書いておきます。間違ってたら指摘お願いします。 Sorry. I have to hard study English. No,I'm Japanese.

  • 翻訳していただけませんか?

    こんにちは! 早速ですが、次の文を翻訳していただけないでしょうか?あまり英語が得意でない為、授業前に本文を翻訳しているのですが、今回は上手く翻訳できませんでした。お手数ですが、お願いいたします。 There are many English loanwords in Japanese. Some loanwords, or gairaigo in Japanese, sound like English, but actually have no equivalents in English. Ice coffe, which in Japanese means 'coffee with ice', is 'iced coffee' in English. Fried potato, which is a popular item at fast food restaurants, may sound like English, or at least a grammatically correct expression in English, is in fact, called 'French fries' in the United States. Interestingly, it is called 'chips' in the UK. Potato chips in Japanese refer to the same thing in the United States, though the British call them 'crisps'. Some Japanese people seem to think that baito, 'part-time job', is an English word. Actually, baito is a part of the word arubaito, which was originally borrowed from the German word Arbeit, 'work'. So if you work part-time at a bookstore, and you are asked whether or not you are a full-time worker, you should say in English, "I work part-time here". But do not use the word, Arbeiter, for almost no one would understand this in English-speaking countries. The word freeter(a 'freelance worker who moves from job to fob') is relatively new in Japanese. It was derived from the English word 'free' plus the German word Arbeiter, so it is not really English. Japanese people sometimes make up words that only sound like English but in reality are not. Such words are called 'Japlish', that is to say, Japanese English.

  • 英語が苦手なので、メールの英文の翻訳をお願いします

    It is difficult to memorize so many yes, but I'll get there eventually, lol. I read about all that in the book I got. It's interesting how languages are formed. Ha ha I'll consider that when I do go to Japan. Thank you for the suggestion. That's good to hear, as soon as my skills are better I'm actually going to do that myself, read books in Japanese that is. Well you don't have to avoid it entirely, just read a few others before you read Shakespeare. It'd be better to have a grasp on English, trust me, his work is a bit confusing with how he writes is a bit different. Anyways if you enjoy old world type stuff then go for it, just read some others before you do is all I suggest. Well I'm off to study talk yo you later! これ(上記)が以下の自分の送信メールに対する返答です。英語が得意な方、どうかこれ(上記)を翻訳してください!! ha ha you’re learning the kanji(‘characters’,kanji characters). It’s difficult for you to memorize (many) kanjis a day, isn’t it?(略)Why don’t you name yourself 「玲奈(れいな、reina)」(for example) after Lexi in order to introduce yourself to everyone in Japan when you come to Japan? Yeah, I’m going to enjoy reading books written in English. But okay I’ll avoid reading Shakespeare. I can’t so much as read Japanese classical literature, so I surely can’t read English classical literature,ha ha ha. Then talk to you later ^_^

  • こちらの文章は問題ないでしょうか、訂正お願いします。

    こちらの文章は問題ないでしょうか、訂正お願いします。 I can't understand you say because i'm japanese you can't enter aaa , becouse we can't speak English and this aaa is members only.