• 締切済み



  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9778/12183)

(訳文) 《この試合については、73分目に中止されてしまいましたので、正式な確認を待っています。それで、私どもは、「試合が行われないか、延期された場合、元の予定された試合時間から5日以内に試合が行われない限り、設定調整のため出走者なしとして扱うものとする」という当社のスポーツ規定に沿って解決することを目指しています。その場合、相互の同意によりキャンセルされない限り、賭けは有効とします。》


  • 翻訳

    お願いします。 Can we continue to import food and virtual water like this? Developing countries,where some of the food imported to Japan is produced,may not export to us in the future. They'll need all the food they produce to feed their own growing populations. In that case,we may have to produce much more of our own food in Japan. For this we will nedd a large amount of water. If that happens,we won't be able to use water as freely as we do now. You can probably understand now that our lives are sustained not only by visible water,but also by invisible,virtual water. We should keep this virtual water in mind and remember that water is a limited resource. We nedd to use it as carefully and as wisely as possible.

  • 翻訳願います!!

    どなたか下記の英文の和訳をお願い致しますm(_ _)m (1)I want to let you know that the language barrie will be taken care of when we see each other. (2)It is very important for me to express to you how much you really mean to me. (3)But since we are physically separated by miles in emptiness, this expression must come in the from of letters such as this. (4)Dear, I know it is difficult for you, as it is for me, to be separated for so long. (5)Life seems to be full of trials of this type which test our inner strength, and more importantly, our devotion and love for one another.

  • 大至急、翻訳をお願い致します!

    Around this time five years ago I was eagerly awaiting the release of the album Blaster by the Wildabouts, which sadly turned out to be the last of your life. Those happy memories come rushing back as sweetly as if it were yesterday, and I miss you so much.

  • 翻訳

    お願いします! As you khow,Japan imports only wheat and beef but also many other agricultural products.Japan also imports some industrial products.The water that is used in making such imported products is called "virtual water." Please look at Figure 1,which shows how much virtual water is used in various products.You can see that corns and soyaeans need a large amount of water.Most of these crops are used as feed for cattle raised in Japan. Figure 2 shows the countries from which we are importing virtual water.As you can see,we are importing as much as 64 billion cubic meters in one yer.This is equal to two-thiids of the total use of regular "real" water in Japan.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    以下の文章の訳を教えてください。 We are all individuals in this world and as much as we like to tell ourselves otherwise, we are alone. Coming to terms with this is challenging but I believe will eventually lead us to peace. 人はみんな一人なんだ?みたいなことが言いたいんでしょうか?混乱しています。

  • 翻訳をお願いしたいです。

    翻訳をお願いしたいです。 In this chapter we will study some techniques for system design, in particular as they apply to computer networks. More general treatments can be found in books on operating systems, such as references[SG94] and [Tanenbaum 92], and books on computer architecture, such as reference[PH 95].

  • 翻訳して下さい!

    トマトの栽培についての文章なのですがネットの翻訳だと訳がわかりません。 よろしくお願いします。 Marginal leaf scorch Marginal leaf scorch was observed in the crop during in late spring / early summer (Picture 1). The concern is that it could develop into Botrytis towards the end of the crop as light levels decrease in the autumn. Andrew Lee explains. “We think that this may have been caused by running such a low pre-night temperature set point. We have to remember this also cools the root zone, so in the morning, with minimal pipe (temperature) input, it too will stay cool. However, at this time of year the sun comes quickly. This will warm the leaf surface and open the stomata, however, due to the cold root zone, the plant is unable to transpire quickly enough, which leads to the scorching.” “We shall find out in autumn if we made a mistake or not”, says Piet Hein, before remarking: “I’m not too worried.

  • 翻訳をお願いします。

    翻訳をお願いします。 通販で、納期に時間がかかるとのことだったので、 「納期(8月中)に間に合うならば手続きを進めてください」 という旨のメールを送ったところ、以下の返事がきました。 よろしくお願いします I wanted to let you know that we are looking at about 4-5 days to get in here and once I have those in here we will ship that right out for you so you are looking at about 7-10 days to get that delivered to you. It sounds like we will be able to get this to you buy the end of August so I will get this order in the system and get your name on those parts and once those show up ship them out unless I hear otherwise from you. If you have any other questions or need anything else please let me know.

  • 大至急、翻訳をお願い致します!

    Around this time five years ago I was eagerly awaiting the release of the album Blaster by the Wildabouts, which sadly turned out to be the last of your life. Those happy memories come rushing back as if it were yesterday, and I miss you so much.

  • どなたか翻訳できますか?

    ebayのオークションでで落札した後、下記のようなメールが送られてきましたがgoogle翻訳でしても 理解できないのでどなたが翻訳していただけないでしょうか? Hi, as stated in the auction we can only ship to US verified addresses. Do you have someone in the US that can sign for this item for you and then send it to you internationally? Please let us know or we'll need to cancel this transaction. Thanks so much! 宜しくお願い致します。