• 締切済み

Good morning. (blushing s


  • koncha108
  • ベストアンサー率49% (1312/2665)

前半はウクライナの方言、話される言葉について。後半はあなたの携帯について。 おはようございます。 そうです、今世紀に異なる方言があります。(注:これmy countryの書き間違いじゃ無いかな。これでは意味が通じません)西側では、一つの方言が話されます。それはスルジックと呼ばれます。トランスカルパチア、チェルノビツキ、ルビブ地方。異なる言語の混在もあります。ハンガリー語、ルーマニア語、ポーランド語。私は方言はあまり理解できません。東側ではウクライナ語とロシア語が話されます。これって世界中同じだと思います。日本とウクライナだけじゃ無い。 君の携帯の仕様を見ました。すごい携帯持っているね。とても高性能。携帯にメモリーがたくさん入っている。いいカメラだ。写真やビデオは良いんだと思う。とっても高い携帯を持っている。 ウクライナではD104/64GBしか買えない。$400する。とても高い。 --- この方の英語、ブロークンで、ちゃんと訳しにくいけど、まあこんな感じ。





  • 英語を和訳してください

    英語を和訳してください Good morning. (blushing smile) There is racism in Ukraine, very few. Very rare. In general, Ukraine is a tolerant country. There are many Chinese and Vietnamese in Ukraine. There is racism all over the world. Arabs are not liked in Western Europe. I like Asian women. They are so mysterious. I love it. You don't need to worry. Everything is good. Does Japan treat a foreigner well? I read that in Japan there are establishments where foreigners are not allowed.I got the Ambassador translator headphones on Thursday. I waited for about a year. Unfortunately, they turned out to be very bad. They work poorly. They translate Japanese very poorly and incorrectly. Think about 30 seconds. They constantly turn off. Wasted $ 160. The company is cheating, the headphones are bad. I am disappointed. (angry frown)(distressed) これは、翻訳機を別の日本人と試したと書いていますか?私に、イイネ!くれた理由を聞いたのに、ミステリアスとかですか?。

  • プロポーズか言葉遊び

    Sorry for the long answer. Cake bought in the store. How is your health? I also really want to hug you. I'm hot. I will warm you. (closed eyes smile) When I get married I want to live in Japan. Where do you want to live? In Ukraine, there is no compulsory medical insurance. But now there is a reform. In Ukraine, the original drugs are also expensive. Cheaper than in Japan. In Ukraine, prices and wages are different from the Japanese. Yes, flu and other diseases are also common in Ukraine. In January, there was a flu epidemic in Ukraine. プロポーズでしょうか。とても嬉しかったのですが、ロシアではDVがとても多く1/2のカップルが離婚してます。妻は夫の所有物で、今女余りが凄くて適齢期の15,000人の女性が独身らしいのです。ロシアではないですが、世界一美人の国に 居て自国の女は嫌いだと言うのです。 皆そんな感覚なのでしょうか。 大学時代のジジイもワシは外人女と結婚 したかった!とフィリピン妻が居た気がします。 どこに自国の女性に幻滅するんでしょうか。 このかたの国は美人、旦那を立てる、スタイル最高、料理が上手い、でしゃばらない三歩後を付いて歩くなど、日本人男性ならウハウハ間違いなしの条件と思うのです。

  • 日本語訳してください!!

    日本語訳してください!! I know that you speak English, and probably quite well, too. But what kind of English do you use? In the UK each local area is home to a dialect where the words and grammar are different. A person from Scotland might say, "I saw a wee bairn down by the loch," which means, "I saw a small 5 child near the lake.

  • この英文を日本語訳にしてください。

    Hello Yai, Are you traveling soon to the US? You go to Virginia. I went there for vacation few years ago, to Virginia City. Very crowded and long beaches. There are many interesting places there, I hope you like the American style of life, it's very different from Canada. Keep in touch Yai, Cheers, Beto

  • 翻訳お願いします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたに。 お願いできますでしょうか? また、途中の文章ですが 何卒よろしくお願いします。 There are many different ways to interpret a horoscope. You will have noticed that we are going round the celestial circle, house by house. Step by step. This puts an order to the chaos of the stars, and makes my work more methodical. I think this man is everything he seems and more. The star aspects show you will fall in love with a powerful mentor. You’ll come across him in strange or alternative circumstance, when you least expect. Someone who is very much out of the ordinary, in looks and ways and work. Inspirational. The spark from which the fire is kindled. A very sudden attachment. Love with someone very different from you and yet very similar

  • 意味を教えてください。

    I'm a little am different 24 years old and there are also no lover, how many men in the world are not You're not the only one now and another girl ↑これの意味を教えてください。 お願いします。

  • シカゴの感想を添削

    お願いいたします I visited to Chicago. It's a sister city Osaka. There are a lot of museum I like it. I went for sightseeing to Frank Lloyd Wright House in Okupeak. Also,I went Museum of Sciene and Industry where we watch Apollo 8 and take the U -505 submarine on board tour. There is Sue in Field Museum of Natural HIstory is very famous. It's Tyranno saurus rex fossil remains that is biggest and complete in the world. I took part in guided tour there it was intersting but I listened it difficult becouse it's English. I alway go to the are museum. Of coures visited the art of Institue of Chicago. It's 3 biggest Museum if US. I had enjoying a long time there. There are a lot of events in Chicago becouse many country people live in . Oh , I love most pake is lincoln park. Zoo in there is free therefor many animals so enjoying. I recomed there and tell me what you think if you go there.

  • S+be+thereの意味

    I am investing in china,because that is where you are supposed to be.and i was there before the WTO and all that stuff.everyone was in dotcoms,which is too stupid,but anyway they were there. 上の2箇所の「S+be+there」の訳し方がわかりません。ここの和訳だと、一般的な意味合いの訳「i was there=そこにいた」ではないようです。 はじめの「i was there」は、~だった以前に、 2番目は、彼らはそうであったと訳されています。 S+be+thereは、物質的に存在することを意味するのではなく、そういった状態であるというように、精神的な在り方や姿勢も表すのでしょうか?

  • 英文添削してください。

    1 大阪の食べ物はおいしいです。 Foods in Osaka is very taste good. There are a lot of good meals in Osaka. 2 ぜひお好み焼き、たこ焼きをたべてみてください。 I recommend that you eat Okonomiyaki, Takoyaki. 3 今日は行かないかもしれないし、日本独特の文化というわけではありませんが、有名なレジャーランドがあります。 I think you don’t go there and the spot is not a original Japanese culture, there is a famous leisure land in Japan. 4 大阪は買い物をするにはいい場所でもあります。 Osaka is the good to buy something with. 5 特に、ここ梅田は最適な場所です。 Especially, here Umeda is the best spot.

  • なぜThere areでなくthere isですか

    There is a time and a place for everything. There is a time to speak and a time to be silent. なぜthere are構文ではなくThere is構文なのでしょうか?