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(1) Heartburn (2) complication (3) asthma (4) itchy (5) stroke 文章の完成はご自分で。



回答ありがとうございます! 自分でも考えてみたのですが、 2はcomplications 5はstrokes では誤っていますか?


  • 医療英語の穴埋め問題

    分からないので助けて欲しいです!! 宜しくお願いしますm(_ _)m 下の[リスト]の中から最も適切な語を選び、正しい形にして(文頭の大文字化、単数・複数など)次の各文を完成させてください。選択肢の語は1回しか使えません。 リスト [asthma, complication, diarrhea, drowsiness, fatigue, heartburn, itchy, stroke] (1)[        ] occurs when stomach acid flow back up into the esophagus. * 回答を入力 (2)Diabetes [        ] include retinopathy, neuropathy and nephropathy. * (3)My younger brother is allergic to cats and sometimes suffers from [        ] attacks. * (4)Don’t scratch the [        ] spots because it’ll make them worse. * (5)Most [        ] are caused by a sudden blockage of arteries that supply blood to the brain. *

  • 英語です。日本語への訳をお願いします

    *平滑筋や胃など、生理学の用語が含まれて降ります。 But smooth muscles are at work all over your body. In your stomach and digestive system, they contract(tighten up)and relax to allow food to make its journey through the body. Your smooth muscles come in handy if you're sick and you need to throw up. The muscles push the food back out of the stomach so it comes up through the esophagus and out of the mouth.

  • 英語問題

    かなり急いでます(汗 以下の文章を翻訳お願いします>< (1)Acromegaly is an endocrine disorder symptoms of which include rapid weight gain and a round face often referred to as a "moon face." (2)Cushing symdrome is caused by overproduction of thyroid hormones and results in weight loss anxiety fatigue, hair loss, irritability, and sweating. (3)TypeII diabetes mellitus is characterized by loss of the insulin-producing cells, leading to a deficiency of insulin. (4)Hyperthyroidism is a syndrome caused by excess growth hormone often associated with severe headache and arthritis. (5)Hypoglycemia means pathologic state of excessively lower level of blood suger. (6)TypeI diabetes mellitus is characterized by insulin resistance or reduced insulin sensitivity.

  • どなたか英語が分かる方よろしくお願いします。

    前回質問した文章の後半になります。 引き続き食べ物のことが書いてあります。 宜しくお願いします。 The tongue and mouth may sometimes be sore or fissured. He has a mild aversion to meat, wine greasy foods brandy, coffee, butter and milk, Sweets disagree. Yet he does not realize these things affect him aversely so he eats them anyway and suffers in his stomach, so it can feel like a lead balloon after. Takes salt in great quantifies on his food, but digests none of it. Aversion to fat breads and rich things. Sour wine disturbs his stomach. He. Likes cold drinks and malted liqueurs, beers. Likes to sip at his drinks, rather than quaff or gulp them. Just tiny little sips. He is very sensitive to anything that is going rotten or not fresh.. Likes coffee and milky drinks. He doesn’t do so well on a vegetarian or health food diet, radishes and mooli sometimes upset him. and when he is depressed he losses all appetite to eat. He is sensitive to the smell of food cooking and if it smells good he will decide to have something to eat, his apatite can be won or teased back with nice cooking smells.

  • 長文を分けました翻訳をお願いします(1)

    長文で病気の症状が書いてあるみたいなのですが、訳し方に困っています。 どなたかわかる方がいらっしゃいましたら、翻訳をお願いします。 文章は前半と後半に分けています。 He can become devitalized and tired, and when he is ill he becomes exhausted by his lack of health. He is subject to eye conditions, like sties and irritation. He is prone back ach or problems in the spinal column from time to time and to inflammation of the spine, To over heating in the summer, In old age he may be subject to troubles in the Ventricular septum and. the heart or circulation may develop irregularities. Palpitations, the valves or ventricle of the right side of the heart, can give cause for concern in old age. The other things he may be subject to are Hay fevers, Rose colds, mild asthma or allergic difficulties that lead to feelings of suffocation., or skin conditions. Ailment that come on from being in countryside places, or in the park or from gardening. Plant allergies. He may suffer from hot sweats and feverishness when ill, grumbling and lassitude. Suffers stagnant liver, jaundices. Skin eruptions, exophthalmoses, or thyroid conditions.

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いします!!

    New research finds link between frequency of exercise and stroke risk Here’s yet another reason to get off the couch: new research findings suggest that regularly breaking a sweat may lower the risk of having a stroke. A stroke can occur when a blood vessel in the brain gets blocked. As a result, nearby brain cells will die after not getting enough oxygen and other nutrients. A number of risk factors for stroke have been identified, including smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes and being inactive. For this study, published in the journal Stroke, Michelle N. McDonnell, Ph.D., from the University of South Australia, Adelaide and her colleagues obtained data from the Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) study. REGARDS is a large, long-term study funded by the NIH National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) to look at the reasons behind the higher rates of stroke mortality among African-Americans and other residents living in the Southeastern United States. “Epidemiological studies such as REGARDS provide an important opportunity to explore race, genetics, environmental, and lifestyle choices as stroke risk factors,” said Claudia Moy, Ph.D., program director at NINDS. Over 30,000 participants supplied their medical history over the phone. The researchers also visited them to obtain health measures such as body mass index and blood pressure. At the beginning of the study, the researchers asked participants how many times per week they exercised vigorously enough to work up a sweat. The researchers contacted participants every six months to see if they had experienced a stroke or a mini-stroke known as a transient ischemic attack (TIA). To confirm their responses, the researchers reviewed participants’ medical records. The researchers reported data for over 27,000 participants who were stroke-free at the start of the study and followed for an average of 5.7 years. One-third of participants reported exercising less than once a week. Study subjects who were inactive were 20 percent more likely to experience a stroke or TIA than participants who exercised four or more times a week. The findings revealed that regular, moderately vigorous exercise, enough to break a sweat, was linked to reduced risk of stroke. Part of the protective effect was due to lower rates of known stroke risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity and smoking. “Our results confirm other research findings but our study has the distinct advantage of including larger numbers, especially larger numbers of women as well as blacks, in a national population sample so these provide somewhat more generalizable results than other studies,” said Virginia Howard, Ph.D., senior author of the study from the School of Public Health, University of Alabama at Birmingham.

  • 英語問題

    下から適切な単語を選んで空欄を埋める問題なのですが、わかりますか? わかったら翻訳もお願いします(;_;) type I diabetes acromegaly hyperthyroidism type II diabetes Cushing's syndrome hypoglycemia (1)_____ is an endocrine disorder symptoms of which include rapid weight gain and a round face often referred to as a "moon face." (2)_____ is caused by overproduction of thyroid hormones and results in weight loss, anxiety, fatigue, hair loss, irritability, and sweating. (3)_____ mellitus is characterized by loss of the insulin-producing cells, leading to a deficiency of insulin. (4)_____ is a syndrome caused by excess growth hormone often associated with severe headache and arthritis. (5)_____ means a pathologic state of excessively lower level of blood sugar. (6)_____ mellitus is characterized by insulin resistance or reduced insulin sensitivity. the exercise ball parallel bars traction devices an ergometer bariatric lift an ankle brace (1)_____ is a piece of equipment for measuring the work performed by exercising typically by bicycle. (2)_____ is a device designed to support an injured ankle or to prevent an injury. (3)_____ is a tool for moving an obese patient from a bed to a wheelchair or other places in order to avoid injury for both the patient and the caregivers. (4)_____ is a conservative treatment for back pain sufferers using a ball inflated with air to stabilize the spine. (5)_____ are used for stretching the spine longitudinally in order to restore lost mobility. (6)_____ are one gait training tool important for the recovery of a patient's walking ability.

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いしたいです。

    The researchers also looked at the data according to gender. After the researchers accounted for age, race, socioeconomic factors (education and income) and stroke risk factors, the results revealed that men who exercised at least four times a week still had a lower risk of stroke than men who exercised one to three times per week. In contrast, there was no association between frequency of exercise and stroke risk among women in the study. However, there was a trend towards a similar reduction in stroke risk for those who exercised one to three times a week and four or more times a week compared to those who were inactive. “This could be related to differences in the type, duration, and intensity of physical activity between men and women,” said Dr. Howard. “This could also be due to differences in the perception of what is intense physical activity enough to work up a sweat.” The results should encourage doctors to stress the importance of exercise when speaking with their patients, Dr. Howard said. “Physical inactivity is a major modifiable risk factor for stroke. This should be emphasized in routine physician check-ups along with general education about the benefits of exercise on stroke risk factors including high blood pressure, diabetes and being overweight or obese,” she said. The study suggests that men should consider exercising at least four times a week. REGARDS will continue to assess stroke risk factors to look for long-term patterns in the study population. “Findings from this study, including the current physical activity results, will ultimately help us to identify potential targets for immediate intervention as well as for future clinical trials aimed at preventing stroke and its consequences,” said Dr. Moy.

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで お願いできますでしょうか? 1つの段落と2つの段落の前半部分となります。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 The meeting will be very wonderful and yet very ordinary. But a transformation will begin like the melting snows on a sunny day or the change of the seasons, very gradually your life will become totally transformed. When he is ill, it is generally intermittent He gets a little better A little worse,. He becomes shiftless, subdued, an illness comes on and his competence suffers. His colour darkens and he gets liverish when ill He is also more prone then others to catch dysenteries if he travels in foreign places, or unclean conditions., and become poisoned quite easily by fish or shell fish. More subject to diarrhea than constipations and gets a lot of gas in his pipes. Gets mouth ulcers, or cold sores when his immunity is low, or before he is ill like a sign that his good health is dropping. He will be clean in all his habits, neat and tidy, hygienic. He suffers, minor ailments, spots or boils, indigestion, rheumatisms in cold weather, which he will make the most of, as if fascinated by their morbid details. This sign indicates a secret interest in health, or fear of serious illness so that when ill he may become hypochondriac imagining its worse than it is.

  • 長文を二つに分けた後半部分です

    病気のことがかいてあるのですが、よくわかりません。 日本語に訳してください。宜しくお願いします。 When he needs medical attention and advice he will delay seeking it, because he always fears the worst, and is afraid of illness, even as it afflicts him, he fears it. Suffers complaints from living in damp houses, damp cellars, basements. When ill he looks ill, he becomes totally tired and worn out physically and mentally exhausted. He is cold and clammy and sweaty and collapsed. He retains his dignity in illness but wont do as he is told thinks he knows better than the Doctor. His illness are usualy short and predictable, because when he begins to come down with bad health, a day or two before he shows any symptoms, he is lax, careless fed up, cannot be bothered, and lets everything in his life slide. His health is worse in damp rainy whether. Suffers photophobia and head aches from strong sun light in the face. Appendix, asthma in one lung. Piles