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単なる勘違いの嘘情報でしょう 写真では単3と単4だからではなく電池の種類が違います 種類の違う電池は当然充電時の反応も異なります





  • この英語の意味をおしえてください。

    片思いしてる人は奥さんも子供もいます。 しかし、離婚をすると初めて会った時に言っていまなので、少し期待をしていました。しかし、彼は故郷へ帰りしばらくたちましたが状況がわからないのでどうなったかききました。 わたしはずっと彼のことが好きで気持ちがかわれません。 I can't make any promises to you right now because I'm still trying to figure things out, and I've told you that I don't want you waiting on me I think you can find your happiness there I think you are wonderful and i wish things could be different この最後のi wish things could be different がどういうことをいっているんでしょう? わたしに対してでしょうか? わたしの事態がかわってればいいのにねっていってるのか、僕の事態がかわってればよかったのにってことでしょうか?

  • 英訳をお願いします

    英訳をお願いします。 できれば、2つのandが何をつなげていて、何が主語で、といった構造を教えてもらえると嬉しいです。 Anyone who catches you and sees what a strange little thing you are will believe that you are quite alone among living things and are neither beast nor bird.

  • 至急です(>_<)翻訳してくださいm(_)m

    Hehe you will become likening it cus if not I will be sad;( just think of my child picture and think how sad little me will be if you don't:(←翻訳してくださいm(__)m

  • 引用文の意味を教えてください

    The person who loves you a lot will always do Two things EXTREMELY for you Silently CARING ... & Openly HURTING .. to make you PERFECT..    あなたのことをとても愛している人は、いつもあなたのために、2つのことをしっかり念を入れてします。  静かに見守ること と 正々堂々と傷つく.. あなたを完璧にさせるために・・   openly hurting と make you perfect の 部分がわかりません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • どうか英語の意味を教えていただけませんか?

    Dejar.... The package came like urgent delivery, that is the reason that came in 6 days, i expected received next week like ordinary delivery, you must know this point when you send the package, i think that i feel a little bit cheated and i will think about take or not the package. I will speak with PayPal about that and i will make a complain. About the feedback as i feel bad for this situation it will be not good. Otherwise, if you refund At least half cost of charge i will give you the best feedback. I wait your answer.

  • どなたか翻訳お願いできますか?

    どなたか翻訳お願いしたいです。 ちょっと長くてごめんなさい。 *Saturn はサターンでいいです お願いします Saturn, the planet of fate and Karma was influencing your house of marriage at birth. This means your soul mate will be striking but cold and distant, and he will have elements of the shadow. In Jungian terms you will meet your own darker side through him the things you fear and things you repress. The relationship may cost time and effort. A partner who is self controlled, conservative slow to make a commitment or decisions, cold undemonstrative and pessimistic. Someone who may undermine you and make you feel rejected. This relationship will have grief and loneliness as well as love, but through its sorrows you will find strength and dignity.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    When I make a heat sink for a C6 host I make the heat sink longer than the ones in the picture you sent me, you will not need the "pill" from the host as the heat sink will be in it's place and I machine a step in the end of the heat sink for a round 17.7mm driver to fit into unless your driver is a different size so let me know, 17.7mm is the size that is in a C6 pill.

  • 添削お願いします

    I think It will be clearly your audience and purpose by writing (adding) these things and using some sources. 「(その問題にどう立ち向かったかをもっと詳しく書けばいいと思う)これらの事を書いたり幾つかの資料を使うと聞き手や目的がもっとクリアになると思う」 ** ・どのような目的でその論文を書くか ・誰に向けて書くか …などがテーマとしてあります。 ですのでyour audience and purpose を入れました。 こちらの英文の添削をお願いしいます。

  • 翻訳をお願いします。

    宗教の話をしていました。 情報が足りないので、翻訳しにくいとは思いますがよろしくお願いいたします。 以下の文です!! I think you should definitely NOT trust these people, if I may. These kind of people usually trick others who suffer for a lost one, and are so incredibly mean. One of the most terrible things a person can do is to play with others feelings. It's just SO incredibly mean. If I were there, I would have had a couple of not-so-friendly words to tell these men/women. And it would have not been a good day for them, I can ensure you. I just can't bear who does these things, they make me SO incredibly angry! I totally agree with you. Yes, things can't always go well, but morning always comes :) And generally, there always are tiny little things that can make us happy. That's my opinion at least. I am catholic so I believe everyone has a soul. I also believe that this soul doesn't get lost when someone dies, as we will ...uhm..meet again someday, somewhere...i guess :) but certainly I do not believe in ghosts, I don't believe dead souls have fun scaring people or telling unlikely people to take money from others. What I mean is, even if you lose someone, that person will always be with you. Caring about you, in a certain sense, but not in the same sense those 2 idiots mean. For sure they cannot talk with dead souls or things like that. So, yes, you should tell your friend. I think she can understand, just explain your feelings quietly and with an open heart. Tell her that you don't think these people know what your grandmother feels, because you already know, feeling her close to you everyday. You are the one who knows these kind of things better than anybody else, so, extraneous people as such can't know it better than you :) Just be honest and calm, I think she will understand :)

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで。 お願いできますでしょうか? 1段落の後半部分となりますので、中途半端だと思いますが、 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 He is a financially competent person. One who will have many ideas about how you can earn more money and acquire possessions and improve your mutual wealth. One who should be able to help support or provide for you. You’ll gain nice possessions and things of value. Both of you will dream of wealth, security, and status. I think money will come to you both, you’ll both benefit financially and materially from the marriage, but too much emphasis will be placed on financial matters after the marriage. Spiritual and creative things are just as important, for these feed the soul of a relationship, while wealth sustains the worldly and material side of a relationship