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> at the A National Museum of history, an issue of Independent Vietnam, an official newspaper of the V, founded and managed by B is preserved  国立歴史博物館 (A National Museum of history) では、B 氏によって発見され保存されていた、ベトナムが勝利して独立を勝ち取ったことを報じた広報が * 引用されているのが文の一部でしかないために、尻切れトンボの文になっているため、文としての態をなしていない上に、周辺情報も示しておられないので、少し推測がまじっているかもしれません。


  • 至急翻訳お願いしたいです!

    baker street station in central london is a busy interchange station on london's underground. naturally,it is always crowded with wokers from nearby offices. it also attracts many tourists because it is the closest station to madame tussaud's,london's world-famous wax museum. inside the museum you can find wax models of actors,singers,politicians,historical figures and many other famous people. but for many people,baker street means only one thing:221b baker street was the home of sherlock holmes,the world's best-known fictional detective. sherlock holmes and his faithful friend dr.watson were characters created by the writer sir arthur conan doyle. the first stories featuring holmes and watson were published in the strand magazine in the 1890s. sherlock holmes solved crimes and mysteries by using his talent for detailed observation and logical thought. he claimed he could tell any man's profession simpley by looking closely at his fingernails,coat sleeves,shirt cuffs,shoes and the hardness of his hands. the sherlock holmes stories were enormously poplar. altogether holmes and watson appeared in about 60 novels and stories. eventually,conan doyle got tired of writing about holmes and wrote a story in which he died in an accident,hoping this would be the final episode. sherlock kolmes fans,however,were furious. conan doyle received so many bitter complaints that he had to write another story in which holmes miraculously survived the accident,and continued his career as world's most expert private detective. the sherlock holmes stories are still hugely popular todey,with new editions of the books appearing as well as television and movie adaptations. there is even an inter national sherlock holmes society. it organizes many special events for fans of the great detective,such as trips to places mentioned in the books,including visits to the place in switzerland where holmes was almost killed. no.221b baker street actually exists,and has now been turned into the sherlock holmes museum. it is a perfect recreation of the house described in the stories,containing holmes's armchair,his famous hat,pipe and magnifying glass. there is even an actress playing the part of mrs.hudson,holmes's housekeeper,who welcomes visitors. even if you have never read a sherlock holmes story,a visit to the museum will give you a chance to see a perfect example of a house in victorian england. if you want to find out more about sherlock holmes or the museum,you can go to the web site of the sherlock holmes society at www.sherlock-holmes.co.uk/home.htm

  • 至急翻訳お願いします!

    cantaerbury lies about 100km southeast of london in the county of kent,and is one of england's major tourist sites. the main reason so many people gp there is too see canterbury cathedral,one of england's most famous churches and the headquarters of the anglican church. the city of canterbury played a crucial role in the history of christianity in england. the anglo-saxons,who settled in britain from the 6th century,were not originally christian. around that time,the catholic church sent many missionaries to convert these people. one of these missionaries,st.augustine,arrived near canterbury in the 6th century,and was welcomed by the local saxon king. st.augustine set up a church there that eventually became the cathedral. in the 12th century,an event occurred that changed the history of canterbury. king henry II of england became involved in a dispute with thomas a becket,the archbishop of canterbury. some knights overheard the king complaining about the archbishop. in order to win the king's favour,they murdered the archbishop in the cathedral. the archbishop's shrine at canterbury subsequently became a popular destination for pilgrims. this development gave rise to the first major work of english literature,the canterbury tales by geoffrey chaucer,who lived in the 14th century. by this time,the canterbury pilgrimages had become a popular feature of english life. some people went for religious reasons,but others went because the journer provided a welcome break from life's routines as well as a chance to meet new people. the pilgrims wouldusually gather in london before setting off on foot or on horseback on their journey,which naturally took several days. chaucer used this journey as a framework for his stories. he took a group of typical characters,and had each of them tell a story to help entertain their travelling companions as they made their journey to canterbury. through these stories,chaucer shows us that he was humourist,a philosopher and an accurate observer of human psychology. even today,we can read these stories of love,deceit,pride and ambition from the 14th century,and find the characters familiar. chaucer's genius was to create real-life characters,giving a vivid portrayal of their strengths and weaknesses. chaucer gives us a virtual snapshot of life in mediaeval england that is invaluable to our understanding of the period.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    In the second 1916 volume of the British Official History (1938), Miles wrote that total German casualties in the battle were 660,000–680,000, against Anglo-French casualties of fewer than 630,000, using "fresh data" from the French and German official accounts. In 1938, Churchill wrote that the Germans had suffered 270,000 casualties against the French, between February and June 1916 and 390,000 between July and the end of the year (see statistical tables in Appendix J of Churchill's World Crisis) with 278,000 casualties at Verdun. Some losses must have been in quieter sectors but many must have been inflicted by the French at the Somme. Churchill wrote that Franco-German losses at the Somme, were "much less unequal" than the Anglo-German ratio.

  • 至急翻訳お願いします!

    The word “Oxbridge” may be confusing to people from outside the UK. If you look at a map of the UK, you will not find any place with this name. This is because the word is combination of Oxford and Cambridge and refers to the two ancient universities. These two universities share so many similarities that it is possible to refer to them using only one word. Both universities are made up of separate colleges: Oxford has 39 and Cambridge has31. Each student belongs to one particular college. This is where the student lives, usually for the first two years of a standard three-year university course. Most of the student’s classes also take place in the college, through large scale lectures are usually held in the large faculty buildings. Each college is independent and controls its own finances and property. The teaching system is also very similar in both universities. The basis of it is the tutorial system. Each student has his or her own personal tutor. This tutor supervises the student’s work throughout his or her time at university. Students normally see their tutor once a week in groups of two or three. During this meeting, they read out their assignments, receive criticism and guidance, and have the opportunity to discuss their work and their progress. Thames and Cambridge are built beside rivers. Oxford is on the River Thames and Cambridge on the River Cam. Neither are very large rivers, and so they carry very little commercial traffic. In the summer months, one of the student’s favourite leisure activities is to rent a punt ------a kind of small, flat-bottomed boat that is moved and steered by means of a long pole------ and spend an afternoon gliding slowly down the river. Punting usually involves stopping to visit a riverside pub or to have a picnic under the trees. There are some differences between the two universities, however. Oxford situated in the middle of four large and important cities -----London, Birmingham, Southampton and Bristol------- and so became an important commercial center. It was also the site of Britain’s first car factory: the Morris works at Cowley. Cambridge is located in the east of England in a quiet, mainly agricultural region, and is much smaller and less busy than Oxford. Because Oxford University established itself in a busy commercial center, the colleges are spread all over the city. In Cambridge, however, almost all of the colleges are built in a line with their backs to the river. Both Universities have an excellent reputation in many fields, and so it is impossible to say which is better. Cambridge has a reputation for producing gifted scientists and mathematicians. Oxford, on the other hand, seems to produce politicians. Of the last eight British prime ministers, six, including Tony Blair, were Oxford graduates.

  • 英語の構造を教えて下さい

    お世話になっております。 英語の構造を教えて下さい。 Founded at the end of the Second World War, the World Bank typically provides up to $20 billion a year to developing countries. TOEICの問題で、文頭のFoundedが正解となっています。これは構造的にどうなっているのでしょうか?私は、 The World Bank, which was founded at..., typically provides... →The World Bank, founded at..., typically provides... →Founded at..., the World Bank typically... と解釈したのですが、文頭にFoundedが出たときの理由やうまい訳が思いつきません。 ぜひ教えて下さい。

  • 英語の翻訳お願いします。

    THE DISH OF NOODLES  Incidentally, I cannot emphasize enough the importance of this transposition of methods between two apparently unrelated fields of science. What has been learned in one field can at times help solve completely different problems. This offers a considerable savings of effort : once the link between polymers and critical phenomena was established, we suddenly had at our disposal, in a single stroke, 20 years’ worth of sophisticated knowledge contributed by the study of critical phenomena. We did not have to start from scratch!  We were also lucky that a young team(that of G.Jannink), which worked with neutrons at the Atomic Energy Commission, developed an interest in polymers at the same time. Neutrons turn out to be a powerful tool for studying macromolecules. Finally, there was in Strasbourg a first-rate laboratory—the CRM, French acronym for Center for Macromolecule Research—founded by a great physical chemist, Charles Sadron. They welcomed us with open arms, and in the process spared us a lot of stupid mistakes. 丸投げですみませんがよろしくお願いします。

  • ★至急 英文翻訳

    There is an official report that includes some surprising facts. In developed nations,on average, one person uses 1,000 tons of water per year. In japan, one person uses only 700 tons of water per year. The japanese seem to use lees water. However, in japna, one person also uses 600 tons of virtunal water pet year. What is virtanal water ? It is the water that is used to produce a country's imports. The total amount of this virtual water plus domestic water in japan is 1,300 tons per person.

  • 翻訳をお願いしたいです。

    翻訳をお願いしたいです。 Before building the network of the future, we must first understand what exists. The two most successful computer networks at the present time are the telephone network and the Internet. Section 1 of the book, consisting of Chapters 1-4, is an overview of these networks presented at a level accessible to the interested layperson. .

  • 翻訳をお願いしたいです。

    翻訳をお願いしたいです。 Thus, an application cannot obtain a guarantee of performance, such as an assurance that the network will transfer information from end to end within a time bound. This makes it impossible, for example, to guarantee that a voice call placed on the Internet will sound "clean" with no dropouts, echoes, unexpected call terminations, or prolonged delays. Experience shows that the Internet does a good job at carrying date, but a poor one at carrying anything that requires an end-to-end quality of service.

  • 英文翻訳お願いいたします。

    個人輸入でアメリカで商品を購入後、キャンセルしたところ以下のメールがきました。 大変でも英文翻訳お願いいたします。 I can cancel these for you . Can I issue you an ecertificate to use on you next purchases instead of a credit card refound.