My Son's Best Friend: Stability in Unstable Times

  • A teenager has been living in my guest room since his 18th birthday due to the instability of his home situation.
  • Despite his parents' split and bouncing around different houses, this teenager has managed to excel in school and secure a spot in college.
  • While his parents are aware of his whereabouts, they do not regularly check on him.
  • ベストアンサー


My son's best friend since middle school has been living in my guest room for a couple of months now, since his 18th birthday. His home situation has been very unstable for the past few years since his parents split up, and he bounced around their houses until he turned 18, at which point he began to stay with us because he could no longer tolerate the situation with his parents. He is a really good kid, has a job and does well in school, got into college pretty much on his own, and just needs some stability. His parents know where he is, but do not check on him that I know of. bounced around their housesはどのような意味でしょうか?あと、that I know ofは何にかかっているのでしょうか?前に名詞がないのにこのような形がとれるのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • corta
  • お礼率76% (4133/5370)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

"bounced around their houses" 「彼ら(彼の両親)の家を行ったり来たりした」 話者の息子の友人の両親は、その友人が18歳の誕生日を迎える数年前に離婚しています。そして離婚後数年間の間、友人は別れた親の家を行ったり来たりしていたのでしょう。 ”that I know of" は "which I know of" と同じような働きを持ち、さらにこれは "of which I know" に変換でき、"as far as I know" と同義だと思います。 His parents know where he is, but do not check on him that I know of. ⇒ His parents know where he is, but do not check on him as far as I know.





  • 意味を教えてください

    I just started dating a great guy. We’ve been out only a couple of times, but the spark is there. The trouble is that he has a bad background. His mom was an addict and his dad is in prison, and he bounced around from various troubled relatives until CPS intervened and put him in foster care. He was bounced from place to place and never bonded with anybody. He had a few brushes with drugs and the law, but nothing serious, had a few brushes with drugs and the lawの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    My lovely boyfriend—cute, smart, warm, loving, devoted—has about the worst manners, especially at the table, that I have ever encountered in my life. He doesn’t know how to hold a fork, he wraps his left arm protectively around his food and hovers his upper body over it, he uses his left hand to help food onto his fork or spoon, he slurps soup and spaghetti loudly and sloppily. I’ve tried to bring it up in lighthearted way, especially in the context of meeting my parents, and he doesn’t get it. I do not want to insult someone I love, and by proxy his parents, but I couldn’t in a million years bring him to a dinner party, a nice restaurant, a family gathering, basically anywhere outside of the confines of my apartment. The one time we had a full meal out people did stare and I’ve steered us into drinks or a movie rather than dinner ever since. he wraps his left arm protectively around his food and hovers his upper body over it,の和訳を教えてください。あと、by proxy his parentsとはどういうことでしょうか?あと、anywhere outside of the confines of my apartment.の意味を教えてください。あと、steered us into drinks or a movie rather の意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 英語の間違い

    1.Because Mr. Andrew has a job (1. that ) pays very well and has (2. lots ) of vacation time , he (3. has had ) many chances to travel abroad . As a result , he has (4. ever ) been to many countries. 2.In order (1. to get ) into a top-level university , it is important (2. to try ) hard at school and also (3. spending ) lots of time (4. studying ) at home . 3.Tom (1. has been ) living in Japan (2. since ) 2005 , and (3. since ) he enjoys it so much he says he will keep on living there (4. until ) five more years . 1、2、3の1~4のかっこは それぞれどれが違いますか? 分かる方教えてください(>_<)

  • see around corners

    He still, at 54, wears his signature jeans-and-black-turtleneck outfit. And he still has his edge: prosperity hasn't robbed him of his disrespect for conventional wisdom, his spooky ability to see around corners, see around corners の意味がわかりません。どなたか解説してください。

  • 英語 ()内の語を並べ替えて下さい。

    1 彼はたくさんのボーナスをもらってほくほくしている。 He (with,bonus,very,is,his,pleased,large). 2 私は学校の帰り道ににわか雨に遭った。 I(in,way,caught,shower,my,on,was,a)from school. 3 それ以来彼女の消息は絶えた。 She(not,of,since,has,heard,been).

  • 和訳教えてください

    Man has always been engaged in a two-fold struggle, with his physical enviroment and with mankind. In general, he has been winning the former and losing the latter. He has gained comfort, convenience and a reasonable degree of physical safety, but he has failed to achieve a peaceful world. He has conquered the elements and created scientific miracles, but he has not learned how to live with his fellow man. 和訳よろしくお願いします!!

  • 英訳: 沢山本を読むことは、昔からの親達の願いだった。

    タイトルの文章を英訳すると、 Reading lots of books has been parents wish since olden days. これで、合っているのでしょうか? 昔からなので、現在完了系has beenなのかそれとも、今でもそうなので、isなのか悩みました。 もし、もっと良い文章が有りましたら、それも教えてください。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 文法的解説をよろしくお願いします

    My ex-daughter-in-law believes that her 10-year-old son, my grandson, has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. She has thought this ever since he had trouble on day one of his school career. She has thought this ever since he had trouble on day one of his school career. は文法的に正しい文でしょうか?もしそうでしたら文法的解説をよろしくお願いします

  • 高校2年の英語の教科書の文章です

    高校2年の教科書の文章です。原典は、John Bowlbyの「Maternal care and mental health」です。 の419ページあたりです。 The attachment of children to parents who by all ordinary standards are very bad is a never-ceasing source of wonder to those who seek to help them. Even when they are with kindly foster parents these children feel their roots to be in the homes where, perhaps, they have been neglectec and ill-treated, and keenly resent criticisms directed against their parents. Efforts made to 'save' the child from his bad surroundings and to give him new standards are commonly of no avail since it is his own parents who, for good or ill, he values and with whom he is identified. (This is a fact of critical importance when considering how best to help children who are living in intolerable home conditions). These sentiments are not surprising when it is remembered that, despite much neglect, one or other parent has almost always and in countless ways been kind to him from the day of his birth onwards, and, however much the outsider sees to criticize, the child sees much to be grateful for. At least his parents have cared for him after a fashion all his life, and not until someone else has shown herself equally or more dependable has he reason to trust her. 4番目の文章までは、大体「どのような環境で育っても、子供にとって実の親への愛情が あるので、悪い環境から子供を救おうとしても無駄だ」という意味だろうと思います。 5番目の文章から構文が判りません。 1) Theseはなにをさしているのでしょうか。前文でしたら、( )内でThis で受けているので、 Thisになるのではないでしょうか。 2) surprising は他動詞なのに目的語が見当たりません。 3) 前文までは、生みの親に無視されて育った子供の話ですが、急に生まれたときから 可愛がってきた親の話に変わっていて、つながりがよくわかりません。 4) despite much neglectとparent has been kind to him from the day of his birth onwards  の関係がわかりません。 6番目の文章も構文が判りません。 5) all his life の名詞句の位置づけがわかりません(S,O,C)。 6) herself はなにを指しているのでしょうか。 7) 最後の has he reason to trust her がまるでわかりません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Tomis a British fashion photographer who has incorporated his dark and mysterious personality into his works. Since Tom started experimenting in fashion photography he has gathered an online following for his uniquity and style. Originally from a small town in England Damon was obsessed with cities. At the age of eighteen he decided to escape to New York City to find himself and to push his creative boundaries. Since basing himself in London at nineteen he had started to build strong relationships with the model agencies by shooting their models using his fresh and unique vision.