• ベストアンサー

Consider what effects, th



Consider what effects, that might, conceivably have practical bearings, we conceive the object of our conception to have. Then, our conception of these effects is the whole of our conception of the object. を検索すればいい


  • この英文を和訳してください

    From the light bulb to the World Wide Web, British science has had an enormous impact on our lives. Let's consider just a small number of the important inventions and discoveries made by British science.

  • 英文の邦訳

    Still, I think I was not unusual among historians of science of my generation in thinking that the widespread linking of science and technology or of science and administrative expertise involved something fundamentally spurious, that these supposed connections brought undeserved credit to each enterprise by making science seem more practical and its “applications” more intellectual than either really is. 上記英文を御訳し願います。

  • 経済学英語の訳・・・

    各国における、ざいせい再建. (1)We consider a sample of 15 countries. (2)Our definition of “government” is general government, as defined by the country which is our data source. (3)We have 600 usable obsenations. (4)We have excluded all the country-years for which a complete set of data needed for our tests was not available. (2)~(4)がわかりません・・・ どなたか教えてください。

  • 次の文でわからないところがあるんですが。

    Armed with the power of science applied to technology, we ourselves, through exhaustion of irreplaceable natural resources, have become our own most formidable enemy. Armed ~technology,の部分がどこにかかるのか、または分詞構文なのか、なんなのかがわかりません。主な形は、we ourselves have become our own most formidable enemy. だと思うんですが。 教えていただきたいです。よろしくお願いします。

  • It might have seemed that ~について

    It might have seemed that phisics, which had just placed nuclear energy at man's disposal, as dengerous branch of science. この文のIt might have seemed that ~の部分が分からないのですが、seemはseem+形容詞などの形を取りますよね。このように単独で使われることはあるのでしょうか。文脈から、itはthat節を指しているので、seemはどのように訳せばよいのか分かりません。よろしくお願いします。

  • yet in a case of...

    This might have been done without difficulty; though our shoulders ached excessively , and our hands were much swollen;yet in a case of necessity we could have managed to make use of them. 私達の肩はかなり痛み、手は腫れあがるかもしれないが、これはさほど困難なく実行できたであろう。 Yet以下の文章がよくわかりません。 必要な局面では、私達はなんとかやり遂げることができただろう(?)

  • Human Conflict

    SCIENCE の18, may, 2012 のイントロダクションより HUMAN CONFLICT: WINNING THE PEACEを読みました (1)In this special issue on human conflict, we consider the deep evolutionary roots of violent confrontation. We trace the trajectory of violonece and war throughout history, exploring racism, ethnic conflicts, the rise of terrorism, and the possible future of armed conflicts. ヒトの紛争における今回のサイエンスの記事において、我々は暴力の対立の深い進化の根源を考える。我々は歴史のいたるところで暴力と戦争、人種差別を探し、宗教の対立、そしてテロの発生、将来可能性のある暴力的な紛争を追跡する。 と訳してみましたがこれはthrouhout historyでいったん切れて、そのあとexploringに続くのでしょうかそれともこのexploringは名詞的な活用なのでしょうか。それで文章の解釈がちんぷんかんぷんになってしまいました。 (2)The groups we consider ourselves to be part of, our"ingroups," are critical to our understanding of "self " and categorization of "other" or "outgroups";these groups often form the basis for conflict. 我々が「集団内」の一部と我々自身が考える集団は「ほか」「集団外」の分類や「自己」を我々が理解をするために重要である。この集団群は頻繁に紛争の基盤を形成する。 でいいのでしょうか。 (3)We hope that understanding how human societies have overcome the odds and developed peaceful relations will help chart a path to a less violent future. ヒトの社会がこの奇妙なものに打ち勝つための理解と発達した平和な相互関係が暴力のない社会の道へと手助けになることを我々は望む。 と最後の文章がまとまりが悪い訳になり意味が解らなくなってしまいました。 ご教授お願い申し上げます。

  • 英文和訳 大学入試

    And how we understand the science is as much the result of our own cultural values and biases as it is of the date itself. 構文がわかりません。 After all, if we're all just victims of our unconscious biases and our tribal identities what hope do we have of actually finding a common truth? 構文がつかみません。

  • 和訳お願い致します.

    Mental Evolution in Animals(1883). In the family of the sciences Comparative Psychology may claim nearest kinship with Comparative Anatomy; for just as the latter aims at a scientific comparison of the bodily structures of organisms, so the former aims at a similar com parison of their mental structures. Moreover, in the one science as in the other, the first object is to analyze all the complex structures with which each has respectively to deal. When this analysis, or dissection, has been completed for as great a number of cases as circumstances permit, the next object is to compare with one another all the structures which have been thus analyzed; and, lastly, the results of such comparison supply, in each case alike, the basis for the final object of these sciences, which is that of classifying, with reference to these results, all the structures which have been thus examined.

  • 文法と訳

    これはある本からの引用です。翻訳と、特に文法について教えてください。 "The exitence of which we are most assured and which we know best is unquesionably our own, for of every other object we have notions which may be considered external and superficial, whereas, of ourselves, our perception is internal and profound. What, then, do we find? In this privileged case, what is the precise meaning of the word "exist" ?". 意味は何となく解るんですけど、文法が複雑すぎのような気がします。特に、The exitence of which we are most ・・・、for of every other object we have notions which may・・・、・・・superficial, whereas, of ourselves, our perception・・・の部分の前置詞などの使い方など教えていただけませんか。