• ベストアンサー



  • nyanko33
  • ベストアンサー率11% (1/9)

koncha108 さんの言うように、私もこのような複雑げな文章は、質問者さんのように主語の部分は初めにとってから、前から前から意味を取って読んでいくようにしています。 Re-routing Russion riversは(メインの主語単語なので)increase cold water lowするための(で)、ice-forming areasの方向に向かっている、このメイン主語は、could (ひょっとすると可能かもしれない)be used される slow down warmingするために。てな感じですね。慣れると綺麗な日本語にしなくても正確に文の中身をとることができると思っています。


  • 少し長いですが文は簡単です!和訳お願いします!

    少し長いですが、和訳の確認をしたいので よろしくお願いいたします... 地球温暖化のお話です! Alex says the Mars date is evidence that current global warming on Earth is being caused by changes in the sun. "The long-term increase in solar irradiance is heating both Earth and Mars"he said. Alex believes that change in the sun's heat output can account for almost all the climate change we see on both planets. Mars and Earth, for instance , have experienced periodic ice ages throughout their histories. "Man-made greenhouse warming has made a small contribution to the warming seen on Earth in recent years , but it cannot compete with the increase in solar irradiance." By studying fluctuations in the warmth of the sun. Alex believes he can see a pattern that fits the ups and downs in climate we see on Earth and Mars.

  • 簡単な英文です

    和訳を確認したいのでお願いします!! 1 Earth is currently experiencing rapid warming , which the vast majority of climate scientists say is due to humans pumping a huge amount of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere 2 He rejects the greenhouse effect in which atmospheric gases such as carbon dioxide help keep heat trapped near the planet's surface

  • without ~

    Some scientists say that the failure of governments to address global warming means it is difficult to envision a future without severe environmental damage. を、 政府が地球温暖化に取り組めなかったことは、深刻な環境破壊がない未来を想像するのは難しいということを意味している、という科学者もいる。 と訳してみたのですが、どうもすっきりしません。もう少しいい訳を教えていだけますか?

  • 和訳していただけませんか?

    下の文を和訳していただけませんか? The1997 Kyoto Protocol, the first international agreement on global warming, was adopted in Kyoto, Japan. Since Then, scientists have made it clear that global warming cannot be stopped or reversed. We will have to deal with climate change and the resulting problems, such as flooding, rising sea levels, desertification, and gradual changes in food supplies for the rest of our lives. Although global warming cannot be stepped or reversed, scientists think that it can be slowed, that some of its negative effects can be lessened, and that some of its worst effects can be prevented. It will be necessary for all countries to mitigate, in other words, to take steps to make the effects of global warming less severe, and to adapt to changing climate. Four countries have already taken steps to mitigate and adapt.

  • 以下の文章がよくわかりません。

    Some scientists say that the failure of governments to address global warming means it is difficult to envision a future without severe environmental damage. 英検問題にありました。 meansの後にthatが省略、itは仮主語だと思います。 わからない所: 不定詞部分(to address)の使い方も全体的な訳し方もピンときません。 ご指導よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします。

    以下の文の和訳をお願いします。 The slowdown is a bit of a mystery to climate scientists. True, the basic theory that predicts a warming of the planet in response to human emissions does not suggest that warming should be smooth and continuous. To the contrary, in a climate system still dominated by natural variability, there is every reason to think the warming will proceed in fits and starts. But given how much is riding on the scientific forecast, the practitioners of climate science would like to understand exactly what is going on. They admit that they do not, even though some potential mechanisms of the slowdown have been suggested. The situation highlights important gaps in our knowledge of the climate system, some of which cannot be closed until we get better measurements from high in space and from deep in the ocean.

  • 和訳お願いします(>_<)

    People in areas with a relatively cool climate think that they are free from catching malaria. However, recent changes in climate let mosquitoes move into parts of the world that used to be too cold for them to survive. For example, in Papua New Guinea, the higher mountain areas are becoming warmer, and mosquitoes may affect another two million people. As the world becomes warmer, the spread of malaria will be more and more of an urgent global concern.

  • "increased" VS "increasing"

    As the world's forest disappear, there will be an increase to poverty since the world's rural poor depend in one way or another on forests. People in developed nations must wake up to how global warming will impact on their lives as well.As the world's forests disappear, the levels of carbon dioxide will go up, leading to INCREASED global warming and climate change. 最後でincreasedと過去分詞になっており、現在分詞がダメである、理由が説明できないのですが、どう考えたら良いでしょうか? ご教示、よろしくお願いいたします。

  • これらは文法上、何なんですか? 同格、修飾語?

    (1)On the way people in town say to him,How are your swans?の文章は、On the wayが修飾語、people in townが主語 sayが動詞 to him修飾語だと思うのですが、最後のHow are your swans?は文法上何になるのでしょうか? (2)He says,They're fine,but they aren't mine.の文章はHe(主語) says(動詞),They're fine(目的語)だと思うのですが、続くbut they aren't mineは文法上何になるのでしょうか? (3)This morning I also got up early and had a quick breakfast.の文章はThis morning(修飾語)I(主語) also got up early(動詞と修飾語)ですが、続くand had a quick breakfastのand以下は文法上何になるのでしょうか? (4)I left at five thirty and got home at six.の文章はI(主語)left(動詞) at five thirty(動詞の修飾語)だと思いますが、続くand got home at sixのand以下は文法上何になるのでしょうか? どうか、親切な方がおられたら教えてくださいませ。

  • 再びカンマの用法です。ずっと前に質問した者です。

    この文のカンマの用法について教えてください。 いずれもよく意味がとれなかったので精訳もお願いします。 (1) This possibility of a "green" solution to global warming is exciting news for major industrial countries, which, under a recently approved United Nations climate agreement, face a required reduction in greenhouse gas emissions over the next decade which will be very costly. (2) The health of the oceans and the wise, safe and sustainable use of the ocean resources, should be an axiom for all governments to accept and honour for the long-term benefit and existence of their respective and collective peoples. (3) Scientists have known for some time that the previous warm period ended 117.000 years ago, with the return of cold temperatures that let to an ice age. 答えてくださってありがとうございました。