• ベストアンサー


友達とあるアニメについて話していたのですが、1話を見たが面白くなかったと言っています。 「私はそのアニメについて詳しく知らないけど、人気があるみたいだね。」という内容のことを送ると「Maybe I should try it when I'm not sick! It has a lot of focus on female body parts in it」と返信が来ました。 その後、適当に返信を返したら 「I do like those parts, but I'd rather them be in real life」と返信が来ました。 この最後の文章はどういうことでしょうか?

  • wxw
  • お礼率89% (1045/1166)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 「I do like those parts, but I'd rather them be in real life」この最後の文章はどういうことでしょうか?  確かに私はこのような(女性の身体)部門が好きだ、でも(絵じゃなくて)実物がいいな。  と言う意味でしょう。



回答が早くて助かりました! なるほど、そういうことなんですね。 なんとなく、そうではないかなー、と思っていたのですが、スッキリしました! ありがとうございます!!


  • すみません至急です!

    すみません至急です! 和訳をお願いします。 分かったところは下記に書いてみました。 How unfortunate that they may be ... there is very little that we can do to change it. Maybe we can try to find another day to see each other ... きっとまた違う日に会えるよね but since we will be going on holiday (and you should be very very excited) ... I'm afraid it will be very difficult. During the week I could try to leave work work earlier and come to work later the next day ... but I understand if it's not possible. It's very difficult for us to meet but I feel it's worth it. I enjoy the time we spend together so much and I cherish those moments. 一緒に過ごした時本当に楽しかった! I like you a lot you..

  • 至急

    至急 和訳お願いします! (途中省いている所もあるので読みにくいかもしれません、すみません) I hope it's a little bit colder in Seoul. How was the Italian food? I can imagine how much you must have enjoyed it. It would love to go and eat Italian food with you again. But this time we should go to a real nice Italian restaurant ... and still I would enjoy my company more that I would enjoy the food :) Yes your trip is really getting closer. Please send me an email when you are about the take the plane ... then I can imagine what where you are ... I'm so excited for you. Mid town ... yes you might be able to do a lot by foot ... but sometimes you should consider taking the metro ... especially if poor -〇〇 (名前)is getting a bit tired :) Oh there is something that you might want to try. Frozen yogurt http://www.pinkberry.com/ really nice. The reason I tried is is because I have a company in HK called pinkberry ... then I found out that it's actually a frozen yogurt store in the US ... funny. On Saturday I went running ... I suffered so much again. Luckily I didn't bring my mobile phone to track my route ... it would have been a disaster. Tomorrow I'm going running again. Then I hope to do better. Okinawa ... yes ... you can be my guide! I would really like that. But first you should come to Belgium. I you will still be excited to go to Belgium after having been to NY? I think we would get along very well while traveling ... actually maybe we would get along all the time ... But then again ... who wouldn't get along with such a pretty and sweet girl ... Please try to get some rest ... so that you can enjoy your holiday as much as possible. I'm also going to bed now ... maybe I'll dream that I'm in NY with you :)

  • 至急。英語について。

    and remember you can't keep me in handcuffs or a collar the whole time (tongue out) we should go out and explore all of Tokyo and maybe more of Japan. we will look so cute together(content)に、 Haha わかった(笑) 行きたいとこ考えといてね?と言いたいのですが、 Haha, I got it. lol Please think about where to go or things like that. :D←合っていますか?

  • 難問 並び替え問題

    If you are traveling with valuables such as jewelry, or a lot of cash, you should ( in / ask / a safe / about / storing / for / them ). この並び替えがどうしても分かりません。このthemはvaluablesのことで、これを金庫にしまうという内容だと思うんですが、forとaboutがあって迷ってしまいます。 you should ( ask for storing about them in a safe.)とかんがえましたが、自信が全くありません。ご教授お願いします。

  • 誤文訂正問題

    日本語訳はついていません。 1.((1)I am afraid )((2)there are too many errors) in your composition. ((3)Please pay as attention as possible) ((4)to the details.) 2.I believe that ((1)the more) the project ((2)is left ((3)in the students' hands,((4)more responsibility) they will feel. 3.((1)Teachers should be focusing on) helping students ((2)learn for themselves) rather than simply ((3)assist them) ((4)in getting high scores.) わたしの答え 1.は(3)が間違いだと思います。attentionはmuch attenttion  2.は(4)ですか。   the more responsibility それとも the more responsibleですか? 3.は(1)でbe focusingがfocusですか? 和訳がついていなくて難しいです。 以上よろしくお願いします。

  • 下記の英文を翻訳してください。

    yes i know, it is a very rare item. in all internet sites (ebay or amazon or other) it costs a lot. for this reason I asked you that I'm fine even if you find it used. maybe used it is cheaper. 自動翻訳だとでたらめなのでどうかお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします!!至急です!!!

    和訳お願いします!!!!!! 至急です!!!!!! 宜しくお願いします!!!!!!! Some songs have great influence. Different people find differente meanings in those songs. People sing them in many places and on many occasions. Take Only One Flower in the World, for example. The song came out in 2002. People liked the melody and message at once. A TV drama used the song , and it became very popular. Some People sang it and protested the war in Iraq. They put a new meaning into the song . Now it is a song for many people.

  • 文の構造と意味の解釈で質問があります

    この英文になります。 You seem to place great importance on space as part of the recording ... Because the microphones were running as I moved around the room recording, I ended up picking up a lot of room tone, feedback and incidental sounds. It wasn’t so much about the physical space and sound of the room but rather the fact that I was physical in and interacting in a space and those interactions and accidental bumps and knocks became part of the music. It wasn’t so much about the physical space and sound of the room but rather the fact that I was physical in and interacting in a space and those interactions and accidental bumps and knocks became part of the music. この部分がいまいちわからないのですが、 physical spaceやsound of the roomについて、というわけではないよ。むしろ、私は、physical in and interacting in a space and those interactions and accidental bumps and knocks であって、それが音楽の一部になったというわけさ。 こういった構造でしょうか?

  • フランスのホテルとのやり取りで。

    ネットでフランスのホテルの予約をとりました。 確認のメールがきて、下記がその一部です。 One on smoking room with two single beds, shower, toilets, television and phone at rate of € 198 喫煙の部屋なのかなと思いましたが、あまりタバコが好きではないので下のように返信しました。 If you have no smoking rooms enough, I rather it than smoking rooms. But it's ok to use a smoking room. そうしたら I inform you that's it's forbidden to smoke in our hotel. って返事がきたのですが。どういうことですか? 最初のon smoking roomが no smoking roomの間違いなのでしょうか?

  • 和訳

    和訳例をお願いします。どちらも同じ長文から引っ張ってきた文です。一部分なので、わかりにくいかもしれませんが、お願いします。 ・I spoke to them in Spanish because I had thoughts and feelings that I knew I could only communicate to them in the language in which my mind works. I wanted to express myself genuinely, so that they could know me as I really am, rather than an English-language version of me. ・Not only did my mother not speak to me in Danish, but my parents were also both fluent In German and French and they refused to teach me those, too. They felt it would slow down my development in English, that I would get confused while working out how all the bits fit together. itの具体的内容もお願いします。