
  • 質問された文は、She picked up a plastic container lid and put it up to the peanut butter machine, scraping off the peanut butter from where it comes out of the machine.という文です。
  • この文は、She picked up a plastic container lid, put it up to the peanut butter machine, and scraped off the peanut butter from where it comes out of the machine.と言い換えることができます。
  • ただし、一部の語句の順番が変わっていますが、意味や内容に違いはありません。
  • ベストアンサー


She picked up a plastic container lid and put it up to the peanut butter machine, scraping off the peanut butter from where it comes out of the machine. この文はShe picked up a plastic container lid, put it up to the peanut butter machine, and spraped off the peanut butter from where it comes out of the machine. と言い換えができるでしょうか?何か違いが生じるのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • corta
  • お礼率76% (4123/5358)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9728/12102)

>She picked up a plastic container lid and put it up to the peanut butter machine, scraping off the peanut butter from where it comes out of the machine. >この文はShe picked up a plastic container lid, put it up to the peanut butter machine, and spraped (→scraped) off the peanut butter from where it comes out of the machine. と言い換えができるでしょうか? ⇒はい、言い換えできると思います。 >何か違いが生じるのでしょうか? ⇒scraping off ~という現在分詞構文をand scraped off ~という重文に書き換える(基本形に戻す)わけですから、意味は大差ありませんが、修辞法上「いくぶんダラダラした稚拙な文」という印象を与えるかも知れません。





  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    She picked up a plastic container lid and put it up to the peanut butter machine, scraping off the peanut butter from where it comes out of the machine. She licked the lid off, then used the same lid to scrape off the nut butters from the other two dispensers, licking the lid off after each one. 上記の和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    (自分はいい友達を持っている、という文脈)But whenever we have a conflict, she does something I find frustrating and immature. She tells all our mutual friends about our disagreement -- and from her own biased perspective. I've picked up on this over the years because these mutual friends have let slip things that she's told them about our fights. I've also put it together for myself because whenever she fights with another friend, she tells me all about it. I've picked up on this over the years because these mutual friends have let slip things that she's told them about our fights. の和訳と、put it together for myself の意味をよろしくお願いします

  • イディオムの使い方について

    次のような場合の使い分けが分かりません。 take off put on 等は take off the coat take it off put on the coat put it on のようにtake off 名詞  take 代名詞 off のような語順になると思いますが、 see off「見送る」の場合何故 see off my friend とならずに see my friend offとなるのですか。 名詞、代名詞を 中に入れたり、外に出したりというのはどのように理解するべきなのですか。

  • where=the place whereについて

    She walked to where Ken sat.-(1) =She walked to (the place) where Ken sat.-(2) the place + whereの書き換えができますが(1)は(2)のthe place を省略しただけですよね またそれならばなぜ省略するのでしょうか 後Put back the book where you found it. =Put back the book (at the place) where you found it.また 前置詞+the place+whereの書き換えはなぜできるのでしょうか 前置詞まで省略ができる訳がわからないです

  • [英語]()に入るものを教えて下さい><

    1. He ran () money and had to get a loan. (1) away from (2) into (3) out of (4) over 2. No one knew () had become of the man and his dog. (1) how (2) what (3) where (4) why 3. Japanese cars are known () their efficient use of gas. (1) as (2) for (3) to (4) within 4. I'm trying to () my father into buying a DVD player. (1) encourage (2) remind (3) talk (4) tell 5. If a problem comes up, we'll change our plans on the (). (1) hand (2) place (3) spot (4) time 6. Your proposal is not bad. Let me () it over a little more closely. (1) look (2) offer (3) test (4) try 7. When it () to this type of computer, I'm not very at using it. (1) becomes (2) comes (3) gets (4) goes 8. Will you please () the music? It's too loud. (1) carry out (2) put down (3) take off (4) turn down

  • 和訳お願いします!

    Inside the vending machine was a container of water with a hole at the bottom. A valve in the hole kept the water from escaping. The valve was attached to one end of a lever. When a coin was dropped into the machine, it fell on one end of the lever. As that end went down, the other end went up, lifting the valve from the hole in the water container. Water would flow out until the lever rocked back. 長くてごめんなさい! 説明文がわかりません(><)

  • 4コマ漫画(1)の添削お願いします

    朝日新聞の4コマ漫画の描写を英語にして、英作文の練習をしている者です。添削よろしくお願いします。 One day the old lady was brooming the street in front of her house. She found a plastic bottle. Someone had put plastic bottles there all the time. She didn't like it. She looked around and kicked the bottle toward her next house. Then her neighbor came out. She was surprised and she broomed it in spite of herself. 特に英語の表現や時制に自信がありません。よろしくお願いします。

  • act out

    My fiancé and I have been together for three years. She comes from an abusive background and often acts out. ここでのacts outの意味は(ウェブの)日本の辞書になくないでしょうか?どのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英語の訳をお願いします

    You sound like not pleased to see me, so let's put it off と言ったことにたいして、Let's notはどういう意味なんでしょうか??

  • called her out on it

    I've been with "Betty" for 20 years. Last week, a repairman came to fix the phone line. On his way out, Betty followed him and said in a sexy voice, "I like bald-headed men. You come back." Betty didn't know I overheard what she said until I walked in after she had picked up the phone to call her girlfriend. She then told the woman that it probably hurt my feelings. She's right. It hurt my feelings and made me realize she really didn't care one whit about me. When I called her out on it, she claimed she was just being friendly. called her out on itはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします