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Why Hearing Aids Are Important for People of All Ages


  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9780/12185)

>And young people aren't far behind in experiencing hearing loss. ⇒若い人々は、聞こえ(過ぎ)るために失うものがあるという経験では、人後に落ちない(聴覚障害を持つ人と大差はない)。





  • よろしくお願いします

    My family recently was surprised to discover that TV stations were already broadcasting programs with wonderful audio. All we needed to do was read the owner's manual for our TV and make the necessary adjustments to the audio settings. In our case, we also were able to attach external speakers using an amplifier, which gave us even clearer and richer sound. Not only is the dialogue easier to understand, but the hearing-impaired member of our household no longer has to wear special headphones to hear the TV. hearは「ふと耳に入るように聞く」と聞いたのですが、なぜhear the TVとなっているのでしょうか?(listen to the TVとしたくなるのですが)よろしくお願いします

  • すみませんが、英語の文書がわかりませんが、だれが教えていただけませんか

    すみませんが、英語の文書がわかりませんが、だれが教えていただけませんか、そして、翻訳もよろしくお願いします、急ぎますので、早くしてもらえませんか。 文書は以下です  sign language is very impirtant for communicating with and among the hearing impaired.it was born out of their communities naturally.ti has a uniqe structure as a language.word order and ways of expression are very different from those of spoken languages.sign linguistics has gradually made these differences clear.for example,japanese sign language has almost no particles;the forms of each verb and adjective have almost no changes. Like spooken languages,there is a large variety of sign languages.there are also many regional and social dialects.we have another kind of sign language in japan,that is,*signed japanese.*it was createdfor the hearing impaired to learn japanese more effectively and properly.it has the same word order and ways of expreeion as spoken japanese.particles and auxiliary verbs are expressed by manual letters.however,most of the hearing impaired are not so willing to use signed japanese. Today,sign language enjoys a high position in society.in sweden,it is accepted as a national language.it is an important language also in thailand,uganda and so on.in japan,translating maching for sign languge have been developed. These will be very useful for the hearing impaired in various places around the world.

  • 英文の日本語訳をお願いします!

    1)Or we may damage the ozone layer so badly that life on earth becomes impossible. 2)A lot of research is being carried out to explore the possibility of establishing human life on another planet such as Mars. 3)Some researchers,however,have conceited of an even stranger and more ambitious project to make another earth. 4)This project improves using genetically altered bacteria to make Mars habitable for human beings. 日本語訳をよろしくお願いします。

  • 次の英文の訳をお願いします

    Friday was the deadline to mail 2010 census forms, the once-a-decade count of American population. Altough the results are expected to show an increase in the number of multiracial people , some African-Americans with one white perent are deciding to simply stay back. population・・住民 with one white perent・・父親か母親が白人の It is impossible to know how many of the 35 million people counted as black alone in 2000 have a white perent. But it is clear that the decision to check one box - or more - on the census is often steeped in history ,culture, pride and mentality. box・・欄 steeped in~・・~に浸る、没頭する

  • as の働き

    But eventually, as the general population becomes more attuned to this interdependent view, changes may well occur in areas as diverse as education, medicine, law and religion. As was true of Copernicus's observation 500 years ago that the earth orbits the sun, there is no telling how far the effects of this new scientific paradigm may extend. (1)as diverse as の部分がわかりません。これは何のasなのでしょうか? (2)As was true of は倒置だと思うのですが、なぜ倒置がおきているのでしょうか?asは否定の副詞ということでしょうか? 以上2点よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の訳を教えてください!!

    Dry land was nowhere tilled, and there were no working livestock. Use of herbicides to reduce labor time spent on weeding has become widespread since the 1970s, although there has been limited adoption of chemical fertilizer.  Except for one of Padoch’s groups who farmed a lowland area, all worked uplands with little flat land, sometimes none, within forests of very high biodiversity.  All cleared fields in secondary forest of different ages as well as in old forest (also called primary forest or primeval forest in much of the literature, although it may not always be so); some groups worked only secondary forest and none worked only old forest.  All these people lived, or had earlier lived, in longhouses in which the apartment of each family (nuclear or extended) opened onto a common veranda; all managed their farming as families, not as corporate groups; and although there was much joint work, no farms were owned or worked by groups.  For convenience of joint work and protection of crops from wildlife, Borneo families in all areas commonly made fields closely at once; decisions on what type of land to cultivate therefore were made by agreement among a group of households.  All groups recounted a history that included voluntary and enforced migrations, wars, and epidemic disease, leading to major fluctuations in the population of any given area, especially since 1800. This continued until very recent times, including the 1980s and 1990s among the East Kalimantan Kenyah described by Colfer, Peluso, and Chin.  Spiritual and magical beliefs governing farming activity had much in common, and where they seem to be of little modern importance, they were much more central in a recent past; even in areas where people have fully converted to Christianity, spiritual beliefs have not died. 長文で本当に申し訳ないのですが、どうぞよろしくお願いします!!!

  • 和訳お願いします!!!

    Too many of us take as facts what are actually just the opinions of the news writers. We should remember,too,that the facts themselves can be so chosen and arranged as to suit the opinions of the writer who wants others to think as he does. This of course may be done unintentionally,as well as deliberately. Recent dream research has shown that a person deprived of dreaming,even though not deprived of sleep,is nevertheless impaired in his ability to manage reality. He becomes emotionally disturbed because of being unable to work out in dreams the unconscious problems that confuse him.

  • 訳をお願いします(>_<)

    この学術記事?を訳して頂けないでしょうか? お願いいたします On July 30th, 2004, a Scottish newspaper produced a report that shocked the country. Hundreds of thousands of seabirds, they reported, had failed to breed and the species was disappearing. The cause of these deaths, scientists believed, must have been global warming. In the last twenty years, the temperature of the North Sea has increased by 2℃. This has caused the plankton in the area to move north in search of cold water. As a result, new generations of sand eels, which feed on the plankton, cannot hind food. Because of this, there has been a decrease in the sand eel population, sand eels, in turn, are the main food of many seabirds. Their near-disappearance has caused widespread starvation among the birds, who are now failing to breed. Food Chain: Plankton→Sand ells →Seabirds Scotland’s 2000 study reported that many kinds of seabirds have produced almost no young. For example, the 6,800 pairs of seagulls on the Shetland Islands would normally produce hundreds of chicks, but they had almost none at all. Recent studies estimate that about 1,150 bird species, or 12% of all birds, are in danger of disappearing. This number has increased by almost 400 since 1994, and another 600 to 900 could soon be added. What is happening? Global warming is a threat to carefully balanced ecosystem, not only in Scotland, but all over the world. Species have adapted to certain climatic conditions, which are now changing. As summer temperatures slowly increase and winters become drier, plants and animals may either move north to cooler areas, or die out . With the increase in temperature, species that pupate or hibernate may emerge early to find that the plants that they feed on have not changed their own calendars. The result will be that animals find it more difficult, or even impossible, to find food. One example of this was in 1989. The early emergences of Edith’s checkerspot butterflies in California caused the death of the entire local butterfly population. The butterflies must have hatched early from their pupae because the flowers they needed had not yet begun to bloom, the butterflies starved. Losing an entire population like this may have had several consequences. For one thing, birds and other creatures must have looked for butterflies to eat, but never found them. Doesn’t this remind you of the chain of events set off in Scotland’s sea?

  • 日本語訳お願いします

    単語だけでみるとわかるのですが意訳が出来なくて困っています。 ご教授お願いいたします。 1. Being Famous is the first novel from Lee Gray, lead guitarist for the world, famous rock band, The Rumor. Gray tells the story of his own real-life climb to fame through a fictional character named Ringo. 2. The tale begins with Ringo in high school-a shy, unpopular teenager with bad grades in everything except art and music. Ringo leaves school and gets a job cleaning toilets and making tea in a recording studio, hoping that the producers who work there will one day notice his music. We follow Ringo's story as he is rejected by five different record companies, breaks up with his girlfriend three times, and loses numerous jobs. Eventually Ringo, penniless and heartbroken, gets a recording by five with a big record company. He goes on a world tour with his band, and becomes very successful before returning to his hometown, rich and famous. The story describes the people Ringo meets and the humorous situations he finds himself infrom his early days making tea in the recording studio to his travels on the road with his band. 3. Anyone who has ever lost a love, lost a job, or lost all hope, but can still laugh about it will enjoy this funny, interesting, and true story! 4. Elkin Ocean is the third book in Theresa Stevens' Mythical Forest series. The volume tells the story of a group of Elkins, elf-like beings who live in a Magic Forest. The plot centers around a courageous young Elkin named Ocean, who is born with the ability to sense the forces of evil that attack the forest. 5. The day after his 17th birthday, the forest elders take Ocean high into the mountais of the forest to teach him how to use his magical powers. As he grows up in the mountains with his elders, he struggles to accept his destiny as a leader in the saves the Elkin people. He overcomes evil, and wins the love of Portia, the Elkin king's daughter. 6.This is a wonderful novel full of magic, adventure, and courage. It is also a story of the stuggle all young people face as they grow from children into adults, and learn to accept life's responsibilities. A book for people of all ages!

  • singled out

    Dear Annie: I have an 88-year-old friend who can't hear and refuses to get tested for a hearing aid. I have talked with her many times about this situation, but she either makes excuses about her hearing problem or gets angry and refuses to discuss the issue. She just smiles and nods when people try to talk to her or tells them she can't understand them. Talking on the phone with her is impossible. And her hearing problem has gotten her into trouble when she's at appointments with doctors, as she sometimes misses what they tell her. The cost is not an issue, because she could easily afford hearing aids, and I have offered to drive her to any appointments. You cannot have a conversation with her, and she is becoming more isolated and distracted in her interactions with others. I am losing patience with her. Help! -- Frustrated Friend Dear Frustrated Friend: Denial can be a dangerous coping mechanism, but it's a coping mechanism nonetheless -- so your friend will cling to it until she's ready to let go. Continue encouraging her to get her hearing tested, and even suggest getting your own hearing checked at the same time. If she were to feel less singled out, she might feel less defensive and more open to the idea. If she were to feel less singled outの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします