• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

"anything less than confident" 「それが何であれ、自信に満ちていないもの」 "it can be hard to imagine Fox News Channel's Shannon Bream as anything less than confident." 「Fox News Channel の Shannon Bream女史が自信に満ちていないなどと想像するのは難しいことだ」 「Fox News Channel の Shannon Bream女史が自信に溢れていることは想像に難しくない」





  • so one less is not 意味教えて

    You have probably read more books than I can ever imagine, so one less is not anything to be concerned about. 相手から来た手紙文の一節なんですが、 so one less 以下の意味が分かりません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • what の意味について

    2人の会話が以下のようにあります。 Angela: Ugh! I hate talking to Rebecca. Every time I ask her a question, she ignores me or sneers at me. Ronny: Are you sure it’s not your imagination? She’s perfectly nice to me. Angela: It’s not my imagination. When I try to tell her something, she cuts me off. When I try to explain something to her, she’s short with me or talks over me. I always get the feeling that she’s looking down her nose at me. Ronny: Maybe she feels threatened by you. Angela: How so? Ronny: You’re younger, smarter, and better educated. She might feel like you’re after her job. Angela: But I’m not! I just started here and I don’t have any designs on replacing her. Ronny: And you’re prettier than she is. Angela: What does that have to do with anything, even if it were true? とまだ次に続くのですが、最後の文の “What does that have to do with anything, even if it were true?” は、 “What does that have to do with ~?” で、「~とどういう関係があるのか」という言い回しがあるようですが、 What と、that を文法的に教えていただきたいのです。 have to do with =~と関係がある という意味ですが、 先の疑問文を通常文(肯定文)にしたらどうなるのでしょうか。 that は、She(Angela) is prettier than she(Rebecca) is. を指し、 what は、この場合は漠然とした意味でsomething 又はit と考え、 That have something ( 又は it?) to do wiht something. としました。 疑問文にすると、that (AngelaがRebeccaよりもかわいい)ということで、「何と」(haveの後のsomething)、「何か」(withの後のsomething)がと関係あるのか? ちなみに、解説では、 “What does that have to do with anything, even if it were true?”meaning why is that important that I may be prettier than she is. とあります。 あまり質問が上手に説明できていませんが、よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 和訳してください!!!!!!

    和訳お願いします!!  Modern life is convenient,but it has also created problems in many ways.One ploblem we often hear about is that children are becoming less healthy because they watch too much television.    It is common sense that children who are watching television are not doing other activities such as playing outside.This means that children may get to fat or not have much strength or energy.However,there are other serious effects on children besides physical effects.  Children who watch a lot of television can usually understand the same number of words as other children.However, when they speak, they often cannot explain themselves very fluently.Some scientists think that this is because babies need to get information by listening, using their left brain.But television is mainly visual and makes us use the right brain.this is perhaps the reason for poor language skills later.

  • 訳のしかた教えてください。

    Writing has certain limitation. Writing resists many of the changes that occur within the spoken language. Writing is less personal than speaking, because the reader cannot hear the author's voice or the voices of the characters in the book. The impact of writing is less dramatic, because it uses only a visual channel of communication. The reader can only see a person's words and imagine the gestures. A listener,on the other hand ,both hears the words and sees the gestures. 書くことには限界がある。書くことは言葉の範囲以内で起こるたくさんの変化に影響されない。読者は作者の声や本のキャラクターの声を聞けないから書くことは話すことよりも個人的に少ない。その書くことの影響は劇的に少ない。なぜなら文字だけが使うから。読者は人の言葉だけを分かり、身振りを想像する。一方、聴く人は言葉を聞くのと同じ身ぶりがわかる。 自分なりに訳してみたんですけどちょっと意味不明な部分もあるのでいい訳し方があったらわかりやすく教えてください。よろしくお願いします。

  • 後期ビクトリア朝に関する英文が訳せません

    今、ある洋書を読んでいるのですが、“THE LATE VICTORIANS”と題された章のはじめっから理解できずに困っています。長文なのですが、どなたか訳せる方がいらっしゃいましたら、和訳をお教えください。 In the second half of Queen Victoria's reign, the most public and protracted widowhood in history, the ethos, tastes and practices of high Victorianism came under increasingly sharp attack. This is perhaps easier for us to see today than it was for those living at the time. The dominance of those guardians of public morals who decided whether anything might‘bring a blush into the cheek of young person’still forced many writers into deviousness, particularly on sexual matters. Then again, Britain certainly put up a tremendous appearance of being the confident world leader she had been at mid-century:she ran, without serious threat, the most extensive Empire the world had ever known, and she was central to decision-making in Europe. 長文で申し訳ないのですが、どうかご協力お願いいたします。

  • 日本語でのニュアンス

    こんにちは。 ショートエッセイを書かなければいけないのですが、エッセイの質問内容がいまいち理解できません。 分かりやすく解説をお願いします。 Read the following quote from CHRISTINA ROMER, outgoing head of President Obama's Council of Economic Advisors. Based on this quote, explain her position on the necessary steps for an effective fiscal policy. Furthermore, analyze her perspective in terms of the way such policy could be successful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stimulus Lost, "The Economist," September 1, 2010 CHRISTINA ROMER said the following: The Administration understood that the recovery would be difficult precisely because many of the usual drivers of growth were missing. That is why we included $266 billion of additional temporary recovery measures in our 2011 budget. Congress has taken some important steps, including extending unemployment insurance, allocating funds to prevent teacher layoffs, and passing the HIRE tax credit to encourage firms to hire unemployed workers. However, it has enacted substantially less than what the Administration proposed. As a result, the economy has not had all the additional support that it needed. While we would all love to find the inexpensive magic bullet to our economic troubles, the truth is, it almost surely doesn’t exist. The only surefire ways for policymakers to substantially increase aggregate demand in the short run are for the government to spend more and tax less. In my view, we should be moving forward on both fronts. 彼女のquoteを読んで、財政政策の案に対する解説、見通しを書くことは理解できるのですが、explain her position on the necessary steps for an effective fiscal policy.がイマイチよく分かりません。。 彼女のquoteの訳も、ざっくりでいいのでしていただけたら助かります。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の質問です!

    She is () talented than her brother. 1 the less 2 less 3 the least 4 least Tom has three times (). 1 so much books as his sister 2 as more books as his sister 3 as many books as his sister 4 books than his sister I'll do () she tells me to do. 1 anything what 2 anything in which 3 whatever 4 whenever Dan was () run over by a car. 1 closely 2 dangerously 3 hardly 4 nearly When you use dangerous chemicals, you must wear glasses () you have good eyesight or not. 1 whether 2 that 3why 4 when We have two washing machines, () are not of order. 1 which of both 2 what of both 3 both of which 4 both of what 解答と解説お願いします! The beach was beautiful! I wish I () longer. 1 have stayed 2 could have stayed 3 can stay 4will stay If it () for your help, I could not have finished this work in time. 1 is not 2 has not been 3 were not 4 had not been Jane would have gone to London () to get a plane reservation. 1if she had been able 2 if she is able 3 would she be able 4 was she able

  • 【至急】 高校英語問題

    自信のない問題を載せました。 力を貸していただけると幸いです。 【A】 次の(   )内に入れる語句として最も適切なものを選び、記号で答えなさい。 (1) Sending some money was (   ) he could do for his aged parents. ア.a least   イ.at least   ウ.the least   エ.less (2) The man is a responsible and capable employee (   ) a delightful person to work with. ア.as well as   イ.better than   ウ.much better than   エ.superior to (3) He made (   ) his small income and was content with his life. ア.for   イ.off   ウ.away with   エ.the best of (4) Even if you are ill, don't take more medicine (   ). ア.than is necessary   イ.than necessary is   ウ.than necessary it is   エ.than is it necessary (5) Blondie wore her curly hair in the prettiest style (   ). ア.imagined   イ.imaginary   ウ.imaginable   エ.imagination 【B】 各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように、(   )内に最も適切な語を入れなさい。 (1) a) She is younger than he (   ) two years. b) She is two years (   ) to him. (2) a) His word once given was never broken. b) He was always as (   ) as his word. 【C】 次の英文の(   )内の語句を並べ替え、意味の通る英文にしなさい。 Democratic decisions are made by majority vote, which is based on the idea that ( is better than / of the few / of the many / that / the judgement ). 【D】 次の英文を日本語訳しなさい。 (1) Hardly anything in this field is free of controversy. (2) At issue is the degree to which humans are different from other creatures. 以上10問です。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳お願いします 全部じゃなくてもいいです

    You can certainly attempt to aim for multiples, but doing so can lower your odds of successfully purchasing, best to focus on a single item! The Supreme site may crash, normally this isn’t an issue however box logo hype is unreal. If the site does crash continue to be persistent until it is back up. In the event that anything does change on the site, take control the bot will work where it can and you will need to manually continue where it cant. We don’t foresee this happening but keep your eyes open and be ready. Supreme Desktop bots need to make sure that a category is selected or else the search wont work – category search is available in the latest updates. Read more on the new updates HERE Desktop Timer not needed if you are available on the computer at time of drop. Checkout Delay Recommendations: Safe Delay (high delay): 3 Seconds Fastest Delay (low delay): 0 Seconds The higher the delay the less odds of receiving a ghost order, lower delay the faster the checkout speed but risk getting a ghost order.

  • 大学入試レベルの問題です

    最も適当なものを1~4のうちからひとつ選んでください The question is ( ) he will agree to this proposal. 1what 2whta on earth 3whatever 4whether The patient can't stand up yet,( ) walk. 1any more than 2much less 3much more 4none the less John was fired, and ( ) he had to look for a new job. 1therefore 2moreover 3nevertheless 4fortunately The officer didn't tell me anything ( ) he needed my help. 1exceptionally 2except that 3except for 4excepting "Hasn't your father quit ( )?" "No<he hasn't." 1to smoke alredy 2smoking yesterday 3to smoke yet 4smoking yet Mary isn't in her office.She ( ) a talk with her boss. 1may have 2might have been 3might have 4might be having "What did you do on the weekend?" "( ) . How about you?" 1Doing relaxing 2Be relax 3Have a relaxation 4Just relaxed The regulation ( ) away with. 1has long done 2has long been done 3is long done 4is done long I needed medical treatment because I ( ) in a traffic accident. 1injured 2have injured 3am getting injured 4got injured