
  • 大学入試に関する問題を解答します
  • 問題の答えを選択してください
  • 選択肢から最も適切な答えを選んでください
  • ベストアンサー


最も適当なものを1~4のうちからひとつ選んでください The question is ( ) he will agree to this proposal. 1what 2whta on earth 3whatever 4whether The patient can't stand up yet,( ) walk. 1any more than 2much less 3much more 4none the less John was fired, and ( ) he had to look for a new job. 1therefore 2moreover 3nevertheless 4fortunately The officer didn't tell me anything ( ) he needed my help. 1exceptionally 2except that 3except for 4excepting "Hasn't your father quit ( )?" "No<he hasn't." 1to smoke alredy 2smoking yesterday 3to smoke yet 4smoking yet Mary isn't in her office.She ( ) a talk with her boss. 1may have 2might have been 3might have 4might be having "What did you do on the weekend?" "( ) . How about you?" 1Doing relaxing 2Be relax 3Have a relaxation 4Just relaxed The regulation ( ) away with. 1has long done 2has long been done 3is long done 4is done long I needed medical treatment because I ( ) in a traffic accident. 1injured 2have injured 3am getting injured 4got injured

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

★The question is ( whether ) he will agree to this proposal. 2whta →what ★The patient can't stand up yet,( much less ) walk. ★John was fired, and ( therefore ) he had to look for a new job. ★The officer didn't tell me anything ( except that ) he needed my help. ★"Hasn't your father quit ( smoking yet )?" "No, he hasn't." ★Mary isn't in her office. She ( might be having ) a talk with her boss. ★"What did you do on the weekend?" "( Just relaxed ) . How about you?" ★The regulation ( has long been done ) away with. ★I needed medical treatment because I ( got injured ) in a traffic accident. 以上でいかがでしょうか?





  • 現在完了形〈have/has+過去分詞〉

    ()の内の語を用いて、次の文を現在完了の文に書きかえなさい。 The game didn't start.(yet) 答えが The game hasn't started yet. なのですが なぜhasn'tなのですか? haven'tではだめなのですか? 教えてください よろしくお願いします。

  • 動詞表現で質問です

    1 oweの語法で、「お金を借りたり・感情を抱いたりする場合はSVOO構文は可能だが「おかげ」の意味ではSVOOは不可」 と参考書にありましたが,辞書ではI owe her my successとかの例文がありました。 どっちが正しいッすか? 2 He went heavily but recently he has come not to smoke . 間違い探しでcome not to smoke → stopped smoking が正解ですがcome not toは使いませんか? (細かすぎる!) 3 Lend me the book if you have ( ) with it . 正解 done → finishedではだめですか? 4, I wanted this done on letterhead stationary こういう文を見かけたんですが、doではなくてbeでは?

  • 早慶高校の入試問題解答を教えて下さい。

    (1)I can’t believe you. You must be(     ). He was fond of(     ) on the grass on fine days. (2)The heard her call out for help. She (    )(    )(    )call out for help. (3)He is a quite stranger to poverty. He (    )(    )been poor. (3)Do you best. Do(    ) much(    )(    ) can. (4)It was so late that nothing could be done. It was (    )late for(    )(    ) be done. (5)I had no difficulty finding the church. It was quite(    )(    )(    )(    ) find the church. (6)He insisted that I should do the home work myself. He insisted (    )(    )doing the home work myself. (7)The bird was half as long as an eagle. The bird was half the(    ) of as an eagle. (8)You have good reason to be angry. You(    )(    ) be angry. (9)What’s the date today? What(    )of the(    ) is it today? (10)After ten minutes’ walk we came here. Ten minutes’ walk(    )(    ) here.

  • 現在完了形の否定文

    They have been to America. と She has just gone to school. を否定文にするとどうなりますか?(中学英語です) They haven't been to America. She hasn't gone to school yet.でいいのでしょうか?

  • must と ought to

    英語の問題で 「Has Mr. White arrived yet?」 「No, he ( ) half an hour ago.」 という問題があって (1) must have been here (2) ought to have been here で、答えは(2)なのですが(1)では駄目な理由が分かりません 「ought to have done」 は 「~したはずだ」で、「must have done」は「~したに違いない」ですよね? 教えてください

  • 2つの短文の意味をお願いします

    ゴシップ記事レベルの文章ですが、翻訳をお願いします。 Which singer is refusing to marry his long-term girlfriend because he hasn't done with playing away? He is trying to convince her it would do them both good to explore different partners. 2文とも文章の後半部分の単語のニュアンスがイマイチ解りません。

  • hasn't わかりません

    hasn'tなんていう言葉は ありますか?問題の選択しにでてきたのですが、 わかりません 彼がペンをもっていなかったなら He doesn't have a pen. だと思うし。 hasn'tの意味がわかりません・・。

  • 可能でしょうか

    以下の二文 彼は昨日から誰とも話していない。 He hasn't been talking to anyone since yesterday. He hasn't talked to anyone since yesterday. はどちらもいえますでしょうか。

  • 高校の文法問題

    お願いします。 The men in the mines stop working when they hear the whistle ( ) a)to blow b)blew c)blow d)was blowing There seemed to be something ( ) a)he wanted done b)he wanted it done c)what he wanted done d)that he wanted it done

  • この英文を訳して下さい。お願いします。

    この英文を訳して下さい。お願いします。 Where he might have taken him? What he might have done with him? 映画の台詞です。ちゃんとした疑問文の形にもなっていません。 日本語の台詞は、気に食わなかったというか、mightを無視してました。