• ベストアンサー


Larry and Jerry turned to their former colleagues and professors for thoughts and with a few introductions were able to secure the needed capital from a wealthy alumnus. という文章がわかりません。日本語訳をお願いします。wereは述語動詞だと思うのですが、turned toは分詞?

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数4


  • ベストアンサー
  • 92128bwsd
  • ベストアンサー率58% (2275/3919)

turned to は句動詞で、この場合、~を頼る。 Larry and Jerry が主語ですが、2つの動詞 turned とwereがand で並列されていて、with a few introductions が挿入されています。 「ラリーとジェリーは彼らの以前の学友と教授の思いやりに頼り、そして少しの紹介をもらって必要とする資本を裕福な同窓生たちから確保することができた。」




その他の回答 (1)


動詞です。 turn to ・・・ for ~ = ~を・・・に頼る さらにandの前後で2文に分けて考えれば それほど難しい文ではないと思います。






for thoughts and with a few introductionsで、この前置詞句同士が並列になっているとみてしまっていました。


  • 分詞構文について

    分詞構文の用法で良いかどうかお聞きします。 You see a great offer and you think “I’d like to go and do that”, and then you start trying to book it and you actually see that it’s no longer available, or that you’re going to have to pay much more money. And having made that emotional commitment to go and do something there’s nothing worse than having to make a decision to either pull out or to pay much more than you perhaps were anticipating. という文章の中に And having made that emotional commitment to go and do something there’s nothing worse than having to make a decision to either pull out or to pay much more than you perhaps were anticipating. とありますが、このhaving は分詞構文の用法だということは正しいでしょうか。 又、分詞構文の用法であるとしたら、 「分詞の意味上の主語が主節の主語と一致する場合」 と、 「分詞の意味上の主語が主節の主語と異なる場合」があります。 どちらに該当するかがよくわかりません。 そして、意味ですが、 時:when、while、afterなどの意味、 原因・理由:as、because、sinceなどの意味 条件:ifの意味 などが挙げられます。 この場合は、「原因・理由:as、because、sinceなどの意味」と、とらえるのでしょうか。 全文は、このURL を開きPDFでダウンロードして見ることができます。 http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/general/sixminute/2011/06/110602_6min_english_holidays_online.shtml よろしくお願いいたします。

  • pushの訳し方

    One of the problems is that we have been... Bob Rubin and Larry Summers and others were pushing the Japanese for a number of years to stimulate their economy, to do something... (問題のうちの1つは、我々がいたということです...ボブルービンとラリーサマーズ、その他は、彼らの経済を刺激するために何年にもわたり日本人を押していました。そして、何かしました、...) pushをどう訳したらまとまった文章になりますか?よろしくお願いします!

  • 和訳の質問です。

    下記の和訳がわかりません。 どなたかご教示いただけないでしょうか。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 A prominent early skeptic of the proposal is Doug Ford, a former city councillor and brother of late former mayor Rob Ford. While in office, the Fords were rigidly opposed to spending on expensive projects and sought to avoid what they viewed as wasteful spending on urban-focused initiatives while priorities that concerned residents of their suburban constituencies were sidelined.

  • 疑問文(センターの設問)の訳し方

    センター試験の設問に多く取り入れられている疑問文の訳し方が 一定にできず、うまく文意がとれず何回も読み返してしまいます。 誰か、毎回同じ読み方でちゃんと訳せるやりかたをおしえてもらえないでしょうか。 例文としてある年の文章を書いて見ます Why did Jerry want to go to the rocky bay? What was in jerry's mind while the local boys were under water? Why did Jerry lose track of time for a moment at one hundred and fifteen? 個人的には一個目を例にすると肯定文に戻してから「~は何故ですか?」ってのがいいのかなぁとおもいます。

  • whatについて

    お世話になっております。 以下の文についてお教え頂けないでしょうか。 Then, reserchers turned their attention to what people were doing to avoid being alone with their thoughts. (1)このwhatは文のどこにかかるのでしょうか?  whatは目的語になると理解していますが、people以降に目的語になる場所がないように思います。  どこにも穴がなように思いますがいかがでしょうか? ご指導の程何卒宜しくお願い致します。

  • 日本語訳を!!

    お願いします (18) Slaves were sometimes able to gain their freedom legally. Freedmen, as these lucky ones were called, were usually educated people or household workers. Freed slaves, both men and women, could legally marry―though a former slave could not marry a senator. They were even allowed to own property. Although freedmen could live anywhere they liked, many stayed with their former masters to work for pay. They still needed to make a living. (19) Even though slaves had few possessions of their own, Roman mastes often gave gifts of money to hard workers. A slave could keep this gift, called a peculium, as his private property. Valuable slaves who were careful with their savings might eventually tuck away enough to buy their freedom. This system motivated slaves to work hard. It helped the masters too because, by the time a slave had saved enough money, he or she was probably growing old, and the master could use the money to auy another, younger, slave. (20) Many freedmen worked almost as hard as the slaves did. Most remained desperately poor. But at least as freedmen, they were servants who were paid for their work. And they could not be taken from their families and sold as Spartacus was.

  • 日本語訳を教えて下さい。

    Traditional long-distance sailors needed telescopes and charts, and pages and pages and pages of table, to help them work out where they were.

  • Although she has been transferred t

    Although she has been transferred to Mexico City,Ms.Sato and her former colleagues at the New York branch () in contact. の空欄に入る語はremainです。 ここで、has remainedが駄目な理由は何でしょうか? 「転記してしまったけれども、彼らはずっと連絡を取り合っていた。」というときにはremainedを入れればいいということでしょうか? いまいち現在完了が分かっていないようなのでお願いします。

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    A major problem for the Bulgarians was that their army and resources were stretched to the limits from Dobruja to Macedonia and Albania. In this difficult situation the Bulgarian high command turned to its German allies. The Germans themselves had little reinforcements to offer as the Brusilov Offensive had taken its toll and the Battle of the Somme was still raging. They turned to the Ottoman Empire and convinced Enver Pasha to send the 11,979 men of the 50th Division to Macedonia.

  • よろしくお願いします

    I was recently a victim of fraud. It involved a job offer that turned out to be fake and a check that turned out to be bad. a check that turned out to be badは「使い物にならない小切手」でしょうか?よろしくお願いします