
  • 過去完了について疑問があります。I'd triedとI'd invitedの理由を説明します。
  • また、journalingの意味も説明します。
  • 過去完了の使い方やjournalingの重要性について詳しく解説します。
  • ベストアンサー


I invited her out for a nightcap. She asked me, angrily, if she’d done anything to offend me or make me angry. I told her that I wasn’t angry or offended, that I’d tried to do everything I could to keep the peace so we could have a nice trip. I apologized for any friction that might have come about and apologized if she felt excluded in any way; I told her that I’d invited her to breakfast every day and asked her out for a drink that night because I was trying to include her. The conversation became amicable. But the next morning, she was right back to nonverbal responses and furious journaling, with the power converter nowhere in sight. I’d triedと I’d invitedのところはなぜ過去完了なのでしょうか?あと、journalingの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • corta
  • お礼率76% (4114/5348)
  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。I’d triedと I’d invitedのところはなぜ過去完了なのでしょうか?  第1文のはじめの動詞が、単純過去で、その時(=過去)の過去の話だからと思います。 2。あと、journalingの意味を教えてください。  普通下記のように「日記を書く」ことだと思います。ここもそれで説明できます。 http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=journal




その他の回答 (1)

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 #1です。補足です。 >>過去完了は過去の過去ということで、理解するにはまわりの過去形を探すことになると思いますが、どの過去形を探すかのコツなどあるでしょうか?  僕は英語の先生でもありませんし、僕のような不勉強の者には難しいご質問ですが、書く人も読む人も左上から読むので、はじめの動詞が鍵かと思います。  正直言って、パッと読んで次へ行く癖があり、「まわり」を探したり後戻りをすることはないので、ご質問を見るまで、時制には全く気をつけていませんでした。





  • 過去完了

    Yesterday, my boss asked to see me and told me that she'd gotten some feedback from people in the lab. she'd gottenが過去完了なのは、told meの前のことだからという理解で良いでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 過去完了

    A few months later, however, Hera appeared at our door, asked my stepdaughter if my husband was at home, and said she wanted to return a book she'd borrowed. My stepdaughter told her to scram. she'd borrowedのところはなぜ過去完了なのでしょうか?過去形でのOKでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 過去完了

    I visited my sister for the first time since she gave birth in April. I spent a week with her, and I came away with the impression that she has serious postpartum depression. She struggled to get out of bed, she would cry for hours, and she sometimes expressed the wish that she had died during birth. she had diedは仮定法の過去完了でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 話法教えてください

    話法教えてください 1He said to me "Where did you buy this dictionary?" He asked me Where ~ 2Tom invited me to join them. Tom said to me, ~ 3She asked him why he hadn't told her the truth. She said to him,~ 4She asked me if was sure I would get a letter from Judy. She said to me ,~ 5He said to me , "I'm going fisihing tomorrow , Will you come with me?" He told me he was going fishing ~ よろしくお願いします

  • 過去形内の完了形についてお尋ねします。妥協

    1She told me she has been hospitalized for appendicitis for weeks. 2She told me she had been hospitalized for appendicitis for weeks 3She said to me that~上記と同じ ks固形内での完了形は1でいけば今もまだ数週間入院している、2では単に数週間入院しているとの理解でよろしいでしょうか? また、時制関係から過去形後はThe teacher told his students what had happened to Meg.のように続けるのが通例のように思えますが、has happenedとするすることで、現在もまだメグに何かが起こっているとも表せるとの記述を見受けたのですが、 結局、過去形後の完了形か過去完了化はその状態の継続性や状態の主観又は客観で使いわけるべきなのでしょうか? 解説お願いいたします。 また、余談ですが「仕事にも自分自身にも妥協したくない」と自然な表現も教えていただければ幸いです 宜しくお願いします。

  • 現在完了形について

    “Eric” and I were together for five years and had a horrible breakup a year ago. While we were together I grew very close to his daughter “Amy,” and she to me. Amy’s mom has not been in the picture for many years. Amy took our breakup badly, and pretty much took my side in everything. We’ve kept in touch and often done things together since Eric and I split. We basically don’t discuss him. I last spoke to Amy early in September. Since then she hasn’t called or texted. I’ve tried to contact her several times, telling her I miss her and asking about getting together. I’ve tried toはなぜ過去形ではなく現在完了形なのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 話法を変えて書き換えるにはどうしたらいいですか

    話法を変えて書き換えるにはどうしたらいいですか 1 The man said to me ,"Would you show me your album?" 2 She asked her mother whether she might go on a picnic some of our friends if it was fine the next Saturday. 3 This morning my father told me that he was going fishing in the lake tomorrow and asked me if I would not go with him. 4 She said she hada seen her brother the previous week but that she had not seen him since. 5 She said he was giving a party that week but she was sorry not be invited to it. 6 I said to my mother ," I am thirsty . Please give me something to drink." 7 The child said ,"What a long nose this animal has!" 8 Tom asked Lucy what she thought of his plan. できたら和訳も教えてください。 よろしくお願いします

  • 過去完了について

    She had tried to conceive a baby for many years, but she ended up miscarrying every time. She was on the verge of giving up on becoming a mother. After all, it seemed pretty obvious that her dreams of having children had been crushed. Then a miracle happened. She had triedの部分は過去の一定期間赤ちゃんを妊娠しようとした、という感じでしょうか?had been crushedのところはなぜ過去形ではダメなのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英語の問題で分らないのがあるので教えてください。

    空所に入る最も適切な語句を選んでください。 [1]John asked me ( ) would leave. (1)that you (2)that I (3)when I 次の(1)(2)の英文がほぼ同じ意味になるように、空所に適切な語を入れてください。 [2] (1)He said to us, "Please don`t wait for me if I am late." (2)He asked us ( ) ( ) wait for him if he was late. [3] (1)She said, "Let`s leave the baggage at the station." (2)She ( ) that ( ) should leave the baggage at the station. [4] (1)My father said to me, "I`m going to repair the fence. Help me, please." (2)My father told to me that ( ) was going to repair the fence and asked me ( ) help ( ).

  • I understand she don't stole it............

    外国人の友達に話したいことがあり、訳がわからない箇所があります。教えてくださいお願いします 1 私は仕方ないと彼女を許したのに。彼女は古くからの友達だから盗むことなんてしないことぐらい分かっている。ましてや彼女の子供を疑うなんてしない。(彼女がうちの子が盗んだと思ってるの?とキレてきたので) You know I did forgive her that lost my necless, I DON'T suspect that she stole it. mush less dont suspect to her kids. I know she don't person who is stealing something. I trust in her. 2 でも、彼女は私の言葉を聞こうとしない。勘違いしてヒステリックになって私に怒った。おかしいよね?(ネックレスを)なくしたのは彼女だよ!!?なんで私が彼女から怒られるの? 彼女の性格にはあきれた。 but she dont hear me and she beeing histeric and mad at me. its funny. why am I got angry for her!? who is it to lost?? thats her. Im too shocked to her.