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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:わからない箇所を教えてください。)

主人公の特殊な体験と思い出 - イタリアへの帰還


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  • 92128bwsd
  • ベストアンサー率58% (2275/3919)

‘Not a bad view either. There’s a little square down there, and a tree. I think that’s a church. You know all this stuff better than I do. You’ll have to tell me about it later.’ のNot a bad view either.がよくわかりません。悪い眺めではない。両方とも?? ⇒ このeitherは文学的な表現と思うので、違う解釈も可能と思いますが、意味は、「こっちも悪くない景色ね」。それまでは部屋の中を探索していて、Alexにつられて窓の外を見てのセリフと思うので、私は部屋の中の風景と比べているのだと思います。 all this stuffのstuffとはどういう意味ですか?You’ll have to tell me about it laterのitはa churchのことですか? ⇒ all this stuffは窓の外の風景にあるもの一つ一つをまとめていったもの。つまり、小さな広場、木、多分協会、もろもろ。it はall this stuffのことと思います。stuffは不可算名詞として単数扱いしているのだと思います。 I’d say I won’t be long, but I probably will be,の意味は、長く生きていないでしょうと言っていました、でも多分生きます、という意味ですか?それとも長くはいないと言っていました。でも多分長くいます。という意味ですか?beの意味が漠然としててよくわかりません。 ⇒ シャワーを浴びる時間の長さに関してです。 「私そんなに長くかからないと思うけど、でも多分長くなるかも」 She has a towel wrapped around her, and I am able to pretend that, as far as I’m aware, this is how it’s always beenのI am able to pretend that~のところがわからないのですが、(文をつなげると、I am able to pretend that this is how it's always beenだと思うのですが)、私はこれがいかにいつものことだというふりをすることができる?という意味ですか? I am able to pretendと言っている意味がいまひとつわかりません。 ⇒ ご理解のとおりです。 「彼女はタオルで体を包み、私は自分で気がつく限りの、普段通りのようなふりをする。」be able toは「~できる」ですが、ここでは日本語がおかしくなるので、こうしました。 ‘There’s no hurry,’ I say. ‘Take as long as you like.’ ‘Thanks. I’ll see you in a bit.’ のセリフについてですが、彼女がシャワーを浴びていて、急がないから好きなだけ浴びてていいよ、と主人公が言って、彼女がちょっとしたら(シャワーから出て)会いにいきます、と言っているシーンですか? ⇒ 「急がなくていいよ」と私は言う。「お好きなだけどうぞ」   「ありがとう。じゃあしばらくしたらね」 a bitは、「少しのシャワーを浴びている時間」のこと。その後またあなたに合いますですが、要は「じゃあちょっとしたらね。」



何から何まで教えてくださってありがとうございます! I won't be long のところは、シャワーを浴びる時間の長さに関して言ってるのですね。なるほどです。 自由自在に会話が読み取れると小説も格段に読めるようになる気がするのですが、まだまだ相当難しいです。 回答、ありがとうございます!


  • よろしくお願いします

    Dear Carolyn: I have a "friend" that will email and invite me to lunch and then add, "By the way I'm cycling for charity, please contribute," and then she never follows through regarding the lunch. Once, we actually made a date for lunch and then she said, "I'll call you that morning and let you know if it still works for me!" and I never heard from her the day we had scheduled the lunch. I asked her and her fiance to join my husband and me for dinner and she said, "Great idea! I'll get back to you when things aren't so hectic," and 10 months went by without a word. Although there was a time when this person and I were close and spent time together, obviously this is no longer a friendship, and I have decided not to accept this behavior from her again. There is a strong possibility that I am going to run into her around town. What can I kindly say to let her know that I'm done with her without being snarky? -- K. Why do you need to tell her anything? The friendship is over, there are no plans being made that you need to break, and if she ever invites you to something, then you already know she doesn't mean it so it doesn't matter whether you reply yes, no, maybe, or not at all. The only thing left to do is to exist in this reality instead of the alternative one where you thought you might someday, eventually, have lunch. If the opportunity arises naturally for you to say something, or if it's important to you to tie off the ends, then by all means, say what has been on your mind: it's important to youのところはit's important for youと学校で習った気がするのですが、なぜその形なのでしょうか?あと、tie off the endsの意味も教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • わからない個所を教えてください。その2

    (その1からの続きです) Then he says, ‘Oh, listen, Alex. There's something I meant to say to you before you left. You know Julia Connell?' ‘Of course,' I say. ‘She's got this idea for the catalogue; a kind of overview of your work in conversation with the artist. She wants to meet up and talk to you about some of the paintings –hang on –I have it right here—' ‘Max?' I say. ‘Max, can you hear me?' There's a moment's pause, and then, ‘Yes,' he says. ‘Have you got a bad line?' ‘I don't know,' I say. ‘You just sound –very distant.' ‘Oh. I'll try to speak up. Yes –it says here that she wants to cover themes in your work, and she's listed a few. She wanted me to ask you if you can think these over and come up with some ideas –you know, why they feature, what significance they have for you, symbolism, all that. Then she'll talk to you and turn it all into some kind of stream-of-consciousness thing. I think –yes, she says she wants to run it along the bottom third of some of the catalogue pages, with the pictures and the notes on them above. Can you visualize that? Alex?' ****************************************** ‘She's got this idea for the catalogue; a kind of overview of your work in conversation with the artist. She wants to meet up and talk to you about some of the paintings –hang on –I have it right here—' ここでthis idea=a kind of overview of your work in conversation with the artist.ですか? I have it right here—のitは何を指しているのでしょうか? rightは「ちょうど」、という意味ですか? Then she'll talk to you and turn it all into some kind of stream-of-consciousness thing. I think –yes, she says she wants to run it along the bottom third of some of the catalogue pages, with the pictures and the notes on them above. の中にある turn itと run itのitはthis ideaですか? along the bottom third of some of the catalogue pagesの中のthirdは三番目という意味でしょうか?カタログページのいくつかの三番目の底に沿って?ですか?意味がとれないのですが。。 三分の一という意味ですか? 最後のwith the pictures and the notes on them aboveのon themはthe catalogue pagesにという意味だと思うのですが、最後にaboveがついているのがわかりません。 細かくなってしまいましたが、教えてください。お願いします。

  • わからない個所を教えてください。

    ‘Oh. I'll try to speak up. Yes –it says here that she wants to cover themes in your work, and she's listed a few. She wanted me to ask you if you can think these over and come up with some ideas –you know, why they feature, what significance they have for you, symbolism, all that. Then she'll talk to you and turn it all into some kind of stream-of-consciousness thing. I think –yes, she says she wants to run it along the bottom third of some of the catalogue pages, with the pictures and the notes on them above. Can you visualize that? Alex?' (↑前回の終わりの部分です) ‘Yes,’ I say. ‘It sounds fine.’ ‘OK. There are a few things on this list, but the main ones – do you have a pen?’ ‘I’ll remember,’ I say. ‘All right. First – intersections of form and surface. That’s a principal element, apparently. She also writes: transgressions of boundaries; crossing edges; intrusions of one form into another. Is this making sense to you?’ ‘Yes,’ I say, slowly. ‘Yes, I know what she means.’ ‘Thank God for that. Then we’ve got group-of-three motifs: groupings of forms in arrangements of three; similar forms repeated three times, ungrouped but within the same work; trilaterally symmetrical forms or forms divided into three.’ He pauses. ‘Are you sure you can remember all this?’ ‘You have to concentrate, Alex,’ my father is saying. ‘How can you remember things if you don’t concentrate?’ ‘I try,’ I say. ‘Well, try trying a bit harder.’ ****************************************** 「The Dandelion clock」からの英文です。 :主人公のAlexと知人と思われるMaxが電話で話している場面です。 transgressions of boundaries; crossing edges; intrusions of one form into another.ここはどういう感じのことを言っているのでしょうか? similar forms repeated three times, ungrouped but within the same work; trilaterally symmetrical forms or forms divided into threeの部分もよくわかりません。 Well, try trying a bit harder.とありますが、try a bit harderというのとどういう違いがあるのでしょうか? 教えてください。お願いします。

  • わからない箇所を教えてください。

    But I’ve seen that before: it’s the hairstyle she had when I first knew her. And she is five years older. But the physical changes are, when I isolate them, so slight, and I still see that she has changed a lot, and I don’t understand. (前回の終わりの部分です) We drag our cases up the staircase of the sixteenth-century palazzo hidden away in the backstreets near the Duomo and sign in. The proprietor glances approvingly at Anna and nods to me as he shows us to our room. Inside, she goes straight to the windows, opens them to let in the sound and light of the city afternoon. ‘Well, we got here,’ she says. ‘We did.’ She slings her cases on the bed and looks around. ‘Huge room. How can it be this big and still be so cheap?’ ‘It’s out of season,’ I say, shrugging. ‘And we have to eat out.’ ‘Suits me. God, I’m stiff. My feet are killing me.’ She’s kicking off her shoes as she speaks. ‘There’s time for a shower, isn’t there? You don’t want to rush off and do anything right away?’ ‘No. Fine by me.’ ‘Good. I’m going to soak myself. I feel all shrivelled up, like a prune.’ I make a face, and she laughs. ‘I do. It’s flying. I hate flying. Excellent – they’ve given us towels.’ She’s going round the room inspecting things. ‘And a writing-desk. That’s nice. I had the most awful flight. You should have seen who I had to sit next to.’ ****************************************** 主人公のAlexはartistで、展示会に備えるために、幼い頃過ごしたイタリアに戻ってきています。AnnaはAlexの幼なじみです。 How can it be this big and still be so cheap?'と聞いている個所ですが、‘It’s out of season,’「シーズンを外しているからだよ」(合っているでしょうか?)と答えているので、どうやってこの大きくてそんなに安い部屋が取れたの?みたいな感じの事を聞いているのでしょうか? stillは「その上」、という意味ですか? ‘No. Fine by me.’はどうやって意味をとるのでしょうか?Noと言っているのはAnnaのセリフを受けて、何もしたくないよ、と答えていると思うのですが。Fine by meがわかりません。 ‘Good. I’m going to soak myself. I feel all shrivelled up, like a prune.’ I make a face, and she laughs.で、彼女が笑ったのは、Alexが顔を作ったからですか?I make a faceはどのように意味をとるのでしょうか? I hate flying. Excellent – they’ve given us towelsこの流れがわかりません。飛ぶことは嫌いだ、と言っていてExcellent素晴らしい?they’ve given us towelsのtheyは誰を指しているのでしょうか?? たくさんの質問ですみません。 教えてください。お願いします。

  • わからない箇所を教えてください。

    I actually make myself shake my head and smile ruefully, as if someone might be watching me and checking my reaction – is he her lover or her friend? – and I have to be seen to do the right thing. But it is difficult to get her out of my head.(前回の終わりの部分です) She has changed a lot in the five years since I last saw her. I see it the moment I catch sight of her in the airport in Pisa – a difference about her I would never have guessed at. It’s the same when we embrace: something that has altered, something I can feel for the short time I’m holding her, before she pulls away and grins and we start to talk. I keep looking. I can’t help it. Even on the train I keep stealing glances at her, hoping she won’t realize. And I keep trying to find what the things are that have changed; and I keep failing. She has her hair shorter now, to the nape of her neck rather than to her shoulders. But I’ve seen that before: it’s the hairstyle she had when I first knew her. And she is five years older. But the physical changes are, when I isolate them, so slight, and I still see that she has changed a lot, and I don’t understand. ****************************************** 主人公のAlexはartistで、展示会に備えるために、幼い頃過ごしたイタリアに戻ってきています。She(Anna)はAlexの幼なじみです。 I see it the moment I catch sight of her in the airport in Pisaのitは彼女が変わってしまったことですか? a difference about her I would never have guessed at.彼女が変わってしまうなんて思いもしなかった、みたいな意味でしょうか? It’s the same when we embrace: something that has altered, something I can feel for the short time I’m holding her, before she pulls away and grins and we start to talk.が全体的によくわからないのですが、 It’s the same when we embrace私たちが抱合う時は同じです?(意味がよくわかりません) :のマークがついていてsomething~と繰り返されているのが読み取れません。 before she pulls away and grins and we start to talk.彼女が身を引き離し、歯を見せて笑い、そして私たちが話し始める前に、ですか?(このbefore以下の内容がなぜsomething that has altered, something I can feel for the short time I’m holding her,の後に必要なのかがよくわかりません。) But the physical changes are, when I isolate them, so slight, and I still see that she has changed a lot, and I don't understand.のwhen I isolate themのthemはthe physical changes のことだと思うのですが、それらを分離する(isolate)、とはどういうことなのでしょうか? たくさんになってしまいましたが教えてください。お願いします。

  • わからない個所を教えてください。

    He looks at once wary, but almost as quickly the wariness vanishes and is replaced by curiosity. He glances towards the house, once, then runs across the garden until he’s standing below me. (前回の終わりの部分です) ‘Hello,’ he says. ‘Who’re you?’ A quick flood of warmth comes with the words: he speaks like Lena – Italian. ‘I’m Alex,’ I say. ‘Hello.’ ‘I’m Jamie. Pleased to meet you,’ he adds, formally. Then he says, ‘How did you get up there?’ ‘It’s not as high this side.’ ‘What’s back there?’ ‘Rocks,’ I say. ‘And lizards.’ ‘Really?’ I can see him looking at the wall, which must be almost hidden from him by bushes and flowers, looking for a way up. ‘My garden has a tree,’ I explain. ‘You climb that, then you climb the wall.’ ‘There’s nothing here,’ he says, sounding frustrated. Then, ‘Wait – I know.’ He looks up at me again. ‘You’ll stay there?’ ‘OK.’ ‘Won’t be long.’ He turns and runs away across the lawn to the side of the house, and disappears from sight there. I cling on where I am, wondering what he is going to do. It is like a puzzle, like one of the ones my father gives me to stimulate my mind. ****************************************** 主人公のAlexはartistで、展示会に備えるために、幼い頃過ごしたイタリアに戻ってきています。(この英文は子供時代の回想シーンだと思われます) A quick flood of warmth comes with the wordsとはどういう感じなのでしょうか?言葉と一緒に暖かさのすばやい洪水がやってくる?? ‘How did you get up there?' ‘It's not as high this side.' ‘What's back there?' ‘Rocks,' I say. ‘And lizards.' のやりとりがちょっとよく理解できているかわからないのですが。 「きみはどうやってそこへ登って来たの?」 「こっちの側のように高くないんだ」 「そこの後ろに何があるの?」 「岩だよ」僕は言う。「それからとかげ」 こんな感じですか?? It is like a puzzle, like one of the ones my father gives me to stimulate my mind.とあるのですが、Itが指すものは何になるのでしょうか?I cling on where I am, wondering what he is going to do.(自分がいる場所にしがみついて、彼が何をするつもりでいるのかと不思議がっていること)ですか? 教えてください。お願いします。

  • わからない個所を教えてください。

    ‘Are you sure you can remember all this?’ ‘You have to concentrate, Alex,’ my father is saying. ‘How can you remember things if you don’t concentrate?’ ‘I try,’ I say. ‘Well, try trying a bit harder.’(前回の終わりの部分です) ‘Alex?' ‘I'll remember,' I say again. ‘Well, it doesn't matter if you don't. I can give you a copy on Thursday. Did you know there were trilaterally symmetrical forms in your paintings?' I can tell he's joking. ‘Yes,' I say. ‘Fruit segments, sometimes. Some other stuff.' ‘Really? I didn't know that. Well well. And last of all – there are others, like I said, but these are the ones she's keenest to get you to talk about –starbursts and seedheads; dandelions particularly, apparently, and motifs with the same shape-patterns as dandelion seedheads. So. Think you can come up with something for her?' *【In my head there is a ghost of a voice: my voice, lodged somewhere out of sight in a different time. It's still a crap joke, Jamie, I hear myself saying; and a moment later, there is the ghost of Jamie's voice also: All the best ones are.】 I say, ‘I'll try.' ****************************************** 「The Dandelion clock」からの英文です。 :主人公のAlexと知人と思われるMaxが電話で話している場面です。 *【】の個所は、以前質問させていただいた部分です。 Well, it doesn't matter if you don't. のyou don'tのところは動詞が続いていないのですが、「君(Alex)が僕(Max)の言ったことを忘れないなら問題ないよ」という意味になるのでしょうか? I can give you a copy on Thursday. Did you know there were trilaterally symmetrical forms in your paintings?' I can tell he's joking. で、I can tell he's jokingと言っているのはどういうジョークをMaxが言っているのでしょうか?(どの部分がジョークと言えるようになっているのでしょうか?そもそもDid you know there were~と聞くこと自体がナンセンスみたいなことなのでしょうか?) Did you know there were trilaterally symmetrical forms in your paintings?' ‘Yes,' I say. ‘Fruit segments, sometimes. Some other stuff.' ‘Really? I didn't know that. Well well. And last of all – there are others,~ ここのやり取りの内容が掴めないのですが、三辺が対照的な形が果物の部分にある、という事をAlexが答えていて、本当に?それは知らなかった、とMaxが言っている感じみたいなのですが、ジョークをジョークで返した?ということなのでしょうか?? sometimesはときどき、たまには、という意味ですか? たまに、果物の部分に三辺が対照的な形があるよ、ということですか? Think you can come up with something for her?の個所は、本来はDo you think~なのでしょうか?Thinkが前に出て来ているのはなぜなのでしょうか?(命令形?) 意味は、「彼女に何かを示すことができると思う?」ということですか? たくさんの質問になってしまってすみません。 教えてください。

  • far-off charity

    I am able to afford to help her, and am so glad to be able to do this. I tell myself that I choose to support her instead of a far-off charity, although I contribute to organized charities, too. https://www.arcamax.com/healthandspirit/lifeadvice/askamy/s-2023435?fs far-off charityとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • わからない箇所を教えてください。

    The focus shifts and sharpens and sense and understanding happen. But most of that is still to come. I am six, and Jamie’s parents move into the house at the other end of the row from ours.(前回の終わりの部分です) The house at the end has been empty for a time. Next door to us live Signora Bartolomeo Cassi and Lucia. The signora is well into her eighties, my mother says, and Lucia doesn’t look all that much younger. Adults say that Lucia is the signora’s maid, that’s she’s been with her ever since she was a young woman of nineteen. The children of Altesa are not taken in, though, and know Lucia to be a witch, and they keep an eye open for her on Fridays, when she comes into town shopping. There is a sign to make to ward off her spells when she looks at you in a certain way. For the rest of the week, both she and the signora stay mostly out of sight. ****************************************** 主人公のAlexはartistで、展示会に備えるために、幼い頃過ごしたイタリアに戻ってきています。(この英文は回想シーンだと思われます) Adults say that Lucia is the signora’s maid, that’s she’s been with her ever since she was a young woman of nineteen. のthat'sのところが文法的にわかりません。どういう構造になっているのでしょうか? The children of Altesa are not taken in,のtake inの意味の取り方がわかりません。いろいろ意味があるようなのですが、騙すという意味ですか? Altesaの子供達は騙されないけれども? they keep an eye open for her on Fridaysで、わざわざan ayeと単数で表現している意味は何かあるのでしょうか?通常ならeyesになりそうなのですが。 There is a sign to make to ward off her spells when she looks at you in a certain way.を訳すと、彼女がある方法であなたを見るとき、彼女の呪文を寄せ付けないサインがあります、ですか?意味がよくとれません。 ここでのFor the rest of the week,とは、金曜日以外は、ということですか? 教えてください。お願いします。

  • わからない個所を教えてください

    There is a second door through to the bathroom, and from this comes the sound of water hissing on tiles, sometimes constant, sometimes shifting its pitch. I realize after listening for a while that the changes must be Anna moving about under the flow, blocking it more and less from moment to moment with her body.(前回の終わりの部分です) The moment I realize this, I am imagining seeing her: the water on her skin, her head back, hair drenched and clinging, the slenderness of her neck and body. It is as if the wall has dissolved for a second and I can see through it. I feel something clench in the pit of my stomach at the sight of her, and then I force the image from my mind. I actually make myself shake my head and smile ruefully, as if someone might be watching me and checking my reaction – is he her lover or her friend? – and I have to be seen to do the right thing. But it is difficult to get her out of my head. ****************************************** 主人公のAlexはartistで、展示会に備えるために、幼い頃過ごしたイタリアに戻ってきています。文中のherは、Alexの幼なじみの女性(Anna)を指しています。 I feel something clench in the pit of my stomach at the sight of her, and then I force the image from my mind.の I force the image from my mind.についてですが、the imageはsomething clench in the pit of my stomach (何かがみぞおちで固まる、というイメージ)で、forceはそのイメージを心から出す、ということですか? 最後の方の、I have to be seen to do the right thing.私は正しい事をすることを見られる必要がある、ですか?もう少し意訳するとどうなるでしょうか? But it is difficult to get her out of my head.私の頭の外へ彼女を得ることは難しい?彼女を頭の中から取り出せない、みたいな感じですか?(彼女のことを考えたくないのに、考えてしまう、みたいな感じでしょうか?) 教えてください。お願いします。