
  • 父親の特徴や性格、生活態度について詳しく説明されています。
  • 父親は体力に溢れた元気な人であり、女性にも好かれる一方で、お金に対する道徳的な欠陥も持っていました。
  • 父親は子供たちに良い手本を示そうと努力していましたが、自身はその理想を実践することなく、他人からの恩恵を受ける一方で自分自身は与えないという面もありました。
  • ベストアンサー


父親の特徴が書いてあります。 日本語訳をしていただければ助かります! 宜しくお願いします。 His father was a healthy lusty person, with a lot of physical vitality. Big in stature and with a lot of muscular strength and energy. A man with a long face and hollow eyes, brown hair. There was a stiffness in his demeanor and body and a formality in his manner.. Well liked by women and apt to go wrong in life. A man of meager fortunes who was greedy and lazy with a moral decay when it came to money. A conceited hypocrite, with an authoritative manner. who tried to set his children a good example by the way he lived his life, and enforced his good manners and standards on them, which would have been ok, had he lived up to these in his own life. But he always open to receiving benefits from others, but giving non of his own. Wanting distinction in life. In his past there may have been a murder close to him. Or some kind of blood bath through which he passed. He had an untidy but comfortable room with open books. Liked mental pursuits and learning. May have dabbled in writing, been interested in astronomy, or astrology and history literature and antiquities. His children may have only seen the best side of him, or the hardest. He made them behave, but he could be generous and encouraging to them too. He had a good memory, and was superstitious. Neither the worst nor the best of fathers

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数3


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9728/12102)

以下のとおりお答えします。今回は、快調というほどではありませんが、難渋するほどでもありませんでした。しかし、内容的には何か唐突で不自然な印象を抱いたところもありました。 >His father was a healthy lusty person, with a lot of physical vitality. Big in stature and with a lot of muscular strength and energy. A man with a long face and hollow eyes, brown hair. There was a stiffness in his demeanor and body and a formality in his manner.. Well liked by women and apt to go wrong in life. A man of meager fortunes who was greedy and lazy with a moral decay when it came to money. ⇒彼の父親は、肉体的活力に満ちた、健康で頑健な人であった。長頭とくぼんだ目(眼窩)、茶色の毛髪を持つ人であった。彼の物腰と体型にはある種の堅さがあり、行儀・態度には形式的な面があった…。よく女性に好かれて、身を持ち崩す傾向があった。お金のことになると、道徳的な腐敗によって欲張りで怠惰になったために、財産をケチるところのある人でした。 >A conceited hypocrite, with an authoritative manner. who tried to set his children a good example by the way he lived his life, and enforced his good manners and standards on them, which would have been ok, had he lived up to these in his own life. But he always open to receiving benefits from others, but giving non (→none) of his own. Wanting distinction in life. In his past there may have been a murder close to him. Or some kind of blood bath through which he passed. ⇒権威的な態度のうぬぼれ偽善者で、自分の過ごしてきた人生を模範として子供に押しつけようとしました。自分の人生においてなら良しとされたであろうような、良い行儀の標準を彼らに強制したのです。しかし彼は、いつも、他人から利益を受け取るように手を広げていましたが、彼自身のものは何も与えませんでした。欲望優先の人生。彼の過去では、身近に殺人があったかもしれません。あるいは、血なまぐさいことを経験したかもしれません。 >He had an untidy but comfortable room with open books. Liked mental pursuits and learning. May have dabbled in writing, been interested in astronomy, or astrology and history literature and antiquities. His children may have only seen the best side of him, or the hardest. He made them behave, but he could be generous and encouraging to them too. He had a good memory, and was superstitious. Neither the worst nor the best of fathers ⇒彼は、開きっぱなしの本でだらしないけれども、快適な部屋を持っていました。精神的な探求や学習が好きでした。天文学、占星術、歴史文学、および古代遺跡に興味があって、(その関係の)物書きに手を出したことがあるかもしれません。彼の子供は、彼の中で最もよい面だけを見たかもしれませんし、最も厳しい面だけを見たかもしれません。彼は子供たちに行儀よくすることを強いましたが、寛大になって、彼らを元気づけるようなこともあったかもしれません。彼は、物覚えがよく、迷信的でした。(数ある)父親のうち、最悪でも最善でもありませんでした。



翻訳ありがとうございました! 読んでみてなんだかすごいお父様ですね… 人としてちょっと考えてしまいますが、ある意味欲望に忠実なのかもしれませんね。いやあ、でもちょっとです(笑)

その他の回答 (1)


彼の父親は健康で活力があり、 (stature 身長) たくましく、長い顔とくぼんだ眼、 褐色の髪をした男性です。 尽くす女性は好きですが頑固なため、 生活するのはむずかしいです。 硬い体と同じように頑固で お金のことになると道徳観を失います。 自分の基準でしか見れない男性です。 自分自信の願望より人生の区別をつけるために 子どもを持ちました。 >In his past there may have been a murder close to him. (この部分は訳さないでおきます) >May have dabbled in writing, been interested in astronomy, 血筋、過去に遭遇した可能性があり、 利益を受けることには寛容ですが 二代欲求を満たすために天文学、占星術、 歴史文学や古美術に興味を持っているかもしれません。 子どもたちは(父親の)いい側面しか 見てません。影響力のある父親は 最悪または最良の父親でもあります。 (適当に意訳) あとで直してもらってください。


  • 長文ですがどなたか翻訳をお願いします。

    翻訳できる方がいらっしゃいましたらよろしくお願いします。 The school he went to was dictatorial and wealthy. It was an elaborate artistic building. Possibly one that was founded by a Princess or named after a Princess and bore her image, or arms, or monument and dedication in the building. It was not a school that will appear in the annals of history though, or ever be famous, nothing special. But it was well thought of in the local community and a school to aspire towards there. So I suppose you could say he had a good schooling in that respect. A school that may have had a traditional outlook. In his schooldays he gained physical health and strength. Though his in his early years he was not so strong. As a pupil he has a good memory, but was introspective, and held himself back not always doing the best he could have done in his lessons. His family would have helped him as much as they could at school, and to get a good education. but he may later have forgotten the help he owes to them. He would have had musical or singing ability; good at history, gambling. politics, figures and sports. Town planning and technical drawing. Once he adapted to the school he got well with the other children and way of life. At school he was an achiever, who adapted to change, and began to find a little of his adult charisma and ability to succeed, so was bound eventually to get on at whatever he chose to do. He also became proficient there in making excuses and telling lies to extricate himself from difficult or punishing situations.

  • 翻訳希望

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたに。 お願いできますでしょうか? ご指摘大歓迎です。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 He is good with children and animals, he can take charge of them and has a particular understanding of them. He can amuse and entertain children, and becomes more extrovert and dramatic when playing with them or talking to them. He will exaggerate and put on a show. He will be a happy and generous father or uncle to any children he has. Though they may not see him as he is, just the act he puts on for them. In the past your partner would have had romances in his life, that will have seemed to set his soul on fire. But you will be his most important, his greatest and deepest love of all time. He will feel proud to be with you.

  • 英文の翻訳

    和訳をしていただけるかたのみで、 お願いできますでしょうか? 1つの段落の前半部分となります。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 His father was a man who was Tall, and moderately fat with large eyes and black hair and a long banana or crescent moon shaped face. A proud looking man. He had trouble with one of his knees and his leg was a bit weak or crooked. He had a hospitable and generous nature. He tried to mould the minds of his children into the right direction in life. Married late in life to a woman of superior position and his past was not so good. He could be melancholic and liked to study or read in the silence of his own chamber with a lamp, which his children were not welcome to disrupt. He was stricter and sharp with the children when they were small. but, gentler when they were older and behaved better. He could be merry, eat drink and have fun and include the children. He felt happy amongst his family and children. He was intuitive and had a spiritual side.

  • 長文ですがどなたか翻訳をお願いします。

    下記の文章を長文ですが翻訳を宜しくお願いします! He is honest and tries to keeps promises but he also evades a lot of issues in life. He has a solid sterling good character. He is imaginative and gentle, idealistic and wishes no one any harm or ill. He is creative impressionable, there is refinement that likes poetry and good art and music a cultured person whatever his social class, he will reach beyond the confines of the material, and the mentality of the people around him, into the creative and into the spiritual. He cares deeply about things and he is in tune with the modern day and the problems of the world society and people around him. The trends of life, he is forwards looking, an advanced soul really. He is difficult to know, and to understand. But he is good at understanding others, can seem to sense what your thinking and feeling. Underneath he may lack confidence in himself. Or may have suffered a lot in the past and it has left its mark. He is never fully appreciated, as he keeps his talents and good points in the background, modest, often taken for granted or disregarded by others, one on the sidelines of life, uninvited into the popular mainstream. Unassuming, but inclined to worry too much over trifles. Over anxious likes to get things right, or avoid peoples fault finding and disparagements. He is easily ruled or influenced by those he cares about they seem to have an inordinate power to restrict him without trying. A person who will make self unasked for sacrifices for those he loves, often unappreciated; or will at least feel that he has done so He may also feel tied to them or by circumstance, duty or guilt, a person who has difficulty in feeling free in life.. He is tied by so many things.

  • 翻訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで。 お願いできますでしょうか? 1段落の後半部分になりますので、 内容が中途半端だと思いますが、 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Another had a heap of earth or stones that he used to scramble up. He would have done well, as a child and had good educational opportunities in life and a sharp intellect. He gained a position of honor at school. His relationship with his brothers and sisters was fairly good. He was good at literary things, and sailing or boat building. His school memories will include hard work and frugality, but through both he reached his desired goals and happiness

  • 翻訳をお願いできますでしょうか?

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたに。 お願いできますでしょうか? 1文節の前半となりますので、内容が途中で切れてると思います。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 People change immensely with time, the journey from infancy to old age is a long one. I have spoken of his childhood and what he will look like at the time of meeting. In his adolescent years the chart shows your soul mate would have looked thin gawky and intellectual. With a shy downward glance. He would have suffered mildly with his ankles or shins, his back. He was modest and quiet engaged in thoughts and studys and interests of the mind, healthier or hardier than he looked. Not discontented but anxious to break away from the limitations of his life.

  • 長文ですがどなたか翻訳をお願いします。

    長文ですがどなたか訳していただける方宜しくお願いします(*'ω'*) His early years were in a simple but homely background. His parents were poor but provided for him. Giving their children things they could not afford for themselves. He was an infant who cried all the time, tearful, dirty faced, lonely and shy and sniveling child. Didn’t mix well with other children, puny, pale and lacking in stamina in body, and not outgoing in character. A large sweaty head, delicate but poor unhealthy looking skin, like one who spent too much time cooped up indoors, playing indoor games or scribbling, amusing himself in solitary things and clinging to his family. Markedly mature for his age polite in company, a child who was seen and not heard and not inclined to canter round in front of guests. But afraid of the world outside, or over protected, restricted kept prisoner by his mother and family and lead a sheltered sad restricted life. Not a child at all. No spontaneity, or naughtiness and not happy within himself. Nervous and clumsy when scolded, or from excitement. Would make verses, draw paint. Would say things, but quickly became introverted when spoken to harshly. He was in some way unusual, gifted or considered odd and crazy. He would have grown to resemble one of his parents so much that it was remarked on. He was this parents image. He was a gentle child. Afraid to go into a dark room, afraid of ghosts and the supernatural. A superstitious child. Yet there is an element of misery and unhappiness and inequality or injustice his childhood years that he still suffers from and it is not explained. He lacked a sense of self worth. He was born a weak child, slow to talk and walk in infancy. He had no serious illness in childhood, but was not robust. Fevers and trouble with the feet.

  • 長文ですがどなたか翻訳をお願いします。

    どんな母親かがかいてあります。 長文ですがよろしくお願いします(#^^#) His mother was a sturdy squat short dumpy woman with thick shoulders, crow black hair, and bright glossy black eyes like little currents in her face. She had a clear brown and ruddy complexion. She was intellectual in her way but stormy, angry and not very diplomatic. Though she improved as she got older. She liked jewelry and had something with blue or green precious stones in it, a valuable and beautiful piece she often wore, sapphire and emerald probably. Liked money and valuables. She usually spoke the truth however brutally, and valued truth and straight forwardness in her children and others. She was interested in the mysterious and in fortune telling. Witty, hasty rash, superstitious, a free spirit, aiming at all things, undertaking anything that took her fancy. Bright sparkling lively, a good and interesting talker, full of chatter. She lived a double life. Your future partner probably only saw the mother and housewife side of her and missed much of her true character and life as children often do His mother was bright when a young woman she was like a flame, who attracted others. He had a happy childhood home, and lived in the world of a child, there were no attempts from his mother to make him assume an adult role, or to detract from the carefree wonders of childhood. His parents burdens adult life and hidden worries never intruded or spilled over. One of the childhood memories that may have stuck in his mind was of a house being re roofed. Someone in his household may have worked as a roof builder, or maybe the roof became dangerous. His mother was generous to her children

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    翻訳を宜しくお願いします。 He has the ability to rise from the ashes of the past and makes use of the hard times in the strength of his character. He is loyal and faithfulness. H is capable of great devotion, whether it is to love, or to some enduring interest, cause, faith or lifework. He has the subconscious desire to build up in his life the things he feels were missing in his childhood. Thus if he had a poor childhood and a grim home, he will build wealth and luxury into his house. If he was lonely, he will seek to populate his life with acquaintances and call them friends. This, underlying desire to have what he never had in childhood and this will dictate many of his unconscious motives though he cannot see it. He is intuitive, with a need to express his feelings to someone special. If he allows his intuition to guide him he can do well. Works best under stress, or demand, when he doesn’t have time to think or plan, as his impulsive and quick intuitive decisions are better than his carefully thought out ones. t H His weakness is he allows unrealistic dreams to blunt his perception of the reality he faces.

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    翻訳をお願いできますか? むずかしくてさっぱりです・・。 I think you have known him in a past life but not many details show. His Luna node conjuncts your Jupiter in the eleventh house. This suggests that he was a teacher, or possibly a priest. The leader of a group. Someone who wanted to help humanity, to make the world a better fairer more equal place. He wanted to bring change by educating or enlightening people. He wanted to harness the collective power of people in the community to do good. May have worked in social reform for several recent lives, but the fist connection was in an older life when he was a kind of Priest figure, Guru figure. You were his equal, but more behind the scenes. You both undertook a karmic task together to make the world a better place in some way. You were both too far ahead of the times, But you may both have suffered at the hands of society, who were not ready for the changes you wanted to make. The relationship was because of the karmic task, but you were also friends,, and became lovers, you spent some time apart, but took great risks to see each other, the love relationship was illicit or legal, or difficult. it became a dangerous liaison. There is a mercury ion the midpoint between this aspect and the house of death and reincarnation. It suggest that an intercepted message, letter, note, betrayed the relationship, and may have indirectly resulted in the death or imprisonment of one of you.