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Fierce Counterattacks and Advancement: Battle Summary

  • The Eastern Attack faced strong counterattacks, extending eastwards. The Imperial Mounted Division held the front and faced a large Ottoman force supported by artillery.
  • The 3rd and 4th Light Horse Brigades were pushed back but were reinforced by the 6th Mounted Brigade. The Ottoman counterattack was held, and no further ground was lost.
  • While the Anzac Mounted Division moved for reinforcement, the 1st Light Horse Brigade made a dismounted attack. They advanced and faced a hostile force counterattacking from Hareira.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10024/12548)

>The strong counterattacks suffered by Eastern Attack extended eastwards and, at 14:00, a large Ottoman force supported by artillery was attacking along the whole front held by the Imperial Mounted Division. The 3rd and 4th Light Horse Brigades were pushed back some distance, suffering numerous casualties, while the 6th Mounted Brigade in reserve was sent to reinforce the line. ⇒14時、東へ伸びた東部軍団攻撃隊が、帝国騎馬師団の占拠する全前線に沿って、砲兵隊に支えられるオスマントルコ大軍団による攻撃を喫していた。第3、第4軽騎馬旅団は、多数の犠牲者を被ってある程度の距離を押し戻された。一方、予備隊だまりに控えていた第6騎馬旅団が、戦線を補強するために派遣された。 >One regiment filled a gap which had developed between the 3rd and 4th Light Horse Brigades, while two regiments reinforced the 5th Mounted Brigade, supported by fire from the 263rd Brigade RFA*. Together they held the Ottoman counterattack and no further ground was lost before nightfall put an end to the fighting. ⇒1個連隊が、第3、第4軽騎馬旅団の間に広がった隙間を埋める一方、2個連隊がRFA*の第263旅団の砲火に支援される第5騎馬旅団を補強した。それとともに、彼らはオスマントルコ軍の反撃を抑えたので、夕暮れによって戦いが中止される前にさらなる地面が失われることはなかった。 *RFA:「王立野戦砲兵隊」(Royal Field Artillery)。 >While the 22nd Mounted Brigade (Anzac Mounted Division) in reserve moved to Tel el Fara on the Wadi Ghuzzee, 4 miles (6.4 km) south of Hiseia, to cover the right of the Imperial Mounted Division and guard engineers developing water wells in the area, the 1st Light Horse Brigade was ordered to make a dismounted attack towards Hareira on the extreme right of the battle line. ⇒予備軍として控えていた第22騎馬旅団(アンザック騎馬師団)が、ワジ・グゼー内をヒセイアの南4マイル(6.4キロ)にあるテル・エル・ファラ方面へ動かされて、帝国騎馬師団の右翼を掩護し、地域で水井戸を開発する工兵を守る間に、第1軽騎馬旅団は、戦線右翼端のハレイラ方面へ下馬攻撃するよう命令された。 >Before noon, the 1st Light Horse Brigade had advanced to occupy Baiket es Sana. In the afternoon, while the Ottoman counterattacked the Eastern Force and the Imperial Mounted Division, on their left a hostile force marched out from Hareira to counterattack the 1st Light Horse Brigade. The light horsemen were also attacked on their flank by a regiment of the Ottoman 3rd Cavalry Division from Tel esh Sheria. They advanced to the attack between the Wadis esh Sheria and Imleih. ⇒第1軽騎馬旅団は、正午前に、バイケット・エス・サナを占拠するために進軍した。午後、オスマントルコ軍が東部軍団攻撃隊と帝国騎馬師団に反撃する間、敵軍の1個軍団が彼らの左翼側ハレイラから進軍してきて第1軽騎馬旅団に反撃した。軽騎兵らはまた、テル・エッシュ・シャリアからのオスマントルコ軍第3騎兵隊による側面攻撃を受けた。彼らは、ワジ・エッシュ・シャリアとイムレイフの間を進軍し、攻撃してきたのであった。



