• ベストアンサー
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  • 1918年に創設されたドイツのクライアント州、リトアニア王国。
  • 1917年に創設されたドイツのクライアント州、モルダビア民主共和国。
  • ドイツと関連する中央同盟国によって結成された北カフカーズの山岳共和国。


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9822/12245)

>Lithuania (Kingdom of Lithuania) >The Kingdom of Lithuania was a client state of Germany created in 1918. ⇒リトアニア(リトアニア王国) ⇒リトアニア王国は、1918年に創られた、ドイツの従属国であった。 >Moldavia (Moldavian Democratic Republic) >The Moldavian Democratic Republic was a client state of Germany created in 1917. ⇒モルダビア(モルダビア民主共和国) ⇒モルダビア民主共和国は、1917年に創られた、ドイツの従属国であった。 >Northern Caucasus (Mountainous Republic of the Northern Caucasus) >The Mountainous Republic of the Northern Caucasus was associated with the Central Powers. ⇒北コーカサス山脈(山岳地の北コーカサス共和国) ⇒山の多い北コーカサス共和国は、中央同盟国と連携していた。 >Poland (Kingdom of Poland) >The Kingdom of Poland was a client state of Germany created in 1916. This government was recognized by the emperors of Germany and Austria-Hungary in November 1916, and it adopted a constitution in 1917. ⇒ポーランド(ポーランド王国) ⇒ポーランド王国は、1916年に創られた、ドイツの従属国であった。この政府は1916年11月にドイツおよびオーストリア‐ハンガリーの皇帝によって認められ、1917年に(自前の)憲法を採用した。






  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The Crimean Regional Government was a client state of Germany created in 1918 Don (Don Republic) The Don Republic was closely associated with the German Empire and fought against the Bolsheviks. Finland (Kingdom of Finland) The Kingdom of Finland was a client state of Germany created in 1918 Georgia (Democratic Republic of Georgia) In 1918, the Democratic Republic of Georgia, facing Bolshevik revolution and opposition from the Georgian Mensheviks and nationalists, was occupied by the German Empire, which expelled the Bolsheviks and supported the Mensheviks. Kuban (Kuban People's Republic) The Kuban People's Republic was a client state of Germany created in 1918 Lithuania (Kingdom of Lithuania)

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    During 1917 and 1918, the Finns under Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim and Lithuanian nationalists fought Russia for a common cause. With the Bolshevik attack of late 1917, the General Secretariat of Ukraine sought military protection first from the Central Powers and later from the armed forces of the Entente. The Ottoman Empire also had its own allies in Azerbaijan and the Northern Caucasus. The three nations fought alongside each other under the Army of Islam in the Battle of Baku. German client states Belarus (Belarusian People's Republic) The Belarusian People's Republic was a client state of Germany created in 1918. Courland and Semigallia The Duchy of Courland and Semigallia was a client state of Germany created in 1918. Crim (Crimean Regional Government)

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    Ukraine (Ukrainian State) The Ukrainian State was a client state of Germany led by Pavlo Skoropadskyi, who overthrew the government of the Ukrainian People's Republic. United Baltic Duchy The United Baltic Duchy was a proposed client state of Germany created in 1918 Ottoman client states Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan Democratic Republic) In 1918, the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, facing Bolshevik revolution and opposition from the Muslim Musavat Party, was then occupied by the Ottoman Empire, which expelled the Bolsheviks while supporting the Musavat Party.

  • 日本語訳をお願い致します。

    In Central Europe Germany was to recognize the independence of Czechoslovakia and cede parts of the province of Upper Silesia. Germany had to recognize the independence of Poland and renounce "all rights and title over the territory". Portions of Upper Silesia were to be ceded to Poland, with the future of the rest of the province to be decided by plebiscite. The border would be fixed with regard to the vote and to the geographical and economic conditions of each locality. The province of Posen (now Poznań), which had come under Polish control during the Greater Poland Uprising, was also to be ceded to Poland. Pomerelia (Eastern Pomerania), on historical and ethnic grounds, was transferred to Poland so that the new state could have access to the sea and became known as the Polish Corridor. The sovereignty of part of southern East Prussia was to be decided via plebiscite while the East Prussian Soldau area, which was astride the rail line between Warsaw and Danzig, was transferred to Poland outright without plebiscite. An area of 51,800 square kilometres (20,000 square miles) was granted to Poland at the expense of Germany. Memel was to be ceded to the Allied and Associated powers, for disposal according to their wishes. Germany was to cede the city of Danzig and its hinterland, including the delta of the Vistula River on the Baltic Sea, for the League of Nations to establish the Free City of Danzig.Article 119 of the treaty required Germany to renounce sovereignty over former colonies and Article 22 converted the territories into League of Nations mandates under the control of Allied states. Togoland and German Kamerun (Cameroon) were transferred to France. Ruanda and Urundi were allocated to Belgium, whereas German South-West Africa went to South Africa and the United Kingdom obtained German East Africa. As compensation for the German invasion of Portuguese Africa, Portugal was granted the Kionga Triangle, a sliver of German East Africa in northern Mozambique. Article 156 of the treaty transferred German concessions in Shandong, China, to Japan, not to China. Japan was granted all German possessions in the Pacific north of the equator and those south of the equator went to Australia, except for German Samoa, which was taken by New Zealand.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    Emirate of Jabal Shammar The Emirate of Jabal Shammar fought in the Middle Eastern theatre. Dervish State The Dervish State was a rebel Somali state seeking independence of Somali territories. Dervish forces fought against Italian and British forces in Italian Somaliland and British Somaliland during World War I in the Somaliland Campaign. The Dervish State received support from Germany and the Ottoman Empire. South African Republic In opposition to the Union of South Africa, which had joined the war, Boer rebels founded the South African Republic in 1914 and engaged in the Maritz Rebellion. Germany assisted the rebels, and the rebels operated in and out of the German colony of German South-West Africa. The rebels were defeated by British imperial forces. Sultanate of Darfur The Sultanate of Darfur forces fought against British forces in Anglo-Egyptian Sudan during World War I in the Anglo-Egyptian Darfur Expedition.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The Zimmermann Telegram (or Zimmermann Note) was an internal diplomatic communication issued from the German Foreign Office in January 1917 that proposed a military alliance between Germany and Mexico in the event of the United States' entering World War I against Germany. The proposal was intercepted and decoded by British intelligence. Revelation of the contents enraged American public opinion, especially after the German Foreign Secretary Arthur Zimmermann publicly admitted the telegram was genuine on 3 March, and helped generate support for the United States declaration of war on Germany in April. The message came in the form of a coded telegram dispatched by the Foreign Secretary of the German Empire, Arthur Zimmermann, on 11 January 1917. The message was sent to the German ambassador to Mexico, Heinrich von Eckardt.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The Battle of Le Transloy was the last offensive of the Fourth Army of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) in the 1916 Battle of the Somme in France, during the First World War. The battle was fought in conjunction with attacks by the French Tenth and Sixth armies on the southern flank and the Reserve/5th Army on the northern flank, against Heeresgruppe Rupprecht (Field Marshal Rupprecht of Bavaria) created on 28 August, from the 1st and 2nd armies of the dissolved armeegruppe Gallwitz-Somme and the 6th and 7th armies.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    However, when it seemed that Germany was on the verge of victory, the Chancellor began to revise his statements. In his Septemberprogramm, Bethmann Hollweg called for Luxembourg to become a German federal state, and for that result to be forced upon the Luxembourgish people once Germany achieved victory over the Triple Entente. Given this promise, it came as a great relief to most Luxembourgers that the British and French halted the German advance at the Battle of the Marne in mid-September. The result for the combatant nations was trench warfare, but, for Luxembourg, it was the indefinite continuation of German occupation.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    It was the beginning of the end of the Ottoman Empire and it was the beginning of a Hashemite kingdom whose capital was Mecca. Gradually it expanded northward. This battle left deep scars on the Middle East. Arab states came under strong European influence. The Ottoman caliphate ended and Palestine came under British rule, leading to the eventual existence of the state of Israel. The Sharif of Mecca was himself deposed by the rival Ibn Saud and his dream of an Arabian state stretching from Yemen to Syria remained unrealized.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The Sykes–Picot Agreement /ˈsaɪks pi.ko/, officially known as the Asia Minor Agreement, was a secret agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the French Third Republic, with the assent of the Russian Empire, defining their proposed spheres of influence and control in Southwestern Asia should the Triple Entente succeed in defeating the Ottoman Empire during World War I. The negotiation of the treaty occurred between November 1915 and March 1916, the agreement was signed on 16 May 1916, and was exposed to the public in Izvestia and Pravda on 23 November 1917 and in the British Guardian on November 26, 1917. The Agreement is considered to have shaped the region, defining the borders of Iraq and Syria and leading to the current conflict between Israelis and Palestinians.

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