• 締切済み


Our bodies are made up of trillions of tiny cells, the building blocks of life as we know it. So the death of our cells would seem to be a harmful event. However, scientists have discovered that as many as 100,000 cells die in the human body every second as the result of a natural, carefully controlled process known as "apoptosis”. This term is taken from Greek words meaning "falling or dropping off," indicating that, just like the leaves that fall from trees every autumn, the controlled death, or suicide, of cells is an essential part of our life cycle. But how is apoptosis regulated? It has been determined that cells are prompted to undergo apoptosis in response to signals originating both outside and within the cell itself. For example, when cell becomes damaged in some way, the body sends out substances to the cell that instruct it to begin apoptosis. Alternatively, if a cell experiences certain types of stress, caused by either viruses or radiation, it may initiate changes in itself that cause it to enter the death process. However, a cell does not have to be damaged or stressed to be selectively eliminated. Extraordinary numbers of cells must die, simply to allow the human body to develop naturally. Consider the formation of your fingers.


  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10023/12546)

>Our bodies are made up of trillions of tiny cells, the building blocks of life as we know it. So the death of our cells would seem to be a harmful event. However, scientists have discovered that as many as 100,000 cells die in the human body every second as the result of a natural, carefully controlled process known as "apoptosis”. ⇒我々の体は、衆知のように、生命の素材である何兆個もの小さい細胞から成り立っています。ですから、我々の細胞の死は有害な出来事のように思われます。しかし、科学者は「アポトーシス」として知られている、慎重に制御された自然なプロセスの結果として、毎秒100,000個ほどの細胞が人体中で死ぬ、ということを発見しました。 >This term is taken from Greek words meaning "falling or dropping off," indicating that, just like the leaves that fall from trees every autumn, the controlled death, or suicide, of cells is an essential part of our life cycle. But how is apoptosis regulated? It has been determined that cells are prompted to undergo apoptosis in response to signals originating both outside and within the cell itself. For example, when cell becomes damaged in some way, the body sends out substances to the cell that instruct it to begin apoptosis. ⇒この術語は、「落ちる、または、外れて落ちる」という意味のギリシア語からとられています。そして、まるで秋ごとに木から落ちる葉のように、制御された細胞の死または自殺が、我々のライフサイクルの主要部分であることを示しています。しかし、アポトーシスはどのように管理されるのでしょうか? 細胞は、それ自体の内と外の両方で始まる信号に応じて、アポトーシスへの経過を誘発することが確定されます。例えば、細胞が何らかの方法で損傷を受けるとき、体はその細胞にアポトーシスを開始するよう指示する物質を送り出します。 >Alternatively, if a cell experiences certain types of stress, caused by either viruses or radiation, it may initiate changes in itself that cause it to enter the death process. However, a cell does not have to be damaged or stressed to be selectively eliminated. Extraordinary numbers of cells must die, simply to allow the human body to develop naturally. Consider the formation of your fingers. ⇒あるいは、細胞が、ウイルスや放射線のいずれからも起因するような特定の種類のストレスを経験すると、それが死のプロセスに入る原因となる変化を始めるのかもしれません。とはいえ、細胞が選択的に取り除かれるためには、必ずしも損傷やストレスを受ける必要はありません。単に、人体を自然に発達させるためだけに、驚異的な数の細胞が死ななければならないのです。あなたの指の形成* を考えてみてください。 *手や足の指は、最初全部つながっているが、指と指の間の細胞が死滅すること(=アポトーシス)によって1本1本の独立した指になる、という。



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